PRESENTING: The Clash of the Trainers


The Classic Question between Pokemon Trainers – which team to choose? Whether you believe in the icy breath of the first legendary bird of them all, Articuno, or the fiery phoenix Moltres, in the battle of the teams, only one can become victorious.

(Of course we all know Instinct is the worst, just take a look at the stats… sorry Instinct members out there 🙁 )


Although statistics show Mystic to be the most popular, Valor enthusiasts argue that with their mastery of the element of fire puts them at a tactical advantage in battle.

Today, the Army of Club Pokemon are proud to present The Clash of the Trainers, where we pit trainers from either teams against each other, in a serious of intense gym challenges, to see who can win the most Gym badges in the fight for their team.

Every event this week will pit trainers against each other challenge a different gym, to earn badges along the way to fight for their team. Each gym will only award ONE badge to the winning team (unless both teams perform spectacularly!) – and the winning team will be determined by the team with most badges.

There will be an assortment of Pokemon challenges for break days, as well as a Detective Pikachu movie night for trainers to look forward too, to win more badges for their team!

May the best team win!

ACP Leader

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