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September 2015 Promotions!

Receive a rank in the official Army of Club Penguin, you must first leave a comment on the join page. Note: the leaders will add you to these ranks as soon as they can; we try to do it quickly. If you are new to armies, go to our chat to receive an automatic promotion!

If you still cannot find your rank and it has been a few days since you joined, comment on this page and we will help you take care of it. Welcome, you are now officially part of the ACP!




Army || Navy || Air Force

US-O10 insignia.svgGeneralUS-O10 insignia.svg


– Leader in Training –

Maxy777 Trader

US-O9 insignia.svg Lieutenant GeneralUS-O9 insignia.svg

[On Leave] CapnRyan11 | Super Edwin | King Mondo

US-O8 insignia.svgMajor GeneralUS-O8 insignia.svg

Youg | Max43810 | Fluffyboy3

US-O7 insignia.svgBrigadier GeneralUS-O7 insignia.svg

 Noka, Wenny, Rix15, ACPZoomey

US-O6 insignia.svgColonelUS-O6 insignia.svg

Elsa, Nick, Troy, Dwain

US-O5 insignia.svgLieutenant Colonel US-O5 insignia.svg

Thegamer6675, Nhojaxon7, Sonic

US-O4 insignia.svgMajorUS-O4 insignia.svg

Redboxy1, Jaisick/Zayn

US-O3 insignia.svg Captain US-O3 insignia.svg

Kenneth1000, Legoboy612 (Andy), Percy Jacks2, Critica, ELchango21l, Silkroad13, Roleplayfan3, Chatman999, Sakr18, Sparky Dog

US-O2 insignia.svg Lieutenant US-O2 insignia.svg

Baby Flor, Brethart222, Peeps80, Luke0457, Elvis86750, Gtfive, Starboi414, Sparky Dog, Peter9977, Antwerp001, Goldfan1, Buggins Will,  Jedi4590Daisy67540, Larry857

Warrant Officer

Ha65Henrio, Jenkins23, Penguino779, Bananaman14, Jimstyle,  A1710, Jacksonstar1, Super Channel

Army-USA-OR-09c.svgSergeant Major Army-USA-OR-09c.svg

Lemonjello1, Blueicespark, Bobrocks9000,   Free Dude 15, Gagili, Jt812, Sonic46117, Roggy83, Justin

First Sergeant

Wobble1586, Hi hi 235, TheRobot221Thundazz, aditya567 

Master Sergeant

Crash1092, Swimy1998, Gumdrop1105, Ninjaarmy233, Tape2222Mialolipop1Jude

Army-USA-OR-07.svg Sergeant First Class Army-USA-OR-07.svg

Bradhappy78, American406, BryanboSallie, PenguinChipLolliepop117Froogz,  Louie76533, Jadeee35, Diezlbudoy, Saba888

Army-USA-OR-06.svg Staff Sergeant Army-USA-OR-06.svg

Omega43, Bcguy33, Donald95, Powerdude3,
Candybarf105, Tim90210
, Bigpengx11x, Centaur17
, PokePaw,
 Jimmy303, M0k3r2/Moki101, Jeremy353, Winston Jr, Saba888, TheKeeper03

Army-USA-OR-05.svg Sergeant Army-USA-OR-05.svg

Nabil 98, Bradhappy78,Elvis86750,  Blake, JadeIcethomas B1, Seth/Chat Inspector, Moonman Rock, Fisher Man3, Agentgreen95Maximilian70, Sammy Adams, Kittyfashion101,Tamiyami, Floatypeng, Munkee45, MrBloo, Salt Penguin, Billy Idol1/Clade, SpinisterAshsPikachu, Chester223, Arnie20, Cupcake 1705, Lt1200, Spy57150, MikeyISCool, Sawyerl

Army-USA-OR-04a.svg Corporal Army-USA-OR-04a.svg

Cassondra106, Swaymgod,GreenM4nShadow22712, Zeroman20, Canucks6,  Blueicespark, R15596, AgentBeast6,Bobyo500Cool Guy Fry, Roswaldo, Manny163, Awesommen64, Coffeecups24, BellabellieI Love Kanye, CpcutekittySt Patrick 73, Raawi, Muimuimui, Bobbo1884, 2Lightbolt2, Ifrankencop, Hammk, Icy moomin

Private First Class

 Agent 47 2, NinjaGoIsCol, Chainy6845, Shorty05020, Manny25345Penbuddy2721, Club, Fishsalad21, Magic Man963COOLGIRL6, SpikeyDaPuffle, Fedy1, Rayane138, Littlejack61, Chelsea1993


 VanpaulAcp, Lucki, Justin89205,Chief118, Beastboy8241Yashoo, 

Army-USA-OR-02.svg Private Army-USA-OR-02.svg

Amber34155,  Cateat, Seth96994, Ninja Emma, Bigtasty6, Ninja Lauren, Cutiepie, Kennyz, Devushka 2, Scottih, Golf59872, QueenAnnie5547, Sugarlump31,  Sugarwizard, Rahul Bunni, Mario26066, Nintendo342, Marcos (dorian 2999), Fuzbuket, Evildance, Cammy313, LoonyMoony, Jordanray06, Cm1026, Annakyle1, Jackiechan07, Jack_14, FandumbTrash, Gia Girl1980, Abby238, Taste556, Sweet443, Mg 124, Nolle Star0, Kylar09, Lolcrowley, Benhenry8, Pingy235, FandumbTrash, LordNinja449, Ella, Maple Breeze, Mangle13, Marbles115, Funnyblue170, Santa Cars, Miami3831, Sunshine3035, Devin5094, Funkid56, Jacobtk Bruinfan, Jaystarthecat, Crystallake4, WhyzguyBlueDoesBlue, HarryGoodboynot, Granter30, Mario26066, Wafflekitten, GornachHobseh, Pinky12857, Kittygirl81, Hospot111, Amit7, Ducker007, Stuck24, Coldbird1, Stampyfan246, Arthurka2200, Crazycat78Bob82386, Fudge Girl99, Gemzstahh2, Dylo02, Rainbowsaur, Rednoodles3, Aditya Goyal, Pransh11, Itsnear, Dipanshu, Eshaan 006, Hotspot111, Rowly15, Ekansh Ansh1, Stellastr19, Dj9112, Natrox2003, Pilotpen1, Pccats, Reddy42427, DarthArtic14, Melissa31407, Mj113 strikey peng, Ayaan12

Creator: Oagalthorp

Panel of Guardians: Boomer 20, Flipmoo, Mchappy, Shaboomboom

ACP Sniper: Noka8

Therapist: King Mondo


Congratulations to those who have been promoted! To those who have been demoted, don’t get down on yourselves. If you improve this month, you may get a promotion  at the start of November. Great battle today guys, we crushed the opposing army to bits.

♣March on!♣

4 Responses

  1. Dude list who got promo and not promo

  2. Congratulations to everyone who got promoted.

  3. Thank you for the promotion! 🙂

  4. Congrats to everyone who got promoted! 😀

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