Galaxie3’s Retirement

Galaxie told me to copy this so I did

Hello all, brothers, sisters, and also the ones that don’t fall in those genders. Today, I am retiring. My reason isn’t personal, but as many of you may have noticed, I have gone inactive. I simply don’t have time for Club Penguin Armies anymore. As I am going into 7th grade next year, my life is getting more complicated.

If I’d have the choice, I would’ve stayed in the ACP. I simply adore every microspeck of ACP. This isn’t an age thing, for a matter of fact, some people in my grade still play Club Penguin, but, they aren’t people who play sports. This year, I started participating in my school’s sports teams, and that is really time consuming. I am also training myself to become a point guard for next years basketball season.

Instead of writing my goodbyes to everyone, I would like to say thank you to EVERYONE, even the people who hate me.


24 Responses

  1. And this post is necessary because…?

  2. Probably ACP’s best soldier.

  3. Farewell, Gal, I’ll never forget about that funny gangsta picture you had.

  4. Thank you for being an extremely loyal soldier to the ACP, Galaxie. It is much appreciated.

  5. Bye Galaxie. I will miss you.

  6. You ruined an event where Foldez told me and Change to lead…

  7. Bye Galaxie you will be missed 🙁 .

  8. oohma

  9. good luck and farewell,even i don’t know u

  10. Good luckzies for your upcoming Basketball season! I really enjoyed being with you in ACP :D. ACP JEWS FOREVER!

  11. Good luck in life Gal. See ya D:

  12. Yay.

  13. we should do a big ceremony for him leaving on one of our servers

  14. Never really new yah, maybe cuz I was some what inactive. like emp said,”good luck in life.” Your gonna be missed by many people.

  15. weird how everyone hates galaxie but is saying bye now.

  16. i really have nothing nice to say but felt the need to comment anyways

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