Herllo, Purp here! Today, we had our first event of the week. It went pretty decent-ish and good, maxing around 24 and minimising around 13. The event was led by Funks, me, Djduehdblahblah and Tori. We took our black puffles (or as I say EPF Puffles) a walk to the Town, then took them to the Puffle hotel to see us perform our awesome tactics and lastly took them to the pet shop so they can hang out with the other puffles and pookies (which we scared off with our extreme farts). Furthermore, we also discovered a new tactic! ”THE FEW THE PROUD THE ACP”- Thanksies Djdjeideblahblah!
Read moar for the pics, taken by me, Funks and Cooldude. (Sorry Cooldude, I couldn’t include your pics because when I collected them at the end, my parents forced me to do homework so I only got some Funks and my pics. D=)
Funks’ pics
My pics

(The top pic was our size at the beginning of the event)
Size pictures
SIZE = 21
SIZE = 21
Alrighty, so I guess that’s all the pics. By the way, some of the pics aren’t in chronological order! Okay now, here is the event overall…
Size: 17-25
Tactics: A
Chat size: 23-27+
Overall: B
I suppose we did pretty good!
Nice job, guys. I hope we’ll do even better at the next events! Thanks everyone for coming. We have an awesome UK force indeed. By the way, comment if you came to this event!
~Purple slime4
Filed under: ACP |
I came 🙂
I came for the last bit
I came
I was there
I came. I saw. I came again.
I came!
I came and had a great time!