Well yeah, I guess this is the end of my club penguin journey.
I joined Ice Warriors on the 22nd of December 2019 (nearly two years ago *dies*). I met an amazing bunch of people in IW including Shinde, Aisha, Doggorage, Cargo, Firestar, Luciferstar and a whole other bunch of people that would make this list wayyy too long. I’m not gonna go into details about IW but we messed around a lot and went ‘against’ the Andrew 24 (legends never die ya know!!!). It was a blast because Doggorage, Fire and Cargo ended up leading but then in the end most of us left and I got banned around march time.
(tia the IW troop)
After Ice Warriors i just hung around in a friend server that was made with most of the people above since we all left Ice Warriors together. Then Luci reopened Elites and I joined them on the 12th of May 2020. Elites was also very fun because I was with a bunch of my friends from IW and I met a whole bunch of new people including Scorp, Zeenie, Belencita and Sophie. I worked up in Elites and ended up as 3ic, before elites closed down around September time. I have so many memories in Elites but honestly this post would end up so long if i listed them all, but let’s never forget the most innovative tactic Austin ever wrote:
(Literary Genius)
After Elites closed, my main plan was just to retire and never join another army again (well that happened, didn’t it :kek:) but Scorp decided to convince me to join the Army of Club Penguin along with him. He also convinced Belencita too as well. I joined as a Major General on the 25th of September 2020 and managed to find a ‘home’ there pretty quickly. I worked my way up in the ranks and eventually achieved HCOM on the 25th of January 2021. HCOM has been a great experience and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else, even if there was drama, buttt no matter what we went through we came out stronger because of it.
There are so many memories I have in ACP but one of my favourites will always be fight or fright – everyone just worked together and overall the vibes were just really great. There’s also the endless staff VCs with CSY half a sleep and nacho just yelling, while the chat is just vibing and when we played among us and Max was the best liar and fooled me like 3 times </3 Oh and there’s the time I gave everyone 33 clovers and then Kailey did it too (we are literally the same, it’s weird).
(If you know you know)
Alas i’ve met so many amazing people through ACP and CPA and here are some mentions:
Kaiteadanken – The way we made the gc just to get tea off kailey and honestly it was one of the best decisions I think we all made. You guys are my best friends in this hell hole.
Kailey – My twin (and gang leedur) – I never thought I’d meet another Punjabi in cpa but I did and we just relate to each other so much it’s crazy, ilysm <3
Daniel – LLORO = EYACULACIÓN??!??!?! Mi español favorito y amante de shinoa, gracias por estar ahí para mí siempre, te amo <3
Chicken – You smell. Jk, anyway i love how we became friends from spamming emotes in our dms and i’m very glad we did and just know i appreciate and love you a lot <3
CSY, Rob, Cubby, and the rest of the ex HCOM – Working with you guys was such a blast, thank you for all the memories, I miss those times and it’s nice when we all have a gc reunion.
Roxy, Jesus and Faith – It’s been great that we were all able to be HCOM together. You guys are really amazing and your guy’s willingness to learn and grow is what makes you guys the future of this Army. Keep growing and being the amazing people you all are.
Commander Kyle – The stupidest Irish i know, thanks for always listening to my rants and just sending me dumb shit to laugh at.
Sanya – One of the most helpful people i know, you make me laugh a lot and i’m just glad we share so many of the same opinions, i’m glad you came back as hcom to help ACP.
Caitlin and Kris – The OG brit gang – I honestly forgot how i met both of you but i love you guys so much, you both always make me laugh especially caitlin, (sherlock holmes innit) and Kris ITS LAGGING!!!
Scorp and Zeenie – Oh my, i miss you guys and Elites so much. Zeenie I love how we would scream in dms about Austrella being an idiot and doxxing her school on the server :,) and Scorp you’re still the reason I joined ACP really. You also showed me how hardworking you were in elites and I’m glad we had you there. You guys made Elites, Elites.
Finally THE GRAPISTS (iykyk) – Aisha, Fire, Moony, Luci, Ninja, Shinde, Jacob, Aqua, Mythic, Nico, Cargo and some others. You guys were all my first set of friends in CPA, and I miss you guys and the times we’d VC like crazy so much. Aisha – my go to for advice, and my wife, i miss you and our desi hours with aqua, Mythic and Luci (even though Luci kinda a fake desi but it’s okay :pensive:). Fire – Our friendship was rocky as fuck but im glad we made up, and look im leaving CPA now like how you wanted!!! Shinde – MY LOVE, We met irl and some day it’ll happen again i promise and yes i’m glad i saved you by pretending i was your boyfriend. Cargo – Yes, i’m still looking for who tf gugspugs is 🙂
There are some more people who have impacted me in this community but I don’t want to make this post too boring. No matter what, you guys have all made my experience here better and I thank every one of you for that.
I guess this feels like the end of an era in my life, considering cpa has been so involved in it for nearly 2 years. Being in ACP for over a year was the best part and I thank ACP for everything it’s done for me. People are always gonna hate and that’s just how life rolls but remember just always do what’s right for you, because none of this shit is actually going to matter in a few years. In the end Penguins are temporary.
That’s for all folks! Thank you for everything <33
Gugspugs ✧ signing out for the last time.
ACP Field Marshal
Filed under: Army of CP |