Events of the week [10/11/2015-10/18/15]

Hello Everyone!

Two weeks ago, we fell one spot to 7th after being in 6th. Now we are back to 6th place, and this next week, we all should be on our best game. We should now be solidifying our quality and events as well as maintaining our sizes. The Champions Cup Round 3 will be this weekend, and it is EXTREMELY important I tell you. There’s about a week for us to prepare for the huge battle. As you probably have noticed already, my graphics are flashy and colorful, thus dictating the importance of the tournament battles.

Anyway, our goals for the week should mainly be to work on size and tactics/strategy. It is very important for us to become stronger as soldiers and people so we can fight and not have any complications in the field, minimizing casualties. The leaders are very proud of everyone in ACP seeing as we have done really well in the past two weeks. However, we must push on! There does not need to be a cool down time, excluding the gaps between events of course, and off days. Lets have an awesome week!

~*Note: “TBA” or “TBD” mean that the server will be announced on chat.~



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  1. UK events

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