[APRIL 2021] Comment for Promo!

Think you deserve a promotion for your efforts in April 2021? Comment below with the following form!

Discord Tag:

CPR name:

Current Rank:

Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!):

Why do you deserve a promotion?

10 Responses

  1. 👑Mythic#3474 or something like that I think
    Don’t have a cpr acc
    I think I deserve a promotion to Colonel because I’m really cool, and if I’m given the chance to be a colonel you will definitely not regret it

    Pls don’t take my IP from this comment 😔

  2. Discord Tag: 69Chekochekdar#5091

    CPR name: chekdar

    Current Rank: Lieutenant General (5ic)

    Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 8-9

    Why do you deserve a promotion? Due to my high attendance, recruiting & welcoming.

    • Discord Tag: KaylzOverload#2000

      CPR name: KaylaAshton

      Current Rank: Sergeant

      Activity Level: 5 or 6

      Why do you deserve a promotion? I think I deserve a promotion because of being welcoming, helping uhm new troops out and trying to attend events even though it breaks my sleep schedule.

    • I vouch for u 🙂

  3. TastyPantaloon#0024


    Second Lieutenant


    I attendance, general positivity, I will simp if u give me promo, I was in rf for the better half of the month

  4. Good luck to everyone!

  5. Discord tag: TaterTrocks#2366
    CPR Name: TaterTrocks
    Current rank: Master sergeant (sergeant major on saturday)
    Activity level: 8-10
    Why do you deserve a promotion? 1. For being very active (almost) all the time. 2. being in rf since March 4, 2021. 3. Supporting acp as much as i can right now and welcoming soldiers.

  6. Discord Tag: powerrangerlll12 #9872
    CPR name :g8tyuauaihfa
    Current rank: ROTW
    Activity level: 7
    Why do you deserve a promotion? I give warm welcomes to newcomers and being ROTW for 13 recruits. Also, I started leading vc a few days ago, and now I am ready for promotion and will try my best to all of you
    Thank you.

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