Ten Year Trivia #4


Are you not ready for day 4? I bet you aren’t.

The rules are simple so pay close attention and do good.  The first three people to answer the question correctly will be given 3, 2, or 1 point(s) respectively. The person with the most points at the end of the competition will get temp owner and 40 xats, second price will get temp mod and 20 xats, finally third prize will get just 10 xats. Read all that? Good now time for the question!


The ACP is well know for it highly trained and dedicated soldiers, with many soldiers remaining in the army for years at a time. Some examples include  Mchappy, Purpleslime, Oagalthorp, and Shaboomer but one soldier has surpassed all of them. Who is the longest serving troop of all time and what/is his most recent rank?

7 Responses

  1. Noka8 and 2ic

  2. The leader board is now 1st. Sonic (6 points) 2nd. Edwin (5 points) 3rd. Madonna (3 points) Last. Noka (2 points.)

  3. Noka8 and 2ic

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