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Problems, Progress Plus usual weirdness

So a whole ton of things have gone on since my last post

– I really need like a series title or something for this type of post-

But have these huge changes affected us in a good or bad way ?

Before anyone goes ‘ Urgh huge fat long post’
This is ME I don’t do huge fat posts unless I’m really pee’d off.

Any change in the ownership takes a while to get used to but this one seems somewhat different, I’ve seen Dj more than Ken this week  which proves certain owners are putting in lots of effort to try and keep things stable.

The USA division where do I even start. You all owe Tori mega tons by now.

– Flashback to late Friday night / early hours Saturday Gmt-

After what I’d call a ‘normal’ event with sizes not even touching 15.

Myself and Tori leading and absolutely no sign of Ken or Swim.

Literally seconds after the surrender had been negotiated, Swim appears.

Like you do, I asked Swim where he’d been and I was rather nicely asked ‘Fold Screw Off’.

– Flashback over-

Swim could have just been angry or something but I don’t have to be doing anything for the USA at all.

I’m starting to question how much ‘extra’ should be done by owners.

I’m also mid way through setting up small back up mod units to help with leading if this type of situation does keep occurring.

These 2 units will be composed of 3 -4 mods, one will be lead by me – UK/Euro unit- and the other will be led by either Tori or Ken – USA unit-

The people who are involved know who they are, But I am still on the hunt for a few more capable USA mods.


End of boringness I promise

Because this supposedly makes people work faster according to my history teacher..

No reasoning behind this.

– Language warning for the video below. You have been warned-

Iron sky changed me so much, best comedy ever plus the guy can’t say Berlin properly

^You seriously thought I could make a post without any anime content. ^

Chapter 23 :http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o580/Foldez/That%20Series%20Fold%20Makes/ShakingSize_zps4af926ef.png

Depending on the amount of screenies I get, the 25 chapter video should come out at some point in the easter holidays.

Also Ming our graphics designer has been bugging me for a shout out so urhm


Thats all for now.

Dezadore – ACP 2ic


Learn to love the dinosaur Swim -wary-

folds post text

14 Responses

  1. Can I be in a chaptah?

  2. I am not amused. I usually have tea at that hour.

  3. I have a idea! Schedule events were both uk and Americans can go to!! If we can’t do that, save it for summer.

  4. Its something called a brother. And one computer. Stop trying to bash me.

    • She brings up a valid point. You shouldn’t tell your subordinates to screw off when they ask where you were.

      • I said screw off because she does this all the time and I’m sick of it. I already told her I have things to do in real life a lot of the time and I have a little brother who uses the computer too. She also gives all the credit to Tori and none to Ken and I.

      • I wasnt expecting a rage war over a simple opinion statement..

      • Aye,aye… People calm yourselves.. Now Swimmer you should not have said “Screw Off” she deserves to know where you were at that time due to the fact that she needed you. We all have family matters which must be dealt with could not have simply said “My brother was using the computer,” why must you wage war with each other up until one of you forfeits. You two are stuck in this leadership and if you really want this army to succeed I suggest you get along. We don’t need such unnecessary drama..

  5. This post was a bit disorganized and it looked a little weird centered.

  6. Interesting.

  7. The pic was weird but good post 🙂

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