Greetings troops, Purpleslime4 here! Summer is meant for fun, right? Indeed.. obviously, of course.. duh… well, we haven’t been doing great this summer and therefore it means more RECRUITINGS and TRAININGS! Work hard, play hard: that’s how ACP does it! But still, if we want to be bigger we must recruit. Yeah, maybe some of you are lazy and think  recruiting is too much work but do you want to see your army like this? C’mon!

Here are the events for the week, let’s make this august as groovy as possible!

Friday, 22nd of August

UK Practice Battle VS RPF

Server: To be announced when event starts

Times: 8:00pm UK // 3:00pm EST // 2:00pm CST // 1:00pm MST // 12:00am PST // 12:30am IST  // 4:00am JST // 3:00am WST

USA Recruiting Session

 Server: To be announced when event starts

Times: 7pm EST // 6pm CST // 5pm MST // 4pm PST // 8am JST // 5:30am IST // 7am WST // 12am UK (midnight)


Saturday , 23rd of August

AUSIA Recruiting Session

Server: To be announced when event starts

Times: 6:00pm IST // 8:30pm JST // 7:30pm WST // 12:30pm UK // 9:30am EST // 8:30am CST // 7:30am MST // 6:30am PST

UK Recruiting Session

Server: To be announced when event starts

Times: 9pm UK // 4pm EST // 3pm CST // 2pm MST // 1pm PST // 1:30pm IST // 5am JST // 4am WST

USA Ulead 

 Server: To be announced when event starts

Times: 7:30pm EST // 6:30pm CST // 5:30pm MST // 4:30pm PST // 8:30am JST // 6:30am IST // 7:30am WST // 12:30am UK


Sunday, 24th of August

Break for all forces!

11 Responses

  1. All the UK and AUSIA events probably. If I don’t make an AUSIA, it’s prolly because I went out.

  2. i wont make ausia, but i might some UK and definately most USA events.

  3. I can make all AUSIA and UK!

  4. I’m ready to smash GT sir.

  5. I can make the Monday, Friday and Saturday US events. I can make the Saturday UK event too.

  6. Sorry I missed yesterday’s event 🙁 I’ll make it to today’s event and to the Friday and Saturday events.

  7. I might make some AUSIA and UK and I will make US

  8. Most Ausia events, as much as I can, idk about uk/us ones

  9. I can come to nearly every single event

  10. I can’t make a lot of the events due to me having school

  11. I can make it on Saturday.

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