New Third in Command – Zoomey

Well, here I am! I’ve made it to 3ic! This feels amazing. To think I am a rank that a lot of former leaders were at one point.
Thanks to everyone who wanted me at 3ic and supported me. Thanks to my BFF Edwin and Ryan for training me, very well. Thanks to the haters, I know you love me deep down.
It’s funny, I remember just joining knowing nothing only during summer. It’s only sinking in that I’m 3ic. Now I know a lot of you are like “ZOOMEY IT’S NOT LEADER CALM DOWN” but what I have to say is; for me, 3ic is a HUGE thing. ACP is my first army and I’m already 3ic. I feel like I done something great, like I’m on top of the world, well not quite but you get what I mean.
Anyway, thanks for 3ic Sidie and Trader, I promise I will not let yous down and I will do as best I can, even with a crappy laptop like mine. Prepare yourselves everyone, ZOOMEY IS HERE 😀

14 Responses

  1. nice

  2. GRATssss

  3. ima nachos spy. gg

  4. Congratulations Zoomey! I remember promoting you to a moderator while you were a member, Im surprised you made it this far! wish you all the best during your journey.

  5. Congrats Zoomey you so deserve this!

  6. Good job Zoomey.

  7. Well done 😀

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