LT Raid of Breeze — ACP Victory!

Hello ACP!

Jack here with some results. LT raided Breeze today, starting at 2PM EST; oh boy, did they not expect what they got. We started our clash at the Berg where LT was caught off guard by our consistent retaliation. Then, we moved to the Plaza where ACP outnumbered LT 2:1. LT then retreated to the Pool, and then again to the Town, where for the last 10 minutes of the battle, we bombarded them over and over. Four minutes before the battle ended, they logged off; we can assume it was in dejected defeat. We maxed 25 and averaged 23. Great job ACP! “Read more” for pictures and analysis.

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Size: A-

Tactics: A-

Troop Attention: B-

Overall: Good job ACP! We had pretty good sizes and our tactics we’re spot on. However, work on paying attention and not interrupting the event. Besides, that great job! 4 Medals!


This battle was quite the funny one. The last 10 minutes, LT felt the need to spam “we won” over and over again. Remember ACP, victory isn’t found in who can claim they won the most, it is found in the true victor of strategy. We are that victor.

Cheers to another win,



12 Responses

  1. Great job, ACP! Comment if you made it; I sure did!

  2. First comment! I came for the first half 🙂

  3. Well done ACP!!! 😀

  4. Camezies.

  5. I came

  6. I came! 😛

  7. not true LT crushed u guys and they said we did

  8. u suck

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