Hey ACP, Purp here, your leaderrr! Today we had a delightful CP Raid/training session and it pretty much turned into a huge green party on CP. We went on Alaska which was 2 bars (see picture below) and we did brilliant on CP, averaging 25-30+ on CP. We performed many awesome tactics too. Despite my computer overheating during the event (slime has the best computer in the world.. hooray for her Windows 7 Advent!), I still kept some pics of the session.. so here they are! 3 medals if you came.
These aren’t the best pics, but it certainly showed how awesome we looked online. Good job to every troop who logged on and participated. Make sure you attend those upcoming events!
Comment if you came!
Filed under: ACP |
I came 😀
(on a spare penguin)
Brilliant ;D Been waiting for this to go up – Nr Rr
I came!
i came
made it
I came. Well done troops! 😀
i was there
I came!
averaging 37? that’s 20. LMAO so pathetic