[UK] Frog Saved From Drowning Peril By Valiant Lifeguards

ZIPLINE, “Saving Frog” – Greetings ACP! Today the Clover Empire UK Division logged onto Zipline for our “save Frog” event. We prepared to save frog by wearing the lifeguard shirt, after getting the lifeguard shirts we went to cove for a swim after we headed down to the pool at mine, unfortunately when we were at the pool Frog fell into the pool so we had to save Him because he cannot swim all penguins jumped in for the rescue and successfully saved Frog! We also reached a maximum size of 29 penguins everyone did an amazing job today with helping rescue Frog, Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the rescue down below!

Maximum size – 29

Make sure to react in #events for our US event tomorrow and also #battle-schedule, and don’t forget to comment on this post if you came!


One Response

  1. awesome job UK division!

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