Dawn of Hour Zero New

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

For many months the Secret Service has engaged with the ACP in a war of words, for months they have shied away from real battle and used underhanded tactics in order to avoid conflict that would lead to their inevitable loss. This serves as clear proof that even the leadership of the Secret Service admits that they are weak. The dawn of Hour Zero is upon us; Logical, Aisha, Joel, and the rest of SS: all you’ve worked towards, all the planning to destroy ACP, comes down to this.

Who’s scared now, SS?

[VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED! (Inappropriate language, mentions of pedophelia and doxxing, sensitive topics.]

Cult of Hatred

The Secret Service has not shied away from blatantly parading their hatred for the ACP. This has been going on for many months, and it seems that their ultimate goal as an army is to obsess over us and to try and destroy us. Little do they know that many have come before them, tried to take us down, and FAILED.

The name of ACP has been dragged through the mud, plastered all over army chats by SS leaders, and constantly lives rent-free in their heads. Messages, such as those shown in the screenshots below, have grown rampant – and the Secret Service has fueled these anti-ACP sentiments.

Seven mentions, out of hundreds.
Four more mentions, out of hundreds more.

These comments, however, are mild in comparison to the calls for genocide against the ACP as an army and against its members and leadership specifically.

SS Leader, Joel
SS Leader, Logical

If we were to include every instance of SS leadership and HCom wishing death on ACP, we’d need a separate post. But… you get the idea.

Cult of Obsession

This sickly obsession with ACP is essentially the only thing fuelling their army. They all come together to wish death on ACP, and it has become somewhat the main goal of the Secret Service. They, in fact, welcome their new troops into a chat that seemingly always has ACP as its main topic.

A quick search in their main chat shows that our army is discussed there daily, with an average of 20 mentions of ACP per day. Other than this, they have an AI bot in their main chat that is constantly spouting out messages specifically targeting ACP.

The average number of ACP mentions in SS chat per day.
CAN you bring us down?

Please note that all of the above screenshots only include messages taken from public chats. We can only imagine just how many times they obsess over us behind closed doors.

Cult of Immorality

Another point of interest is the inclusion of a series of questionable individuals within their server and even in their staff ranks. These people have been repeatedly shunned from the community for many unethical reasons.

It comes as no surprise that the Secret Service is accepting of said individuals. These are also well known for their anti-ACP views – as all of them are permanently banned from ACP because we do not accept nor tolerate such people roaming freely in our community.

Their harboring of these people shows that this is an army with no morals and no ethics. It seems that the Secret Service stands up for nothing but hatred, bullying, and general unethical behavior.

The first of these individuals is the notorious Lord Pain, who is only still relevant because of his unhealthy obsession with hating ACP. Lord Pain currently holds an advisory position in the Secret Service, and the next few pictures should make it clear just who Lord Pain is, and why nobody should affiliate themselves with him.

His bio should show you how unhealthily obsessed he is…
Calls for genocide against the ACP, relating it to the hideous war crimes committed by the Nazis in WW2.

Think he’s insane yet? Yeah us too..

If that wasn’t enough, here is him admitting his obsession with the topic of hating ACP:

“all these years, thousands of words I’ve typed on the subject”

Another person, also infamous for his hatred of ACP, is Bscharbach2. Some of you may know him, as he used to be a part of our Higher Command in 2020 – greatly revered in the army. This ended when he brutally betrayed us and sold us to another army.

Here is a throwback to when he betrayed us:

Bschars obsessive hatred of ACP reached a point where he has allocated hours of his day to make videos of his friends (in real life) saying anti-ACP phrases, such as F*CK ACP and DEATH TO ACP.

He currently resides in the Secret Service as an advisor, are these the people SS enjoys having around? Traitors and obsessive haters?

There are many more in the Secret Service who have done worse than just hate us. Many have harmed people, or worse.

“I’m not proud of it”, he said – lying to everyone’s faces.

Understandable, Satchmo isn’t a high rank in SS so you may say it’s not an issue – but having him active in the server is enough.

If that doesn’t suffice, take a look at SS Leader – Logical – and judge for yourself:

Are you proud of this?

Cult of Cowardice

Despite their attempts to appear powerful, the Secret Service is well known for cowering at the mere hint of conflict with an equally powerful army. Our good allies, the Rebel Penguin Federation, recently declared war on SS.

While the Secret Service did attend the first few battles, they were humiliated with a 0-9 loss, not winning a single room. By the tenth battle, the Secret Service cowered away and did not show up for the majority of the remaining battles. The conflict was paused after RPF held a 44-battle win streak, and this was only paused due to the tournament – and SS breathed a sigh of relief.

Another instance of blatant cowardice is when SS raided the ACP anniversary event, in an effort to extend the non-aggression pact that was signed between the two. They did this simply because they were scared of facing us on the battlefield and preferred to cower behind their empty words of hatred.

It should be noted that SS had to resort to using their friends from EGCP and SWAT in order for this raid to be successful (it wasn’t). Also, note that the allies they used have already received their fair share of punishment from ACP (64-1-39 lol) for talking too much.


What is the main takeaway from this post? We have established that the Secret Service shows blatant hatred, obsession, immorality, cowardice, and a general lack of respect towards the ACP and the wider army community. We will tolerate their overstepping of boundaries no longer, and it’s time for us to face them on the battlefield – if they’re not too scared.

The Army of Club Penguin is officially beginning its offensive against the Secret Service, and we will crush their futile empire. So we ask again, WHO’S SCARED NOW?

Remember SS: the weaker you are, the louder you bark.

Dominance is on the Horizon
And as always: Defend Freedom. Preserve Justice

ACP Higher Command

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