Moment of the Month: July 2021

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – As August arrives, we look back on the past month and celebrate what the Army of CP staff have selected as July’s ‘Moment of the Month‘.

The Army of Club Penguin staff team recently held a vote to establish what we believed to be the single ‘Moment of the Month‘ for July 2021. This includes moments that have resulted in a significant impact within our ACP community, be that be a war, retirement or promotion. So without further ado, we present the July moment and two runner-ups. 

3. Spotty and Sanya become the first holders of “Chief Officer” Rank

July 28th saw the latest addition to the staff ranks: the new Higher Command role “Chief Officer”. Commander in Chief Max also announced the first two holders of the rank. First up was General Spotty who Max stated was obtaining the role as she prepared for her overseas move to Paris soon. Spotty was joined by Sanya who Max said has been an integral and extremely hard working member of the staff team.

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2. General Daniel is promoted to Field Marshal

Words by: Spotty

On July 2nd, we saw long-time Third-in-Command Daniel promoted to Second-in-Command, General, as part of the June monthly promotions. Daniel has worked his way up throughout the ranks during the past year, starting off as a low ranked member last summer. Daniel’s promotion was well deserved, as he’s put his all into ACP: from being our ACPTR Director, to helping the Spanish Division and co-leading the US Division, he has truly shown dedication and responsibility to the Army of CP, and has been a great role model to all.

1. Commander in Chief Max retires from ACP

Words by: Jesus

On July 30th, Army of CP leader Max announced that he was to be stepping down from his position at Commander in Chief after two months of leading. This was a huge loss since Max did so much for the ACP community and was loved by it. He also worked within and significantly grew Shamrock Bulletin, help lead the UK division since he joined HCOM and hosted multiple community events. This is a sad goodbye to Max but, as Max said, nothing lasts forever.

And there we have it – the Moment of July 2021 and accompanying runner-ups. As we now head into the eighth month of the year, what can we expect to occur? And what moment will top our listing at the end of it?

What do YOU think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

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