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[AUSIA] Reclamation Week 2 Day 1 Results

Greetings, ACP! 

Congratulations on winning both servers back! We’ve successfully reclaimed Avalanche and Outback. We maxed 12 at the event and averaged 10. Like I promised you, there will be no disputed servers in this war, because the Ausia Division verifies every single one of them.

The Nachos slowly start to realize that in this war,

It’s impossible for them to win.

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Selena (Nachos moderator) was the representative of the Nachos for this event due to Cutie being AFK. http://prntscr.com/20hzy7

Reclamation of Avalanche

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Reclamation of Outback

   Screen shot 2013-10-29 at 8.25.27 PM  Screen shot 2013-10-29 at 8.25.19 PMScreen shot 2013-10-29 at 8.23.02 PM

Great job everyone!

❗ Comment if you made it! ❗

~ACP 2nd in Command, Ausia Division Commander,

Generalissimo Flipmoo

6 Responses

  1. I came I came I came!

  2. Came

  3. I came

  4. awshum tactics 😮

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