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    ~ Roxy

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New News Paper!

Today the Newspaper Issue #99 was released.  Here are the top stories.

  • Rockhopper’s boxes have been opened by two penguins, Rockhopper has planned a “fall Fair” from September 21 to October 1.  Cyclone999 said weeks ago he thought there would be a circus, now I am 95% of that idea!  Good detective work, Cyc999!
  • CP is holding a poll in the newspaper to re-name Ballistic Biscuit. More details below
  • The Featured Game is Bean Counters
  • The Newspaper talks about the new port catalog
  • Aunt Arctic answers Questions about ‘Puffle Play’ and ‘Numbers’
  • The secret of the week is in Jet Pack when you get no coins in the game you get a bonus 1,000 coins!
  • Jokes, Riddles, Poems, Comics

Upcoming Events

Sept. 7 >> Clothing Catalog

       -back to school fashion

Sept 12 >>Last day of poll

       -vote for Ballistic Biscuit’s new name

Sept 14 >>Rockhopper returns

      >>New pin hidden

Sept 21 >>Fall fair begins

Sept 28 >>New furniture catalog

         >>New pin hidden

Ballistic Biscuit’s New Name! =]

Here is a post from www.blog.clubpenguin.com

We Need Your Help!

Hello Penguins!

With the release of the wakeboards in Ballistic Biscuit, we decided it was time for a new name, but we need your help! Rather than come up with a name on our own, we decided to give you the choice! This Thursday we will open a poll on the website and in the newspaper to find a new name. Please look through the choices and let us know which one is your favorite!

In other news: A whole new season of fun is gearing up in Club Penguin! Friday’s clothing
catalog is just the start. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Until then… Waddle on!

– Club Penguin Team

Here are the options, found in the newspaper:-

1. Ballistic Boarder

2. Board Breaker

3. Water Yachter

4. Wake Caper

5. Hydrohopper

this is copyrighted from http://fylliper.wordpress.com/

-penquin jim

20 Responses

  1. yes first commet

  2. vot for board breaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. :-)Vote for Board Breaker!!!!!!:-)

  4. 🙂

  5. 🙂 Vote for Board Breaker!!!!!! 🙂

  6. Im number 3

    Im number 3

    Im number 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀


  8. Haha I quit the ACP!!! And I joined the UMA!!!!! HAHA

    P.S Vote for HYDRO HOPPER!!!!

  9. eww i hate those names only boys like em’ hello there are girls in the army too and eww!!!

  10. never mind i thought you were renaming the acp

  11. oagal i need u to help the CPUA (club penguin underground army) they r ur leaders and there leader is Diaa Lotfi and his site is http://didolotfi.wordpress.com ok she needs ur help

  12. im a girl and i like those names. VOTE FOR WAKE CAPER !!

  13. IM LEADING TONIGHT YAY!!!!!!!!! AND GO TO http://titans3.wordpress.com

  14. texas vs a


  16. […] September 6, 2007 New News Paper! […]

  17. Thanks for givin me credit 😉

    Chill out with the Cyclone 8)

  18. vote hydrohopper

  19. Hola!

    That was my post! Please say clearly it was by me, Fylliper.

    >>Fylliper =]

  20. Oagalthorp, you need to treat your friends right. Because your treating them like DIRT!

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