Hey ACP,
Welcome back to our 3rd TOTM since ACP re-inaugurated on CPR! With the hectic war schedules these last couple of days, this TOTM really took into account troop event activity. Without further ado, lets announce the TOTM for April 2020
What qualifies for TOTM?
– Activity in ACP chat
– Activity in attending events
– Involved in the ACP community
– Has taken initiative in certain areas
This month, Henry_VI has been chosen as the TOTM for her activity in attending events (attending a whopping total of 61 events this month!), and the enthusiasm she always brings to our chat and events. She’s also put additional effort into recruiting, working hard to make all new troops feel welcomed. Henry actively participates in all our games and gives amazing suggestions at how to make ACP better!
Here’s an interview for everyone to get to know Henry_VI better!
Interview with Henry_VI
CSY: Hi Henry, can you quickly introduce yourself to the troops of ACP?
Henry_VI: Hey y’all! I’m Henry_VI, the patriotic Canadian! XD
CSY: How did you find out about the ACP? How long have you been here? Any previous experience with armies?
Henry_VI: I found out about the ACP when my friend sent me an invite link and said “pls join.” I joined ACP in December 2019, but I didn’t really do anything until February. ACP is my first army!
CSY: Why do you think you were voted Troop of the Month?
Henry_VI: I guess I was voted TOTM because I’m active in chat. I also joined ACPRF to help others join greatness and have fuN!
CSY: What do you enjoy most about CPR? What do you enjoy most about armies?
Henry_VI: I love all the minigames in CPR and the fact that you can get stamps for playing it! About armies, I really like how they all have their differences that set them apart, but they’re all the same in a way.
CSY: What is your favorite memory in the ACP?
Henry_VI: I love and cherish every single memory in the ACP, but if you ask me to choose just one, I’d have to say my favourite memory is when I mistook a cat for a bunny and Paddy made a meme about it. It’s pinned in #voice-chat-transcript if you want to see it. 😀
CSY: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Henry_VI: In my free time, I like being on Discord, playing CPR, reading, and trying to draw. I really can’t draw. Also, I like to chat with my friends online since the pandemic won’t let us talk in person
CSY: What’s a secret that no one knows about you yet?
Henry_VI: I guess a secret worth telling would be that I’m an academic nerd. A really big one.
CSY: Is CSY better at skribbl.io than Cherry?
Henry_VI: CSY LMFAO IDFK… I’ve never seen you play skribbl, so I have to say no, Cherry’s better than CSY at skribbl.io.
(Interviewer’s response:
CSY: Anything you want to say to the people of ACP?
GREEN TOGETHER FAMILY FOREVER ====================================================================
ACP Leader
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Filed under: Army of CP, Troop of The Month |
wait i came to 61 events? i can't count
I didnr know Henry was a she but congratulations!
I think it might be 61 total events but the majority of those were this month
Hehehe GO HENRY!!
Also yes, I am better at skribbl.io than CSY. You are absolutely correct.
Should have aimed for 69
great work Henry!
Congrats Henry!! you did amazing its very well deserved!