Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame

The following is a list of people that have made their mark on the Army of Club Penguin. Whether that by leading the army, being a dedicated soldier or an allied friend of the ACP.

The Army of Club Penguin Leaders

Bold Green indicated holder of the Medal of Honor
Underline indicated a CP Army Legend
  1. Oagalthorp: 1st Leader, Creator of the ACP
  2. Fort57: 2nd Leader of the ACP
  3. Dr Nono Jr: 3rd Leader of the ACP
  4. Rapidy: 3rd Leader of the ACP
  5. Kg 007: 4th Leader of the ACP
  6. Shaboomboom: 5th Leader of the ACP
  7. Boomer 20: 6th Leader of the ACP
  8. Saint1119: 7th Leader of the ACP
  9. Dryvit: 8th Leader of the ACP
  10. Meat: 9th Leader of the ACP
  11. Boomer 20: 10th Leader of the ACP
  12. Dryvit: 11th Leader of the ACP
  13. Saint1119: 12th Leader of the ACP
  14. Dr Nono Jr: 13th Leader of the ACP
  15. Shaboomboom: 14th Leader of the ACP
  16. Iasgae 56: 15th Leader of the ACP
  17. Shaboomboom: 16th Leader of the ACP
  18. Matre10: 17th Leader of the ACP
  19. Bobcatboy10: 18th Leader of the ACP
  20. Icey Cold27 (Mchappy): 19th Leader of the ACP
  21. Kenneth1000: 20th Leader of the ACP
  22. Flipper7706: 20th Leader of the ACP
  23. Slider568: 21st Leader of the ACP
  24. Icey Cold27 (Mchappy): 21st Leader of the ACP
  25. Kingfunks4: 22nd Leader of the ACP
  26. Ekpenguin9: 23rd Leader of the ACP
  27. Kingfunks4: 24th Leader of the ACP
  28. Antant98: 25th Leader of the ACP
  29. Swimmerboy01: 26th Leader of the ACP
  30. Icey Cold27 (Mchappy): 27th Leader of the ACP
  31. Capncook: 28th Leader of the ACP
  32. Pinkgirl3919: 28th Leader of the ACP
  33. Casiusbrutus: 29th Leader of the ACP
  34. Slimball2007 (Flipmoo): 30th Leader of the ACP
  35. Sercan 44444: 31st Leader of the ACP
  36. Jerry 4 Ever: 31st Leader of the ACP
  37. Purpleslime4: 32nd Leader of the ACP
  38. Mrtchy: 33rd Leader of the ACP
  39. Mikester: 34th Leader of the ACP
  40. Fluffyboy3: 35th Leader of the ACP
  41. Ahmed 7569: 35th Leader of the ACP
  42. Bam117: 36th Leader of the ACP
  43. Albaro Lord: 37th Leader of the ACP
  44. Sidie9: 37th Leader of the ACP
  45. Kenneth1000: 38th Leader of the ACP
  46. Trader: 39th Leader of the ACP
  47. Bam117: 40th Leader of the ACP
  48. Super Edwin: 41st Leader of the ACP
  49. King Mondo: 42nd Leader of the ACP
  50. Chainpro: 43rd Leader of the ACP
  51. Koloway: 44th Leader of the ACP
  52. CSY: 45th Leader of the ACP
  53. Kailey310: 45th Leader of the ACP
  54. Max: 46th Leader of the ACP
  55. Cubster: 46th Leader of the ACP
  56. FatChicken88: 47th Leader of the ACP
  57. Jesus1_4: 48th Leader of the ACP
  58. Calgocubs21: 49th Leader of the ACP
  59. AustinFraud: 50th Leader of the ACP
  60. Coolguy: 50th Leader of the ACP
  61. Ugly: 51st Leader of the ACP
  62. Roxy: 52nd Leader of the ACP
  63. Daniel20448: 53rd Leader of the ACP

Dedicated Officers of ACP

(For a list of past dedicated soldiers, click here)

Mchappy: 19th Leader of ACP, 21st Leader of the ACP, 27th Leader of the ACP, ACP Guardian Emeritus, ACPTR Leader, ACPTR Legend, DRACP President, Echo Leader, Echo Legend, ACPRC Legend, Bronze Medal Award, Medal of Honor (x2), Medal of Training, Silver Medal Award, CPA Legend, CPA Runner-Up Person of the Year 2024
Flipmoo/Slimball2007: 30th Leader of the ACP, ACP Guardian Emeritus, DRACP President, ACPRF Director, Medal of Honor, Bronze Medal Award, CPA Legend, CPA Person of the Year 2014
Shaboomboom: 5th, 14th and 16th Leader of the ACP, ACP Guardian Emeritus, DRACP President, SSACP Leader, Medal of Honor, Top Spy Award, CPA Legend
CSY: 45th Leader of the ACP, 50th ACPTR Director, Medal of Honor, Bronze Medal Award, Silver Medal Award, CPA Legend, CPA Runner-Up Person of the Year 2020
King Mondo: 42nd Leader of the ACP, ACPTR Co-leader, ACPRF Director
Koloway: 44th Leader of the ACP, 48th ACPTR Director, Bronze Medal Award, CPA Legend
Kailey310: 45th Leader of the ACP, Bronze Medal Award
Max: 46th Leader of the ACP, 51st ACPTR Director, Bronze Medal Award, Silver Medal Award, Medal of Training, CPA Legend
2funky3: ACP 2nd in Command, Bronze Medal Award, Silver Medal Award
Robot: ACP 2nd in Command, Bronze Medal Award
Nacho: ACP 4th in Command (2020-2021), ACP 3rd in Command (2023), 3rd Commander of Legión Española
Kailey133: ACP 2nd in Command, ACPRF Director, Bronze Medal Award
Daniel20448: ACP 2nd in Command, 52nd and 55th ACPTR Director, Bronze Medal Award, Medal of Training, 2nd Commander of Legión Española
Cubeoid: ACP 5th in command, Bronze Medal Award
Cubster: 46th Leader of the ACP, Bronze Medal Award, Silver Medal Award
Sanya: ACP 2nd in Command
ShadowSaint: ACP Moderator
HenryVI: ACP 5th in Command
Zellybelly: ACP 2nd in Command, ACPRF Director
Gugspugs: ACP 2nd in Command, ACPRF Director, Bronze Medal Award
Aurora: ACP 4th in Command
FatChicken88: 47th Leader of the ACP, Bronze Medal Award
Jesus1_4: 48th Leader of the ACP, Bronze Medal Award, CPA S/M Legend
Stevos: ACP 3rd in Command
Mads: ACP 3rd in Command, Bronze Medal Award
Calgocubs21: 49th Leader of the ACP, 53rd ACPTR Director, Medal of Honor, Bronze Medal Award, CPA Legend, CPA Person of the Year 2023
AustinFraud: 50th Leader of the ACP, Bronze Medal Award
50th Leader of the ACP, Bronze Medal Award, Silver Medal Award
StarryDanny: ACP Co-ordinator
Alemax: ACP 3rd in Command
AOL: ACP 3rd in Command
Chek: ACP 4th in Command
Snowy: ACP Co-ordinator, Bronze Medal Award
Alexkiki1: ACP Major, Bronze Medal Award
Ugly: 51st Leader of the ACP, Silver Medal Award, CPA Person of the Year 2024
Roxy: 52nd Leader of the ACP, 54th ACPTR Director, Silver Medal Award
Amelia: ACP 4th in Command, Bronze Medal Award
The Allies and Friends of ACP

(For a list of past allies and friends, click here)

Chaos leadership during May 2020: Coming to ACP’s aid in our greatest time of need in World War Rewritten. ACP’s brother ally.

Help Force leadership: Supporting ACP when it was at its lowest point in 2022 through helping us regain major army status and coming to ACP’s aid in World War IX despite multiple of their allies being on the opposing side. ACP’s brother ally.

Medal of Honor
There is one way in which the Medal of Honor can be awarded and one way ONLY! A dedicated committee will have a vote to decide if a proposed soldier should receive the MoH and if a majority is reached then that person receives the MoH.
The key for determining when the Medal of Honor is deserved is when someone goes above and beyond to help ACP in a time of crisis or at a time when it really mattered. For example, Mchappy was awarded a Medal of Honor for essentially taking charge and leading ACP during a time of need when the leader was not active, thus reaching the biggest battle sizes for an army ever. Oagalthorp also awarded Boomer one for taking over ACP and restoring its status as the #1 army in November 2008 when we were having a leadership conflict. The Medal of Honor is not to be awarded to just any leader upon their retirement unless it can be proved they went above and beyond or responded with great success at a time when a true leader was needed.
For a Commander in Chief to lead the ACP for over a year sows extreme dedication and care for this army. It’s deserving of reward. The Medal of Honor is traditionally presented to anyone showing great leadership. This means it can include an everyday soldier in addition to a leader, however it is exceedingly rare nowadays for a soldier to earn it because there are much fewer instances where a non-leader would be needed to exhibit leadership.
Bronze and Silver Medal
This is a page dedicated to those who have won the Silver or Bronze Medal Award. This Bronze Medal Award is given for “Heroic or meritorious achievement or service”. It does not surpass the Medal of Honor Award or Silver Medal Award, but it is a more reachable goal that can be earned for outstanding performance in one war/battle.
Winners of the Silver Medal Award:
Swimmerboy01 – Co-First Winner for restoring the USA Force.
Kenneth1000 – Co-First Winner for restoring the USA Force and for diplomatic services for the ACP Empire where he negotiated peace with SWAT and Pirates.
Slider568 – For his efforts in restoring ACPTR during the summer of 2012.
Mchappy – For his efforts in rebuilding and revitalizing the ACP in late 2019.
CSY – for his tremendous work with ACP throughout his entire leadership, but specifically breaking ACP’s size record twice in a week while also getting 1st on the Top Ten.
2funky3 for being a large part in innovating and heralding a new generation of recruiting for the Army of Club Penguin, and for the leadership he has shown in his 11 months in the Army.
Max – for his unwavering loyalty to the army, for stepping up to lead in times of difficulties, and for constantly innovating, to push the army to our limits.
Cubster – for his consistent efforts to help ACP skyrocket, unbroken loyalty, constant stepping up
Coolguy – for winning the first tournament of 2024 and for his efforts in continuing to maintain ACP’s #1 status while setting a record number of 16 #1 placements in the CPPS era.
Ugly For his dedication in the 100-Battle War. Not only attending every single battle, as well as leading most of them, but most of all for pushing forwards despite all odds, to ensure an ACP victory.
Roxy For her work recruiting and mentoring troops in the 100-Battle War, ensuring our victory via expanding our AUSIA, UK and US forces in the midst of multiple battles a day.
Winners of the Bronze Medal Award:
Bobcatboy10 – Co-First winner of the award.
Stev712 – Co-First winner of the award.
Ryanbearsroc – Against UMA at the Defence of Mammoth.
Mchappy – Against UMA at the Defence of Mammoth.
Motor 20 – Against Nachos at PB For #1 Army before battle.
Flipper – Against Nachos at End of the Year Tournament.
Khimo – Against the Ice Warriors at the Top Ten Tackle Tournament.
Superoo13 – For providing crucial information via spying in the ACP vs Nacho April 2013 war.
Fiasco – For Spying on NW during the NW vs ACP war.
Flipmoo – For creating the ACP AUSIA Division and leading it to great sizes, and for winning a hefty amount of battles with the AUSIA Division.
Smartuin – For writing up a huge proportion of the ACP Saga page, and for preforming unexplainable skill in ACP Spy Agencies.
Slider568 – For timeless dedication to ACP and for successful efforts at leading and restoring ACPTR, the ACP Senate, and for the revival of divisions.
Splasher99 – For leading the AUSIA Division whilst Flipmoo was unable to do so, and for showing extreme determination and excellency during the war with the AR.
Kingfunks4 – For displaying heroic, courageous acts of leadership during the ACP vs. Nachos CPAC Champions Cup Quarter Finals match on October 26, 2013, and pulling off a stunning come from behind victory to move on to the Semi-Finals.
Rock71 – For displaying heroic, courageous acts of leadership during the ACP vs. Nachos CPAC Champions Cup Quarter Finals match on October 26, 2013, and pulling off a stunning come from behind victory to move on to the Semi-Finals.
Elsa – For taking the initiative in carrying the army during its final days in early 2017 when most commanders were away or inactive.
Madonna – For taking the initiative in carrying the army during its final days in early 2017 when most commanders were away or inactive.
Kailey310 – For her dedication and determination in the 2019/2020 Holiday Championship tournament, in which we were victorious against RPF.
Koloway – Stepping up during a time of uncertainty by solidifying the new generation of ACP’s place in the community from putting ACP back on top and in the forefront to taking the dub at the Holiday Championships in 2019.
CSY – Being the Leader during the time of World War Rewritten, and being able to bring not only excitement but peace to the army community.
Max – Stepping up during World War Rewritten to lead the Army of Club Penguin on a perfect war score record (5-0-0).
Daniel – For his works in creating and establishing Legion Española, and all his efforts to recruit, welcome, and DM ahead of the tournament battle against the Ice Warriors, leading to our victory in the 2020 Fight or Fright Tournament.
Cubeoid – For his efforts in recruiting as well as his attendance in the 2020 Fight or Fright tournament despite being AUSIA, demonstrating what being an exemplary soldier of the ACP means.
Cubster  For his dedication to holding recruiting sessions and providing ACP a path to success in growing the server with over 1,100 people joining the server within a week.
2funky3 For his work recruiting, hyping, and DMing, leading to our successes in the Premier League Tournament and World War Rewritten.
Robot – For the constant passion he has shown towards the army and intelligence work throughout various periods in his 16 months of service.
Kailey133 – For her work with ACP Recruiting Force, and her constant innovation in recruiting in her 20 months in the army.
Gugspugs For her extensive loyalty through thick and thin, her hard work in advancing ACP to our highest peaks in the tournaments and wars we went through, and for staying to help ACP in time of transition where she was most needed.
FatChicken88  – For his loyalty and dedication over 18 months in ACP and innovation in troop retention.
Jesus1_4  – For all his work in ACP, from recruiting all the way to making sure things go smoothly.
Mads  – For their relentless dedication during the 2023 March Madness Tournament through recruiting, DMing, and pushing through hardships, in which we were victorious against the Water Vikings and put up a valiant effort versus RPF.
Calgocubs21 – For his commitment to revitalizing the Army of Club Penguin and capturing the first-ever Legends Cup championship in the history of the ACP.
AustinFraud – For ensuring victory against the Rebel Penguin Federation in overtime of the Legends Cup XIII.
Coolguy For ensuring victory against the Rebel Penguin Federation in overtime of the Legends Cup XIII.
Snowy For her immense work and service as a Coordinator in aiding ACP through the 2024 tournaments and the Centenary Solstice War.
Alexkiki1 – for his great dedication and charisma as a troop in the Centenary Solstice War having attended more than 70 battles in one month.
Amelia For her loyalty and dedication to the ACP, as well as her extraordinary work and service in recruitment and being a huge part in winning the Project Conquest: Blood Bowl tournament.

10 Responses

  1. ACP forever 😀

  2. lol acprf directors are there, not the back to back acptr director :smirking:

  3. LOOOOOOol epicness

  4. ACP is the greatest army ever. ❤



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