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Oh Yes

Chat Rally Below!

Please donate to the chat rally, all proceeds to be given away. Contact Slider568 @ ACP chat!

Ohaider ACP!

My name is Slider568, for those of you who don’t know me I made it to ACP leader, although it’s not documented just trust me there (or ask Ken). I joined ACP all the way back in late 2009 – early 2010 and I’ve been with ACP ever since and recently I’ve been enjoying the fruits of retirement until now. I’m not technically part of the leadership but I have enough of the influence to make a bit of a difference until I get my next chance hopefully soon. Umm wait, did I miss anything? Oh yes! What the hell am I doing here? 😆 I want to yet again contribute to ACP and hopefully help it rise but also I want to make ACP more fun! We used to have such an enjoyable army here but now it seems to be lacking in quite a bit.

Whats first? I think we need a something to get the blood rushing and what better than a chat rally to do it? It’s time to put on a show for everyone and plan something big! Everyones invited! Idc if you’re from ACP, if you’re retired or if you just want to join in on the fun! We need to do this right. Now I don’t know if I’ll be able to go out and buy xats and powers to giveaway with midterms coming up for me but I’ll try. In the meantime please, donate so I can do it without a doubt and if not we can still have fun, going crazy. Maybe a few raids on our enemies, some contests for temp owner and temp mod won’t be ruled out and of course so come and join the party!

In other news I think we need to step it up and start recruiting full time again. Thats the only way that we can make it back to our perch on the number 1 spot. Training sessions will be in the works in the coming week or two but on the more fun side how about a Minecraft tournament of some kind or maybe something to do with Black Ops? Vote below.

Thats just and idea but it’s something we could pull off I think. Let me know by placing a vote or commenting. Now for the chat rally.





7:00 PM Eastern

6:00 PM Central

5:00 PM Mountain

4:00 PM Pacific

12:00 PM GMT

Sorry if the times are a bit late for everyone. The rally will probably start a bit early and end late at night so don’t feel like you need to rush but it will be nice if at 7 PM we have a full chat and maybe a second chat. I’ll be hosting the rally as an owner for the time of the rally with the approval of Swimmer. Hope to see you there!

14 Responses

  1. grabbing pills

  2. what did I smoke?

  3. Wb! Transformice tourney!

  4. Woo, Slider :0 I play bf3 :$

  5. How could you forget Starcraft 2? You monster ;[

  6. I dun’ play any of those games.

  7. Bjkb1 approves

  8. I don’t play dis…

  9. Me & Swimmer 1v1 MW2 Quickscope Match PS3

  10. why not MW3?

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