Made by Slime
Hey ACP, this month sees quite a lack of promotions, same with demotions, so looking at these promotions, it shows us that this month has been a relatively mixed month. ACP, we must try our best to ensure that this army is strong with our three divisions, so recruit and hype! Read on to see if you are one of the few people that got promotions or not. I expect an improvement this month, but exams are coming up soon, so good luck to those with exams.
Note from Puff: Make sure you keep on recruiting, attending events, getting on chat, and working hard! A few troops this month got more than just a 1-rank promo for their amazing work (but as Ahmed said, there’s still not many) and we’d love to have more of you on board as a moderator. Have fun!
Ahmed 7569
Lieutenant General
Bam117, King Mondo, Maxy777 and Sidie9/Vexillarius
Major General
[INVOLUNTARY LEAVE]Jacknat02, Djkb1, Super Edwin, Rockstar1819 and Puff001
Brigadier General
Dwain, Skipper
Crazy Tow, Tax1, Gian Lucak
Lieutenant Colonel
Agent Ryan, Galaxie, Chuck
Icey20115, Firedingo/Fireheart454, Rix15good12[on leave], Roboo23
BlasesGtfive, Icypenguin, Waddler Pro, Jimmy38983, Dann
Andy, Elvis86750, Flor, Jedi4590, Kenneth1000, Peter9977, P1nkpal, Rockman19103
Warrant Officer
Pham, Henrio, Lionzlover, Bananaman14, Jimstyle, Elsa/Lolly 17, Daisy67540
Sergeant Major
Blueicespark, Free Dude 15, Gagili, Roggy83, Zayn/Jai
First Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Spycatdog, Swimy1998, Ninjaarmy233
Sergeant First Class
Bryanbo, Froogz, Gumdrop1105, Louie76533, Diezlbudoy, Jude, Jadeee35
Buggins Will, Centaur17, ape2222, , M0k3r2/Moki101 PenguinChip, Andy12e44
Seth/Chat Inspector, Bcguy33, Elvis86750, Lolliepop117, , Billy idol1/Clade, Spinister, AshsPikachu, Thegamer6675
Swaymgod, GreenM4n, Blueicespark, Agentgreen95, R15596, AgentBeast6, Awesommen64, Bellabellie Cpcutekitty, Arine20, St Patrick 73, Muimuimui, bobbo1884, Raawi
Private First Class
Amber34155, Seth96994, Ninja Emma, Ninja Lauren, Cutiepie, Kennyz, Cool Guy Fry, Devushka 2, Kittyfashion101, Scottih, Golf59872,QueenAnnie5547, , Sugarlump31, Sugarwizard,Rahul Bunni, Mario26066, Nintendo342, Hi hi 235, Marcos (dorian 2999), Fuzbuket, Evildance, Cammy313, LoonyMoony, Jordanray06, Cm1026, Annakyle1, Jackiechan07, FandumbTrash, gia girl1980, Abby238, Taste556, Sweet443, Mg 124, Nolle Star0, Kylar09, Lolcrowley, Benhenry8, Pingy235, FandumbTrash, LordNinja449, Ella, Powerdude3, Maple Breeze, Mangle13, Marbles115, Manny25345, Funnyblue170, Santa Cars, Miami3831, Sunshine3035, Devin5094, Funkid56, Jacobtk, BlueDoesBlue, Harry, Goodboynot, Granter30, Mario26066, Wafflekitten, I love
kanye, Gornach, Hobseh, Pinky12857, Kittygirl81, Hospot111, Amit7, Ducker007, Stuck24, Coldbird1, Stampyfan246, Arthurka2200, Crazycat78, Bob82386, Fudge Girl99, Rainbowsaur, Rednoodles3, Aditya Goyal, Pransh11, Itsnear, Dipanshu, Eshaan 006, Hotspot111, Rowly15, Ekansh ansh1, Stellastr19, Dj9112, Natrox2003, COOL6GIRL, Pilotpen1, Pccats, Reddy42427, DarthArtic14
Creator: Oagalthorp
Constables: Boomer 20, Shaboomboom
Filed under: ACP |
Why didn’t I get promoted I was active all month and helped lead I don’t understand. March I did worse and I still got promoted wtf Ahmed.
I think you should’ve gotten promo
Yay back to Colonel *wary*