Hey ACP!
Christmas is just around the corner! After a year of just handing out clovers though, our storage has run pretty low, so we’re opening up our bank to restock on clovers to get ready for a new year.
Note: This is a community run event, where we hope to give back to the community (and somewhat entertain you guys in the process!). By reaching the community goals, we can all unlock some fun prizes – including hearing Cubby sing in the shower, max read a bedtime Christmas story, and even literary showcases by CSY and Mchappy!
What can the community unlock?
1x Nitro giveaway @250 (note that you must have somewhat earned us points to participate)
Christmas Clover Chats Special with Zelly @400
Community-voted event @500
Christmas themed Spanish Lesson with Daniel @600
Singing in the Shower with Cubby @700
1x Nitro giveaway @750 (note that you must have somewhat earned us points to participate)
Best christmas story read by max @800
ACP Christmas poem by CSY @1000
I’ll read the mayhem (poem) I wrote at 1000 points @1250
ACP Fanfic by McHappy @1500
Unlockable role @??? (note that you must have somewhat earned us points to get the role)
more may be added soon, stay tuned!
How do we earn Clover Coins?
1. Attending events!
Every troop attending = +1 clover coin
Additional points for attendance:
20 troops = + 5 additional clover coins!
30 troops +15 additional clover coins!
40 troops + 40 additional clover coins!
50 troops + 60 additional clover coins!
60 troops +80 additional clover coins!
70 troops + 100 additional clover coins!
(not accumulative)
2. Donate your clovers!
1 clover = 1 clover coin!
3. Minigames:
Hit x points = +1
Max points = +4
4. Puzzles:
Solve = +1
More may be added soon, stay tuned…
Celebrate Christmas with us and unlock some fun rewards with ACP!
ACP Leader
Filed under: Army of CP |
lets get those clovers!!!
Time to trade clovers haha business men :))
[…] Club Penguin without Coins For Change as well. Csy, ACP Leader, came up with an amazing idea called Clovers Coins where we’ve been working together as a community to reach goals and prizes for our army this […]
[…] reaching 500 clover coins for Dec 2020, the community voted on an event to host – and an ACP graffiti wall came up on […]