ACP Igloo Contest: Celebrating the 6 Month Anniversary

Hey ACP!

Ever since the revival on the 29th of September 2019 (our 13th birthday!), we’ve made strides in building a community for everyone to have fun, meet new friends, and make some everlasting memories in. I’ve seen an incredible effort from the start, and even in the darkest of times, ACP pulled through, and we stuck together “like wet on water.” I said it before, and I’ll say it again: your dedication and tireless efforts warm my heart and make me beam with pride to call you my fellow ACP troops and friends.

Back in December, we hosted a special igloo contest (the post can be found here), and I think it’s time for another one! Since we’re coming up on our 6 month anniversary, we’re going to have a special Igloo Contest leading up to the big anniversary celebration to determine the venue!

And the anniversary celebration will be… (drumroll please!)

Image result for drum roll gif
Featuring the ACP Bunny Duck *QUACK*

This dance party themed igloo contest is a great opportunity to get creative, have some fun, and showcase your igloo designs and unique ideas!

Designing an igloo for a special event such as this can certainly take some time, and I’ve felt like I could use some initial guidance to get those gears turning (and I’m sure many of you have as well). To get you started, check out the post I made for the December 2019 ACP Igloo Contest for some tips and a short guide to thinking about your igloo design!

Be sure to SUBMIT to the #igloo-submissions channel on the ACP Discord server!
For participating, you will receive 2 clovers.
The winner will be awarded 10 clovers!

Remember, you can use Club Penguin Armies: The Game and select almost any igloo item! CPR is also fine to use, however obtaining enough coins will be challenging. To get those neurons firing, I’ve collected some past examples for you to check out:

Image result for club penguin prom igloo
This igloo appears to have a garden, stage, and a dining area.

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Image result for club penguin ballroom igloo
Image result for club penguin formal
Here we have a dancefloor surrounded by seating. Neat!

Here are some things you can do to prepare:

  • Look at some igloos (above) and generate some ideas
  • Use the command !ac 999999999 to get coins on CPATG
  • Look at what is available on CPATG already; figure out what you have
  • Check out this igloo item list to explore the items you may want to use (you can add items into CPATG by using the !af (item id goes here) command!
  • Sketch your idea! If you prefer, you can test out how items look instead. It’s always good to start off with recording some ideas, whether they are entire designs or certain aspects of the igloo you want to build.

Let’s have an awesome celebration and remember everyone that’s contributed over the years, and pat each other on the back for our admirable efforts. As we raise our glasses and toast to the future, let us look forward at what is in store for our great community, let us take a moment to appreciate just how far we have all come together, and let us continue marching on together!

Let the ACP 6 Month Anniversary Igloo Contest begin! 
Immer Fortschreiten,
(Always forward)

ACP Legend & Advisor

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