File 427B – Exposure of Cassius Brutus

A complete screenshot & intel dump-file of the 29th Leader of the ACP, Casiusbrutus. All of his unacceptable actions, conspiracies, poor performance,  and inappropriate behavior have been recorded and are all included on this post.


File 427B

Subject: CBACP

Resources: Case 104 (Operation Attilia), CAAlbum, ACP2Others Post.

Status: Finished.

Formed by the A.C.P. Owners. (Mainly Sercan, Flipmoo, and a former owner; Fluffyboy3)

Table of Contents:

  1. Leadership of Cassius Brutus.
  2. Intel regarding Cassius Brutus’s coup of Tori.
  3. Intel regarding the edited event pictures.
  4. Intel regarding the N.D.A. objective & conspiracy.
  5. Screenshots of Cassius Brutus being a brute.
  6. Fluffyboy3’s post regarding his 3rd in Command title resignation. 

1. Leadership of Cassius Brutus.

Cas’s Performance during events:

  • Under Cassius Brutus’s leadership, he cannot manage to get good sizes without aid from another owner. The events that he lead alone maxed 5, and in one event he left the event leaving Purple Slime4 in command so he did not have to take the blame.
  • Every event that Cassius Brutus finds unsuccessful is deleted and kept in secrecy.
  • Whenever Cassius Brutus leads an event alone, the ACP max 5~9.
  • Sercan is the true leader of the U.K. division, as every event that he attend is successful.
  • After observing several ACP events while on a spy account, it was noticed how Cassius AFKs during UK events, while our current 3ic, Sercan, leads them. He logs on CP around 5-7 minutes after the order to log on is given, and then just leaves to do something else. He claims this is because of lag, however, his performance during events was surprisingly much more better when he was 3ic/2ic. He also says he owns a Macbook. A $1000 laptop can handle Club Penguin.
  • Does not/cannot chat recruit before an event.

Wars that Cassius Brutus has caused (6 in total within 3 months of his leadership):

Cas’s Performance during the DW war:

  • Cassius makes it a flame war, he claims victories every time, and doesn’t discuss with the other armies’ leaders.
  • He forced the US owners to claim victory on battles in which they lost for sure during the DW war. He threatens them with various stuff, from demotions to far worse.
  • After 1 week of a war that has weakened both armies, Cas ignorantly refuses to give up. He believes that the ACP has taken the whole DW nation, when everyone knew it was a tie, and maybe, a very slightly ACP victory which was not worth the fall we took.
  • Instead of using creative tactics and operations, he keeps using easy tactics and created a flame war in it’s pure meaning.
  • The Owners make a peace without Cas’s permission, it was already too much for both sides.
  • Cas immediately coups Tori after she agrees with a peace treaty with the DW without Cas’s approval.

Cas’s incompetence:

  • Cas has been advised of a few tactics by some ACP troops and owners, but has failed to use them.
  • He doesn’t plan anything. He schedules events but doesn’t sort out the offensive and defensive wisely.
  • Cannot chat recruit.
  • Has been auto-typing quotes that don’t even show on CP.

2. Intel regarding Cassius Brutus’s coup of Tori.

Before Tori’s Coup:

  • Multiple fights have occured. Cas speaks about how he’s planning on leading alone. A couple of hours later, after the PB with RPF– he’s blaming Tori for his own mistake of not setting a time limit. After one hour of being in CP, he blames her for logging the troops off.
  • Cassius comes with an idea of editting pics in order to add size. He is forcefully making an owner teach him how to use Photoshop. After not being experienced enough to crop penguins, he threatens to fire the owner unless he’ll be given 20 cropped penguins.
  • A few days after, he offers the owner a promotion in exchange of editting-services. The Owner refuses.
  • ACP is placed 4th on top 10. Cassius starts a huge fight on WV chat. As a result, HSA, which is now led by former WV owners, is now part of the Black Alliance.
  • Multiple secret fights happen between the Ownership. The Trio that knew about Cas and his plans are telling him to stop.proofcaseditting
  • Cassius refuses to make Flipmoo leader despite the fact it was suggested by Boomer and accepted by Tori. The vote was 1-1, in this case, it should’ve been left to the troops to decide a vote however it was known that the troops would’ve voted for him to get leader. He’s put it down.
  • The Senate makes a new constitution. The whole senate has agreed on it and the troops liked the idea. Cassius was irritated at the original creator of this new proposal, and complains to the owners claiming that it “limits his power.”
  • He plans Tori’s coup. He settled impossible goals for Tori to achieve [35+ on a 1 bar server, during weekdays at normal school times, WHILE in the DW war].
  • He promises Sercan to be his successor despite all the fights they’ve had in order to keep his mouth shut.
  • In a PC with another ACP owner: “Remember Flipmoo cheated to win that V.P election? Now I’m President- and he will never be. You see that treaty he made with DW? That’s why he will never be leader with me- he does stuff such as that WITHOUT my permission, he’s lucky he is not fired.” Cassius makes up a story of Flipmoo deleting comments on the first senate voting. He had no proof because Flipmoo never did such a thing.
  • Cassius Brutus waits for the opportunity to fire Fluffy, because Fluffboy3 was not too fond of having Tori couped and also due to the reason that Fluffy disliked Cas.

Casiusbrutus recently removed Tori from power after a couple of significant meetings among the A.C.P. commandants at that time, which were; Casiusbrutus, Tori, Purple Slime 4, Flipmoo, Sercan, Jerry, and Monsoon. At the first meeting, it was concluded that Tori would be given 1 week to “prove” herself. A week later, we held another meeting, and then again it was decided that Tori would be given another week to “prove” herself. The terms were that she had to hit 35+ at an U.S.A. school day event on a 1 bar server within that week or she would lose her leader title. Casiusbrutus also told Tori to retire so that he would not have to coup Tori in public, but Tori refused to do so. Then came the war with the Dark Warriors.

The A.C.P. owners were tired of having massive events in 1 day, constantly logging on 3~4 times a day. The Dark Warriors previously offered Cas a peace treaty, but he declined. The Dark Warriors were also wanting a ceasefire as well. Which is why Tori, Flipmoo, Sercan, Jerry, and Purple Slime4 (all that was left of the A.C.P. ownership) decided to overrule Cas by taking an “owners vote”, like he did against Tori with his coup proposition. And thus, the war was declared over. Cas came online right after the agreement with the D.W. was made, and started to rage. He then took immediate action by removing Tori from power and declaring himself the sole leader of the A.C.P.

After Tori’s Coup:

  • Cassius has taken full control of ACP. He is not planning on offering leader to anybody else.
  • Tori reveals Cas’s secrets regarding the picture editing in order to take her revenge on him. His career has taken a blow. ACP is being accused of something one person has done, despite the fact he’s been warned a thousand of times.
  • He is planning on giving the blame to somebody else in order to save his arse.
  • Considering that there aren’t any proper U.S.A. owner replacements, a couple of the owners figured that it would be unwise to coup Tori. However, power-hungry Cassius ignored the warnings and proceeded with the Coup D’Etat.
  • Whenever Jerry can’t attend an U.S.A. event, the U.S.A. Division maxes 2. This is the aftermath of couping Tori.

3. Intel regarding the edited event pictures.

The incident where Cassius Brutus edited pictures. Full story on CPAC:

Tried to used Monsoon as a scapegoat to save his own skin.

Then came the scandal. An unidentified personal identified and proved Cas’s event pictures to be fake and edited, and reported it to C.P.A.C. Casiusbrutus’s actions have caused many to doubt the A.C.P.’s reliability and credibility. That post can be found here.

The event that got the A.C.P. first on the C.P.A.C. Top 10 (Week of 9/15/2013)  was the Ausia event in which Sercan and Flipmoo led. The A.C.P. Ausia Division maxed 56 troops with great tactics, and the post can be found here. However, Casiusbrutus was still unsatisfied. Instead of accepting the event for what it already was, Casiusbrutus edited a screenshot that Sercan took and gave it to another owner. He then ordered that owner to give Flipmoo that edited picture so that he would include it onto the event results without knowing that the screenshot was a fake. However, the ACP still would’ve gotten 1st even if the pictures weren’t edited.

The original picture had been deleted, but here’s a picture taken not too far apart from the original:

Edited Picture:

There are smilies with missing pixels and penguins missing shadows. (Especially at the bottom right.) At first they are hard to notice, but if you look real close…

On top of that, Casiusbrutus asked an A.C.P. owner to edit event pictures for him, and he also offered that the person a promotion if the owner edited the pictures for him. Though of course, that owner rejected his order.

Losing respect of Casiusbrutus, the owner decided to consult a couple of other owners, and concluded that a coup would be suitable for what Cas has done. Not only has he lowered the reputation of the A.C.P., but he has also harassed the hearts of many A.C.P. troops, and we will not tolerate that.

4. Intel regarding the N.D.A. objective & conspiracy.

The N.D.A. plans to overthrow CPAC by having the Blue Brothers resign and taking over the media. They also planned to create a new army news site, the CPAN (Club Penguin Army News). A couple weeks before the Nacho vs ACP war ended, Cas met up with the Blue Brothers and requested the following:

  • Have Bluesockwa1 fired from CPAC.
  • Have Bluesockwa2 fired from CPAC.
  • Have Shiver fired from CPAC.
  • Have Lucario fired from CPAC.
  • To drop TSN.
  • To have certain army legends removed.
  • To approve a constitution written by a NDA official.

After the ACP won the war, Cassius talks to Blue2 and takes back his terms and withdraws from the CPAC rebellion.

5. Screenshots of Cassius Brutus being a brute.

>Sucks up to Capn >Un-bffs on Capn xat after appointed as leader.

On main chat.

>Goes on CP >Finds Cas using auto-typer >Notices that his recruiting phrases aren’t showing. >facedesk

Cas being butthurt after Flipmoo won the V.P elections.

still butthurt

>Loses elections >tries to suck up to capn

still butthurt….

Reason why the UMA declared war on the ACP. (During the war with A.R.)

AR stating Capn and Cas as the primary reason of why they declared war on us.

Yup, he sure does.





cuz Ausia’s all u got.

Screen shot 2013-09-24 at 7.41.43 PM

Is this how you think of our troops?

No. Just no.

When Tori agreed on a peace treaty without Cas’s approval. (All of the other owners agreed on a peace treaty)

Cassius tells owners to multi log.

And now a message from Fluffyboy3 states his conflicts with Cas regarding his position of being a W.W. Leader and A.C.P. 3rd in Command. Some parts have been deleted to keep this post short and meaningful. The full post can be viewed here.

6. Fluffyboy3’s post regarding his 3rd in Command title resignation. 


I felt terrific of my self for getting such a achievement. I don’t feel like that anymore, that’s why I’m stepping down! The main reason I’m stepping down is because I can’t lead WW and be a 3ic in ACP at the same time. Sounds insane eh?  Well I told Cas I can Lead WW and be 3ic in ACP from past experience. He still said the same damn thing. Even my leader friends in WW tried to help me, Cas would not even budge, whatever time he gets he’s always arguing with my ACP owner friends in PC. There is another reason I left ACP ownership, Arguing. …

More or less, I kept trying to stay WW leader and ACP 3ic. My friends in WW still sticking up for me that one day I will be able to be WW leader and ACP 3ic. Capncook retired form CP armies and I was temp leader in Tori’s absence. Then I had no idea what to do, Retire in WW or decline Temp leader in ACP, I chose what I thought was right for me and the was to decline temporary leader in ACP so I can stay in WW and ACP. Thats why Cas said “Fluffy did something traitorous.” which I don’t understand why he says that, the fact that I’ve been in WW for 3 years and ACP for 6 months surprises me when he says “ACP should be your top priority.” Here is another picture of Cas saying I can’t stay in both armies

Good o’l Luc sticking up for me

Does Cas notice people can take pictures?

This one is the best one, I like how he says “To be honest he doesnt deserve ACP 3ic if he would actually consider leaving us for WW” I never left ACP for WW cas Just a heads up here c=

Another reason for me stepping down is because Sercan raged at me because I apparently “logged WW on against ACP and couple days ago”. The fact that I was doing homework at the time JESSIE logged WW on makes it seem like he’s forcing a traitor side out of me, he also f-bombed me a few times and he’s lucky I never taken any pictures of it. Anyways now you know why I stepped down.  I have a ton more pictures of Cassius bruitus being a dick. 

When Cas and Tori were Leading, Cas never cared what Tori did / said

Cas never though Tori would coup him because Cas is so perfect in his world

This is how arrogant Cas is.

This is how Cas talked behind Tori’s back, what a great friend he is.

In this Picture, Victor said something that Cas didn’t like so Cas banned Victor forever.

T’was fun being a 3ic but yeah. I hope you know  exactly why I stepped down.

The new leaders of the ACP vows never to repeat such unjust activities in their future leadership, and ask for the support of everyone.

May a new era begin.

26 Responses

  1. Furst!!11!1

  2. Well shi.

  3. Just wondering have u always been collecting these screenshots?

  4. Be free, my pretties!

  5. Freedoooooooooooom 😀

  6. My Friend….. You have restored faith into ACP…. I cannot describe…

  7. At first when I heard the news of this coup I was disgusted with what you had done, I thought that Cas was an amazing and great leader, who just used more force than was necessary sometimes. After I read this post I am utterly disgusted with this tyrant that once held me in his favor. This very charismatic dictator turned the ACP from what once was an army dedicated to protecting and defending CP into what Ronald Reagan would call, “an evil empire”. I myself was completely deluded by him and believe every one of his honeyed lies. I pray that this never happen to the ACP again and that this fully necessary coup does not tear this army apart and take some of our valuable soldiers with it. We have much rebuilding to do in the future, if we are ever to regain the former prestige we had in the Golden Age. May Oagalthorp grant us the strength that this never happen again.

  8. YAY 😀

  9. When I heard about the coup I felt saying “Why?” to the screen but, since this post is here, I really dont know what to say… Now who is the new ACP leader? We should apppoint someone who is nice and active like Flipmoo. 😀

  10. wow ive never seen cas dis way

  11. I agree with Lumarnara. I was at first shocked, but after reading this I’m not sure what I think any more. I liked Cas, but if this is really necessary then I’ll support it.

  12. Long overdue, glad to see someone had the guts to expose the truth.

  13. LOLOLOLOLOL. Cas has been couped. Yayyyy

  14. Reblogged this on The Stale Nacho and commented:
    Great justice has been done by our friend Flipmoo in the ACP. This post has been saved in TSN’s library.


  16. Well about time

  17. I’m impressed. Congrats. (:


  19. Lol Cas this was hilarious. You really know how to make people mad.

  20. DCP almost went to war with ACP cause of Cas. Many owners and mods hated Cas and were asking for war. then there was the possible bribe between Cas and Funks….. this is when war almost broke out. Cas silenced Musta,Toy,Bam, and Mel… then flip became leader and began to fix ACP

  21. I am not in and I never was in ACP but I know this army is great and flipmoo I salute you for couping cas, I never knew his truth and this explains to a lot of soldiers who joined armies this year like me that there are dirty people out there in big armies who we never think are really so dirty and we learn how there are people like you are a soldier who fights for freedom. I and my army SBA salute you flipmoo hats off to you.

    Congratz ACP enjoy your freedom and flipmoo is amazing.

  22. “Cas is mean. He needs to be couped.”

    Alot in this post were alleged conspiracies. Removing ACP owners? Well thats up to the owner. I have to say Cas weeded out quite a few not so useful people.

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