[Gendarmerie Report] AUSIA’s Spectacular Results!

Greetings, ACP! 😀

If you haven’t been notified yet, the AUSIA Division will now be called the Gendarmerie instead of the “Military Police”. It basically means the same thing, but having one word instead of two makes things cleaner, so I decided to use that word instead. The definition of Gendarmerie is;

Gendarmerie (noun): A group of soldiers that serve in an army acting as armed police with authority over civilians.

I’ll soon publish a page with each of the division’s purpose and jobs so stay tuned for that!

Anyways, onto the results. We did extremely great today! We were able to max 23 troops and managed to average 20 troops throughout the whole event! :mrgreen: Great job guys! AUSIA Prevails!

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8 Responses

  1. Eye made it ;D

  2. came

  3. Came

  4. Came

  5. Reblogged this on ACP AUS/Asia Division.

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