This Is Not The End

For those of you that do not know me, I am Baby Flor. And, I’ve been around ACP long enough to know that this army just doesn’t die because of any mishaps currently going on in the community. Now, the current mishaps going on are botting, lack of recruits, and lack of troops. But the real major problem is the closing of Club Penguin on the 29th. Now, even though this can really upset the sizes and amount of activity in armies, I have a plan that will be effective and can really help armies shine to their fullest. Click Read More to continue reading this post and find out how the Army of Club Penguin can continue being an army, and still hold events, and have even more fun while doing so.

I have spoken with Harrison, an administrator on OldCp, a very popular Club Penguin Private Server (CPPS). I’m actually very fond with OldCP as I gave Damen the idea of the Knight Academy under the name of Zeta. I was on the road to becoming a Wise One, but around this time was when I decided to go inactive from armies, and anything related to Club Penguin. But, back to the point, Harrison has told me that Damen had stated that he was glad to allow any armies to hold events on OldCP and that he would even allow us the use of weapons, and other things. He has told Damen to contact me so I can further speak with Damen about the events that might occur very soon.

So, I have written this post so that all the ACP troops, retirees, and anyone reading this post can know, that, the end of armies is far from here, so they shouldn’t give up just because Club Penguin is closing. In times when botting was too hard on armies, we moved to Club Penguin Privates Servers instead until the all clear was given, so why can’t we do that now?

Don’t lose hope troops,

Baby Flor

8 Responses

  1. Good to hear about inter-platform diplomacy.

  2. This is a bad idea… I’m leaving when CP dies.

  3. im ready to head to anywhere ACP asks me to.

  4. Sup baby flor!

  5. WEAPONS?!?!??!?!? Screw CP Rewritten, I’m taking the UMA (wait wat) to Old CP

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