
Well today the new catalog came out, it is pretty cool.  There are 3 secrets, look: Red viking helemet

Open and close 4 times and the red viking helmet and a blue one will appear

Swim goggles

Blue cape

The new pin is in the dance longe and now the cave and the mine are flooded.

-Penquin Jim

19 Responses

  1. I like the fire fighter stuff in the catologe.

  2. ya me to plz email me oagalthorp!!!!!!

  3. me2! hey oagal and jim, can you both PLEASE PUT MY WEBSITE ON YOUR BKLOGROLL AND POST IT SAYING YOU DID PLZZ! I NEED PPL TO JOIN MY ARMY!!! MY WEBSITE IS wwwvcparmy.wordpress.com

  4. plz i beg u please, i put your site on MY BLOGROLL, SO DO THE SAME 4 ME PLZZ!!!!

  5. Oagalthorp I’m resigning from the ACP

  6. I can never be at the meetings. I’m going to start my own army, don’t take it personally it’s not that I didn’t enjoy being a ACP but you know. Maybe my army and your army could be allies. Goodbye ACP. I’ll still visit u guys though.

  7. No I change my mind after thinking it over it’s just best for me to stay with the ACP.

  8. NO GO

  9. Man, i wish the Red Guitar would’ve come out. I wanted it so bad!

    -Major Orcacam07

  10. Look Cikman let’s just call a truce. I’m sick of arguing with you. Truce?


  12. Hey Texas Vs A how com u wont be my buddy?

  13. Oh Yeah and same with u Fort57

  14. 🙁

  15. 😆

  16. 😳

  17. 🙄

  18. How in the hell do you close the door on the scuba tank after you opend it????

  19. not scuba tank, diving helmet

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