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[US] Clover Defenders Celebrate Opening of CPA Battleground with Battle

Warzone, “CPA Battleground Opening” – Its been a while Army of Club Penguin! Last week, on April 28th, our US Division logged on to CPA Battleground for the first time to see what the new Club Penguin Private Server was like. Before we grabbed our gear and explored the island, we did some warmup tactics in the Town before moving to the Stadium, where we engaged in a practice battle with the Templars. We then continued our battle with the Templars by going to the Iceberg, eventually ending our exploration there. General Sebasotoo led us through the exploration that turned into battle. His leadership led to a successful exploration of CPA Battleground from the Clover Defenders!

Max: 11

Thank you to all of those who came and took pictures!

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