Good afternoon ACP,
Well that was a darn fine job we did on Club Penguin today wouldn’t you guys agree? We managed to average twenty-one penguins on Club Penguin and we maxed a whopping twenty-five! So clap it up ACP, we’re just getting started. Keep up this good work and we’ll earn our RIGHT as the number one army again (Uncontested), and we’ll be back on our feet. Before we go to the pictures, here’s some other things that absolutely need to be said. Thank you all for coming to the event by the way. 🙂
For this event, I’d like to introduce a new rating system that I like to call “Report Cards”. Based off of the one created by Flipper7706, our former ACP Leader. Flipper’s was good and there’s no real flaws, except that it doesn’t really go in depth with what actually happens at these events. So I’ve decided to try to give some more reason to the ratings of events. Note that not all leaders need to follow this, this is the first time I’m trying it out. Anyway, the new one will be based off of: CP Size (Based on average of previous events of the week), Leading (Based on how advanced tactics/communications are between leaders), Execution (Based on how well the army preforms the tactics), Chat size (Based on average amount of people on chat weekly), and finally an overall score (Average of all our scores together). So I hope this doesn’t confuse anyone. If it does, feel free to PC me on chat and ask about it. Finally, I’d like to say that I’m going to use numbers instead of letters. =P
CP Size: 85: This week we’ve been getting only 20-25, and we’ve hit that again, maxing 25! Good job guys! 😀
Leading: 70: Only one tactic that involved soldiers to do anything but stand and do emotes, decent leadership communication though.
Execution 98: Almost every tactic was PERFECT.
Chat Size: 75: We didn’t really have many people on chat, even when Mchappy rounded us all up. Let’s work on this.
Overall: 82: That’s OKAY but we can do better next time, right guys? Keep up the good work though. 🙂
Color Key:
Green = Improved
Red = Needs Improvement
Black = Average
One of the biggest issues to ever plague CP armies. The most annoying and currently one of the most embarrassing things right now… STANDING ON OTHER PEOPLE DURING AN EVENT. PLEASE, for the love of humanity, DO NOT STAND ON OTHER PENGUINS DURING EVENTS! Spread out so we not only look bigger, but we are more organized as well. I don’t ever want to see this again…
Why exactly… Are a bunch of grapes standing on our leader?
Anyway, so let’s get to those pictures! 😀
Filed under: ACP |
FINNALY mch isn’t first
Nice report cards. o/
I actually think Flipper introduced the grading system. Also, I added in my pictures. Hope you don’t mind.
Yeah he did
Emp Emp Emp Emp Emp
Could that have been anymore self-centered? O_O
Sorry I was still in school.
LOL Mch is humping some grapes xD
I camezies!
I didn’t come sowwy!!
Someone is wearing purple grapes