[UK] Day 7: The Final Battle

Hey ACP!

To conclude the civil war, Alpha and Echo faced off against the newly inaugurated Delta division, where we maxed 52. Read more to see how the battle went!

Room 1: Berg

(15 + 16 + 20 + 1 = 52)
Room 2: Stadium
After the formation of the Deltas, and an impassioned urge by leader CSY to unite once more, Echo leader Max and Alpha leader Cubby announced that they too would stand with the Deltas. The ACP were united once more under Delta.
Room 3: Forts

With ACP united under Delta once more, I realized that there was no need for divisions anymore. The Delta had served our purpose – to bring ACP back together again – and so, we all donned our Roman helmets once more, proud to be ACP.


With the Final Battle underway, the Echo division have been crowned the victors of the Civil War. Peace has been restored once more.

Green together, family forever.
ACP Leader

6 Responses

  1. Green Together, Family Forever

  2. Echo Moment


  4. A explicação por trás do fenômeno vem da forma como a luz se espalha pelas moléculas na atmosfera. É a luz azul — que tem o comprimento mais curto — que se espalha mais por essas pequenas partículas, o que leva à coloração azulada que observamos.

  5. A explicação por trás do fenômeno vem da forma como a luz se espalha pelas moléculas na atmosfera. É a luz azul — que tem o comprimento mais curto — que se espalha mais por essas pequenas partículas, o que leva à coloração azulada que observamos.

  6. hollow dont make sense

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