Comment Contest

Same as the last one. Here we will post comments. Whoever posts the most comments wins one rank-up or medal. If we break 1,000 comments by Sunday morning, there will be an AWSOME award for everyone.


P.S. PMA think they won. Lol! They use the same excuse as all the other immature armies “You guys left”. We won WAY before we left.


P.S.S. If we get 5,000 views in two days, the award will be WAY better.



Until later,

March on!

1,860 Responses

  1. You idot Its the rule of war if you leave first you win. You even said that before!
    Oagalthorp: There are extenuating circumstances. I either said that when I had a weak army, or I had never fought an army that acted like this. We had obviously won that battle, and you would know if you were there. Some armies never surrender in a vain attempt to win. When I lost against the UMA’s first ambush, I surrendered. These guys were outnumbered just like we were at that first UMA ambush. When in that situation, I surrendered. As we see the PMA in that situation, we can see that they are too stubborn to admit defeat.

  2. come on we want a prize dont we?start makin comments!

  3. comment

  4. comment2

  5. comment3

  6. comment4

  7. comment5

  8. comment6

  9. oagle icee wesy is on right now.

  10. sa

  11. sanadilquienboneb tioACPRULESnkasnbern

  12. ewnonrdddddborZIPPYnjsakvnISnjsdkvnjGAYsdbklnb

  13. nabbbgnifesabpoZeusnsdbnds;ISnasovnfSOOOOmasvdklgmCOOL

  14. coment11

  15. nPOIBSDFIIIINGINcomment12NASVNacpowns


  17. zippy is lame and the nachos are lamer

  18. zeu is another reson i hate acp. Oagle alot of you soldiers are jerks. You should realy tame them.

  19. hey zippy chop chop on that salsa

  20. haha atleats ppl know me

  21. everyone else LOVES zeus

  22. Zeus, If we become allies i hope you get fired for these comments.

  23. man im pretty good at making fun of nachos

  24. yes sir ill do as you ask

  25. wait as long as you give us salsa

  26. he never said how you do comments

  27. No your horrble. Almost as horrble as your face. Now one likes you. Your a nerd who makes out with posters of girls.

  28. as long as we get 1,000

  29. pma said you lost

  30. better than making out with posters of guys

  31. Youll get fired on the way. LOL.

  32. like zippy cough cough

  33. okay hey im makin comments its my duty

  34. Yay thats what you do in your spare time.

  35. baby im in it to win it

  36. yep my duty to serve acp

  37. Keep talkin if we become allies youll be fired.

  38. im a pro.

  39. well were not allies now so sorry bout ur luck

  40. pal.

  41. but if you HATE acp then youll be fired

  42. gimme my salsa

  43. yeah he walked off

  44. typical nacho runnin away from mighty acp

  45. Go shove some salsa up your butt. And oagle askedus bto be allies so if our leader says yes then youll be fired.

  46. oagal sir im jus doing my duty

  47. then ill stop. but til then, ZIPPY IS LAME

  48. wait no… he’ll always be LAME

  49. Tell him that when your kicked out of the acp. And I will be laughing so hard that day.

  50. hey this salsa up my butt thing… it fells pretty nice actually

  51. okay…but nachos arent much of an allie cuz your salsa sucks

  52. Your a homo. I am out of here before you try to rape me.

  53. i meannnnn, its cardboard whos your leader anyway?

  54. okay your smart

  55. whoa man…never raped a nacho before…. 😮

  56. :0

  57. thats nasty

  58. eww well oagal i am out: maybe you liked my attempt or maybe your annoyed..anyway it was my duty zippy is a freak

  59. 47 comments sir

  60. im bored so ill keep commenting

  61. the navy is it gonna be NCP? or ACP navy?

  62. i also think we could use a coast guard that would be cool

  63. and wars on small servers

  64. ACP aCP

  65. No anti-Nacho posts.

  66. acp rules!

  67. sorry sir i will stop sir

  68. no more anti nacho posts yes sir

  69. told ya zues :p

  70. comment 1 lolol

  71. too bad im not fired

  72. so s**k on that zippay buddy i know were bff’s

  73. 57 posts and i keep on bookin’ it i need to win this

  74. i meant q**k sorry zippy buddy

  75. man i really need a higher rank i work real hard

  76. man pma is real immature they need to step up and say they lost

  77. beccause i think we all see from that pic that ACP dominates

  78. ACP rocks just like oagalthorp 😉

  79. i cant wait for the navy its gonna be so c%l

  80. and the air force that sounds pretty cool too

  81. and maybe one day me and ctar can convince oagal to have wars on small servers…….i hope we cannn

  82. and i hope i win this comment thing it sounds pretty cool

  83. not being selfish or anything

  84. but i would love to win this

  85. hmmm… im talking to myself arent i?

  86. yep…you are zeus

  87. your weird zeus. but maybe youll win this comment thing

  88. this is my 72nd post i am insane

  89. wow i am crazy

  90. ~73~
    i am crazy but im aiming for 100

  91. maybe i will win

  92. oo someone else is here hello

  93. im gonna watch his movies after i hit 100

  94. thats a ways away though

  95. currently im at:
    ~79~ posts this thing is insane i call myself dedicated

  96. only 20 posts left until i reach my goal

  97. hmmm i might make it soon

  98. ~82~ who 18 left CRAZY

  99. hmmmm….. this shows how bored i am

  100. omg only 15 posts left i am sooooo borrd

  101. this is kinda fun actually. 🙂

  102. man i hope mammoth opens soon

  103. im at 88 posts 12 left

  104. i posted more in this hour than i have before total

  105. but i still hate zippy.

  106. but it wasnt an anti-taco post

  107. just anti-zippy any acp soldier can relate

  108. i meant nacho

  109. ~93~ posts 7 left

  110. acp is cool.

  111. very cool.

  112. but….theyre always on mammoth

  113. and mammoth is always full

  114. ~98~ posts only two. more

  115. ~99~ one more post!!

  116. 100 I HAVE REACHED 100 POSTS!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!100 100 100 100 100 100

  117. 101 F.Y.I.

  118. 118the comenetjoi n the ppa uh hu

  119. See me posting

  120. im posting

  121. this makes…….103? ye

  122. 104 yey yey

  123. 105 bay bay im in it to win it

  124. this is intresting, oagalthorp do u mind if i have a contest like this only with views?

  125. bla

  126. comment

  127. dfagnesvhduynrfhcsamuiehwgivmi0uohwervwuasjdkl (no comment)

  128. .com

  129. join rockhopper army

  130. can we swear

  131. abc 123

  132. abc

  133. well

  134. i really love

  135. chicken!

  136. well since i won the last one iam gonna give somone else a chance so iam not gonna win this one

  137. just

  138. kidding!!!!!!!!!!

  139. `

  140. ~

  141. 1

  142. !

  143. 2

  144. @

  145. 3

  146. #

  147. 4

  148. $

  149. 5

  150. %

  151. 6

  152. ^

  153. 7

  154. &

  155. 8

  156. *

  157. 9

  158. (

  159. )

  160. _

  161. =

  162. +

  163. q

  164. w

  165. e

  166. r

  167. t

  168. y

  169. ydiujfdiaj,0,s09

  170. u

  171. jndhsnbn

  172. i

  173. m

  174. o

  175. p

  176. q

  177. p

  178. stop trying to beat me

  179. ratuv

  180. [

  181. -.-‘

  182. {

  183. s

  184. ]

  185. h

  186. }

  187. \

  188. |

  189. a

  190. a

  191. s

  192. d

  193. f

  194. g

  195. h

  196. j

  197. k

  198. l

  199. ;

  200. :

  201. ill be back soon

  202. I

  203. L

  204. O

  205. z

  206. x

  207. c

  208. v

  209. b

  210. n

  211. m

  212. ,

  213. <

  214. .

  215. >

  216. /

  217. ?


  219. thats alot!

  220. iam gonna make a list of all the armies that i know in cp

  221. ACP

  222. CPC

  223. RPF

  224. PSA

  225. UMA

  226. Nachos

  227. Tacos

  228. CPAF

  229. Golds

  230. Romans

  231. Vikings

  232. CPNA

  233. FPN

  234. PMA

  235. CPB

  236. TCPA

  237. CPFD

  238. CPG

  239. GFCD

  240. MCPA

  241. CCPA

  242. UCPA

  243. JCPA

  244. AACP

  245. Green Ganstas

  246. DRB

  247. NFCP

  248. Aliens

  249. thats all for now

  250. acp won

  251. ;hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    my hamster typed that

  252. now….

  253. pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

    hamster again

  254. i buy on ebay

  255. no

  256. pie

  257. hi

  258. im not posting comments fast

  259. i said hi

  260. -_-

  261. go to my GVP site we are allys with acp here is our site 😀

  262. – _’

  263. hi

  264. my hamster typeded hes acp lol

  265. c

  266. a

  267. somone say hi back!

  268. m

  269. p

  270. f i r e song

  271. *sigh* no one said hi

  272. oh well!

  273. it will help it will help if u just sing along!!!

  274. i like choclate milk

  275. no choclate milk

  276. acp rocks acp toga toga acp

  277. wats a toga

  278. i have a ipod

  279. rock

  280. WATS A TOGA?

  281. iam so winning this

  282. join acp we have cookies

  283. ,.

  284. ///…

  285. ;

  286. the acp blog pages is

  287. i will sing goofy goobers theme song

  288. home

  289. acp chat

  290. im a kid u say u say im a kid i say say it again aint no way rock

  291. acp laws

  292. allies

  293. put your toys away u never gonna say wat u dont say anymore rock thank u anyway

  294. i.a.

  295. join acp

  296. guitar solo

  297. yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  298. meetings wars and events

  299. jim

  300. the spoon zeus something is winning

  301. oagal do you think you can get a widget telling about me?

  302. well go a head and try the kid inside will set u free

  303. tell me why i need another pet rock

  304. jim u so modest

  305. tell me why i bought that alpha alarm clock

  306. well….

  307. um its a rock

  308. tell me why i bet on shatners old toy plate

  309. i like pie

  310. i found it on ebay

  311. and pie

  312. hjdfyghdwfdkeyjrgfkahjbdf

  313. a++ they all say

  314. they love me on ebay

  315. dfjfhauifhjkhcadyfjvbjhgreuygfbygrvKAYGRFKAGFUYJKAGFDVHJKSAGDVKAYEGFJH

  316. fdjgfshjgdshbc vdsjfbvcdahjsfkdbag jbnjdnfdsfhdfkls

  317. um whos winning the contest me u or zeus?????????????????

  318. iam into nuggets yea iam into nuggets yea

  319. 8)

  320. iam winning this

  321. i like to do pie pie is good i hope it is rock

  322. no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  323. :@

  324. lets gamble at the slots

  325. iam gonna go on cp now

  326. yea we won yesterday wooo hooo 🙂

    texas vs a

  327. its on u not on me………….

  328. cya around

  329. texas hi

  330. yes jims leaving i mean bye

  331. watch me smack that

  332. all on the floor

  333. im a goofy gobber rock

  334. smack that

  335. were all goofy goobers rock

  336. and miss it more

  337. goffy goofy goofy goobers rock

  338. smack that til you get sore

  339. i do not like kell65

  340. smack that ohhh ohhhhhh

  341. i hate him *smashes nail with teeth*

  342. party like a rock

  343. whos winning i dont feel like counting lol

  344. party like a rock star

  345. wat rocks have the right to party too

  346. u know why we even doing this contest i would aim for 1000 hits in a day

  347. crabs are guilty creatures

  348. rocks cant move!!!!!!!!!

  349. i like spnning

  350. no 1fiddy is if he is a human

  351. tell me who winning lol

  352. i like watching fireworks

  353. i like pie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  354. i think that iam winning

  355. ii like the fair

  356. i like pie too!!!!!!!!!!

  357. i dont want to count because u will start posting comments

  358. i like the fair too!!!!

  359. wats pie?

  360. wats the fair????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  361. both u and i are like cheese

  362. wats cheese????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  363. swiss american or cheader jim

  364. from fosters hone for imanginary friends

  365. ahhh i forgot that episode remind me

  366. :-*

  367. american

  368. ahh american white yellow or green cheese or blue cheese?

  369. i like chacolate milk

  370. i like to move it move it

  371. i thought i said american

  372. i like to eat eat pie

  373. i like to move it!!!!

  374. ya but yellow gren blue or white color?

  375. i like chicken chicken i like chicken chicken

  376. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  377. i loaded 100%

  378. yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  379. Pepperoni Pizza is the best, Pepperoni Pizza is the best

  380. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yourself

  381. brb im checking how much comments there

  382. 388

  383. coments lol

  384. peperoni is the best it taste good on pizza

  385. yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  386. jim im winning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  387. boo ya ppl boo ya

  388. !@#$%^&*(_)_+

  389. im winning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  390. jim to bad im beating u

  391. i got bout 90

  392. i like to win
    i like to win

  393. i will win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  394. i will i shall i could i would

  395. oagal see that im beating jim

  396. 🙂

  397. i will win the 1 level up medal i will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  398. i will be higher than a private then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  399. i will and shall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  400. lucario98765 me is winning oagalthorp see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  401. i will top jim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! means i will beat him

  402. i may have not won the lucky voter but i will win this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  403. yes jim had a lead but now i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  404. i will win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  405. plz oagal can i win lol i will :LOL:

  406. ohhhhh rockhopper said the key be in his hat yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  407. yea wutever lol

  408. maybe jim is still winning 🙁

  409. im winning i think

  410. this is my thrird comment im on a role

  411. this is my 100 comment im on a roll

  412. idk maybe ill come back and win lol

  413. texas did u get the ghost yet?

  414. Hey Yuo all.

  415. ok nvm

  416. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  417. Tell me what you want

  418. no

  419. im winning i hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  420. to win this contest

  421. 🙁 lol i think ill get it today

  422. a

  423. oagalthorp is probly lost the pass lol

  424. b

  425. :sry:

  426. c

  427. lllljjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

  428. d

  429. :[

  430. e

  431. e

  432. f

  433. g

  434. g

  435. i

  436. yeah

  437. ahhh its messed up

  438. im winning hands down

  439. yay im not winning

  440. 😆

  441. wait thats bad 🙁

  442. lol

  443. 🙁

  444. 😆

  445. i will not win :'(

  446. jim or orca will

  447. im not winning ah

  448. lol not!!!!!!!!!!

  449. i like 2 eat pie

  450. me no by far

  451. i will win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  452. loll
    me too

  453. texas if we reach 1000 comments all of the ppl get a prize

  454. lets aim for that

  455. i like pizza

  456. 😆 in one day 😆

  457. ok

  458. i am running out of things 2 post

  459. i like hot dogs

  460. 1

  461. wuts ur favorite food?

  462. 2

  463. 2

  464. 3 lol

  465. i say 4 u say 5 we do it like that k

  466. 4

  467. 3

  468. 6

  469. 5

  470. umm 7 😆

  471. 6

  472. 8?

  473. 8

  474. 7?

  475. 10

  476. 9

  477. lol this will not work 12

  478. 13

  479. 11??????????????

  480. 15

  481. 14

  482. 17

  483. 51616???

  484. ill check how many comments

  485. 1111111111111111

  486. 492

  487. were r at almost 500 comments

  488. we r making it we are halve way

  489. 1111

  490. lol my fingers i need to take them to the ER

  491. 0987654321

  492. 546

  493. 500

  494. we reach 500 comments yay

  495. we will make every one win

  496. yay root beer floats gulp

  497. we will be well known making all acp win

  498. u there lucario???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  499. we will be like paintboy lol not that fameous

  500. yes

  501. yer zipper is down lol

  502. .lol.

  503. we started at 298 and made it here

  504. do u like pizza

  505. we will make it to 1000

  506. i do

  507. ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  508. wow

  509. yea we will

  510. hey wuts up penguinjim

  511. this is fun yet boring

  512. lucario i think your winning *sigh*

  513. this is our chat room lol

  514. hes here?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  515. 877777777777

  516. jim u left at 388 me and texas made it 2 500

  517. lol

  518. boo ya we will make all acp win by reaching 1000 comments

  519. is my ite and im proud of it lol

  520. we are half way there

  521. yeya

  522. wat happened 2 green texas?

  523. i am lol not

  524. ?

  525. idk hes having a going away party some time

  526. ill check how many comments again

  527. /????/

  528. 534

  529. 535

  530. 536

  531. 537

  532. 537!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  533. 539

  534. 541

  535. lol this is not alot of fun the award is. why green leaving?

  536. yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  537. ?why he was good acp?

  538. idk

  539. 1 rank up is the award. if we reach 1000 coments a better reward for all

  540. he might come back though like orca

  541. orca i bet planned it all along

  542. he never was gonna quit he just acted like it

  543. thats wat i think

  544. i like hot dogs lol

  545. sgjdbvsctnfszerjgayjncgwfhwgefbegrvo i dont know wat to comment

  546. i will comment something!!!!!!!!!!

  547. me either

  548. yea

  549. im am so not bored

  550. i will comment gdfucnrgtugfwaklecvff,wagfevkegfjwvdcgdfkcghfkaefvkc so texas hows the fjhgjsgbeiowqiecrncrfihrkv today?

  551. i like the contest

  552. 😆 the prize is good i hope

  553. ya it fun

  554. its good diufas bpfianvfoinvvjnfo wut bout u

  555. i dont like pie

  556. i hope the prize at 1000 comments i hope is 2 ranks up

  557. you are such a liar!
    omg we kicked ur dumb ACP asses!
    r u kidding me thats a load of shit PMA owned u!
    Everyone was so busy saying ogalthorp add me
    that we had an advantge oh and go to my site
    and see wat i put about u
    oooh youll be crying

  558. well here its ghyvnrefkhdfcnhuamevghynwfkdjckaybdnfayefkadcmhsflamydgmfbyeFDGOEWFCUYRQBVRFUNCYRGQCWNJRE

  559. we r at 563 comments


  561. hey PMA thnx for helping us lol