• Welcome to the official Army of Club Penguin! Established September 29th, 2006, we have been the largest and best Club Penguin community since. Enlist today and start your journey!

    ~ Roxy & Daniel

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Army of Club Penguin Ranks

Red= USA/CA || Blue = UK/EUR || Purple = AUSIA

Commander in Chief
   CSY | Max | Cubster   
 Field Marshal
 Kailey | Robot | Daniel
 Shane | Spotty | Gugspugs | FatChicken88
Master General
Field General
Skylar | Nacho | Fusion | Tsanami | Kyle | Stevos 
 LieutenantGeneral  Lieutenant General  LieutenantGeneral
Henry | Chekdar | Roxy

Major General


Brigadier General

Yeet Monster | Shadow | Belencita Powerprimate | Frog | Pikachu | Jesus 


Marquis, Mangoes, Ash, BaileyBear2021, Stevos, Bibi , Rah, Lily, Doink, Yesn’t, Yasmini, Scorpion Demon, ActionSpark, Ideaz, Mista Pikachu, Carmelo, Hamood, Duelblade, Calgocubs

Lucia, Kimi, Bri, Kyuu, Brookee, Cotopaxi, Stef, David, Storm, Keynikki, Megan, Catherine, El Daniel, Jenn, Emily, Frostyy, Caesar, Erika, Hope, David, GothGirl, Mariantt99, Oofmanjr, Jenn, Caramel, Tina, Dio, Sophie, Rarity, Soup, Heloon, Pandito MazeX, Nyupenyu, Nyoooooomm, Enigma, Luigi
Outertale Sans, NotASeat, Pikachuboo, Abby, SuperKlonoa
First Lieutenant
  xT3, Agent Cat, AbudyGam3R, StrangeTRY , Tatertrocks
Second Lieutenant
Txsc ,Tay, Laboss, Big Ed, Mikey, D_DATA, Eric
 Sergeant Major
Nathalex, Yvette, Sharkbate, Rollo De Canela, Obby , Mythic, KevinDA1708, Focus Adi, BlackRose,  Kayla
Warrant Officer
Bmoon, Yyelloow, King Icey, Mariantt99, Ramen, Georgiezard, Dizzy, Abe, Mizzy, Pearl, Powerranger, Tia Jr, Volker, HTost🅰do 
Master Sergeant
fel, Hokage Pan Dorado Tostado, Kabuto, Grizz, Nicole, Miss C.O.Z, TheYeeter001

Staff Sergeant

Shad0W0lf, Simon, Marbletech, Tom le Cat, Snow Wing, , Kirby, Issa,

, KevinDA1708, Saúl_Hyuga, Thonoto,Brokensmile, Maddie, Kimo, epic vr, Dantsamurai, m00n
Sofi, Akihiko Kayaba, Sherlockrace, Flamesrange, IsaacTheDreamer, Venus 006 , Bently, Wildchild, KFC, ,  Scrotus, Venus, ave
Zace, Gideon, Lalaloopsi, , Xsebastianx, Cass126, SuperKloona, Aleeenaaa, Jim the Summoner, Shadow Hunter, Irisa, peter the pungvenger, Joshua, Nlc, OtakuTrash Rachelll, Grev, Cedrik BOI, Ghost4131, Nat02 uwu, Mmanlikemaka , Legend, Reeeeee, manlikemaka, Michi, Supercoolsophie, BlueMaster_Uwu, Doctor Doom, Special, T Demons, Shaggy 23rd, Pepeepopo, Inesto3124
Mellomelon, Red, Kusigup, leoooo, Whirwind-Tigress, Amber, Voice of reason, Carbonated, Microwave of all power, Warprince, Nicki The Queen, Full Time Red, AuronRapolari3, Rachell,Sarahthey, Liam, Kimberlyrachelalas, Flov, Skoby, Subaru, Rafaelkangkan, Sassy, Roob, Lalu, Deku, Frostband1, KaiSmashUniverse, Yoshi, Socialist Jake, Masterjedi, Isamaza07, Camilavadiezo, Valkyrae, Guille, Yaboidog, \>Floor^3sty<, rabax man, Mapol, BoMoBuddy, CenaViper, St. Atomic, TORRES_442, Altsmok Rare, wife.png, LixLo, mahira, lifehope, miliaxon
Lance Corporal
This will be your rank after you attend your first event! To rank up to Corporal, reach 25 Clovers!
This will be your rank when you first join the army! To rank up to Lance Corporal, simply attend your first event!


King Mondo, Zelly, Koloway


Sanya!, Bobcatboy

Panel of Guardians

Mchappy*, Shaboomboom, Flipmoo, Boomer
* denotes current acting Guardian

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