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Duel Server Dash

Yeah you did read right DUEL SERVER.

Games rakes because we don’t do enough rakes anymore.

We started off on Breeze but that server filled up super fast meaning lots of troops couldn’t get online.


We made a instant server change to Iceberg.

The event was led mainly by me as Funks had to leave near the start. As per usual I was supported by fellow owners Tori and Dj, special shout-out to Fluff for also helping out with tactics.

 Any other person helping out doesnt go unnoticed by owners, it’s one of the things that make you stand out from the crowd.


Flowers for a completely unknown reason

Ice creams and Coffee. We were affected by the strange CP weather due to the huge amount of puffles online

Cake because we’re all fat like that jkjk

Protest for better housing

Higher wages would be nice too. -clearly only joking-

The lack of joke bombs used is depressing

Size picture provided by Fluff.
Thanks Fluff


Overall not the best but not the worst of events.

All the other owners seem to be grading events so.


My usual fortnightly weirdness post will be out either tomorrow or Monday as I’ve been super busy this week with school -Controlled assessments are hell-  and  leading USA events AGAIN. Staying up till 1-2 am for ACP is BAD no matter what rank you are DON’T DO IT.

Also expect an edit from our brand new 3ic Dj somewhere on this post

Dezadore – ACP 2ic


folds post text

Dj: Pics here!






6 Responses

  1. Remember everyone, copy and pasta.

  2. Your welcome 😀 I came

  3. Awesome. Sorry I couldn’t come, I had a party D:

  4. I was there.

  5. I expected more, but good job ACP. I was at soccer/football practice

  6. I came 😀

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