[US] Battle and Games with Crimson Guardians — Results!


Hey ACP!

Today our US Division logged on for a quick and fun battle against our allies, the Crimson Guardians, before playing a fun round of hide and seek. Congrats to our favorite Big Ed for winning, and thank you to everyone who came!

Max: 31

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Thank you so much for coming ACP! If you attended, be sure to react in #announcements and comment down below! Hope everyone is staying warm and safe. 

A reminder that we have a jam-packed weekend with an AUSIA Delta Training tomorrow, a UK/US Operation: Lightning, and then the final round of the Aces of AUSIA tournament on Sunday against the Help Force. Make sure you react in #battle-schedule if you can attend–the event is at 9 AM EST and will feature five nitro giveaways for attendees. Let’s win this, ACP!

Sophie, ACP Field General


2 Responses

  1. Nice job everyone! It went a little awry there with both CPR and discord breaking simultaneously but we marched right on through it.

  2. I came!

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