ACP Recap May 19th – May 26th 2013


Hai, Purp here! It’s about time I post, right? I haven’t really posted in a while because I haven’t had any good ideas lately.. then all of a sudden I remembered something. Something about Stew. Stew20, he used to be ACP 2ic.. and he used to post. Post something weekly. And that something was ”ACP Recap” so I decided to bring back. Every Monday, I will of recap ACP’s past week and post it here on the site. So please, enjoy my ACP Recap but with a little more oomph. And by the way…

Harhar! See? I didn’t lie!

Currently, ACP’s performance has slightly dropped. Our sizes have sort of decreased however we have successfully invaded Brumby and cleansed the server Tea! C’mon, ACP! Don’t you give up there, we’re still working our way up! HOWEVER,  next week I reckon we will do better. You know why? It’s because we will have more fun events and lots of training. Fingers crossed! Now lets see the events we had the past week..

Sunday: USA Unsched (on Breeze) – Size: 20-25 – Click Here for the results

A groovy tactic while almost circling the berg during the USA unsched!

Monday: AUS Unsched (server unknown) – Size: 10-13 – Click Here for the results 

Best Picture of Event

The Australian unsched – a nice diagonal line doing an awesome E+L tactic!

Tuesday: None

Wednesday: None

Thursday: None

Friday: USA Training (on Breeze but meant to be on Brumby) – Size: 10-15 – Click Here for the results 

A perfect E+P during the USA training.

Saturday: UK Cleansing of Tea (on Snow globe because Tea was full) – Size: 10-15 – Click Here for the results 

A cool E+2 tactic during the cleansing of Tea. Amazing!

UK Invasion of Brumby (on Brumby) – Size: 10-15 – Click Here for the results

A decent-ish E+M tactic during the Invasion of Brumby.

TOTAL: 5 EVENTS (2 Unscheduled, 3 Scheduled)

Thanks to these events, the average size for the UK force in ACP right now is…

10-15 + Performance: 6/10

And for the USA force it’s…

15-20 + Performance: 7/10

And for the AUS force it’s…

10-13+ : 7/10

Overall: 7/10

Gosh, that was hard. Now lets check out some of my random stuff of the week.

Homer Simpson on a SNAKE!?


You can change the direction of the train if you concentrate on it.

Cover the wall with your hands, you’ll go slower. Cover the hallway with your hands, you’ll go faster.

Without the event results and some secret private posts (hehe), here are all the past week’s posts.

Click HERE for Foldez’s ”Project N” post which sounds pretty fun.

Click HERE for Soup’s parody of the ACP owners. ”Meet the ACP”!

And click HERE for Capncook’s rant ”You’re Missing Out”. It’s worth the read.

And HERE for a post by Mchappy which was originally posted by Splashy, called ”Motivation Within The ACP”. It’s about motivation and its benefits and it’s really great.

Lastly, click HERE for Oagalthorp’s (yes, it’s him for real) important post about different solutions to make ACP a better place. I recommend this post to all of ACP.

Alright, that’s enough of that. Heh. Now, here are some upcoming events you guys should attend!

26th May – 2nd June

Sunday: Possible unscheduled event

Monday: Training/Tactic creation session @ 1am UK, 8pm EST, 7pm CST, 6pm MST & 5pm PST

Tuesday: Recruiting session @ 8pm UK, 3pm EST, 2pm CST, 1pm MST & 12pm PST

Wednesday: Fun event @ 1am UK, 8pm EST, 7pm CST, 6pm MST & 5pm PST

Thursday: Fun event @ 8pm UK, 3pm EST, 2pm CST, 1pm MST & 12pm PST

Friday: SUPER FUN EVENT @ 9pm UK, 4pm EST, 3pm CST, 2pm MST & 1pm PST

Saturday: None

For the events post (check it out for more details), click HERE

Gosh, what a week, what a week.  I hope you enjoyed my ACP Recap post- for some reason, I found it fun posting this! Expect ACP Recap to be posted next week, guys. Bai!

Oh wait. Wait, wait. There’s another thing I forgot about. What is it…. ah.. POLL OF THE WEEK!

~ Purple slime4 😀

15 Responses

  1. Good, informative post.


  3. The cleansing of Tea was actually on Snow Globe because Tea was full.

  4. Good post slime.

  5. YUM PIE!!

  6. Where’s my pie?


  7. Nice post.

  8. Wow, that was a great post. I really like the brain-teasers at the end. Keep it up, Slime.

  9. I was skipping thru old posts and found this!

  10. it all begun here

  11. LOL the end gif

  12. Ikr Mondo lol. Quite special to see your first ACP Recap post Purp! I love it like always! <3

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