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DEATH TO THE MODERATORS (Active Count for all Mods)

It is time.

Every Mods face when they saw this

Every Mod’s face when they saw this post

Don’t be scared by the title. I was feeling… evil when I felt that its time to start un-modding some of the mods who no longer serve ACP positively!

What we will do is simple, a nice little Comment!

IF you are a retired ACP Owner, *ADDITION: or an ACP Master General or General,* don’t worry! You are off the hook from doing this. If you are a CP army legend, or a leader from another major army, you will need to fill out this form:

This is an example:

Name: ThatGuyWhoComments

Reason of being Mod: I was chairman of the board of Awesomeness

Reason to stay Mod: I help during events and moderate chat effectively


NOW if you are a Handpicked mod, you will have to fill out this comment:

Name: ThatInactiveModerator

Rank: Field General

Battles attended recently: Battle of Breeze

Activeness on Chat (1-10) *10 being highest, be honest*: 2

Reasons to stay Mod: I am effective as a chat moderator and keep people from swearing!

Its not that hard! If you’ve been active and on chat and have came to battles recently theres no problem. You have until WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 TO COMMENT, OR BE AUTOMATICALLY REMOVED FROM MOD-SHIP AND/OR REMOVED FROM RANKS. 

Nice, short and (not so sweet) post. Enjoy!

Current Victims:




~Swimmerboy01 (TheSmexySwimmer), ACP Leader, Ex-Swat Leader, Duke of Abominable

71 Responses

  1. LET IT BEGIN *maniac*

  2. Do actual mods have to do this?

  3. Name: Waterkid100

    Reason of being Mod: Being activate and attending a lot of promotion battles e.g the tourney battle against the Nachos.

    Reason to stay Mod: I am activate and part of the UK divison. I am also a leader of a army ally. I also don’t abuse like someone **Galaxie3** and I respect my position.

    • Reason to Not Stay Mod: Leader of Pirates, declared war on the ACP multiple times, invaded the ACP, is responsible for part of the ACP’s downfall.

      • Okay, so you want me to go back into hating the ACP and finding every possible way in killing the ACP instead of being in the army and actually enjoy being part of them?

      • Why would not being mod make you go back into hating ACP and finding every possible way in killing us? I think that’s a little bit power-hungry, don’t you think?

        I’m saying why are we rewarding you with mod after what you’ve tried to do to us.

      • Leave water mod. We dont want another barrage of war with pirates. Drop the past and lets move on from what water might have done in the past and think positive. Let’s stay on CPPA’s good side for once.

      • I don’t care about Water’s past. I led the Romans against the ACP in world war two, completely obsessed with their destruction. I also took part in several rebellions against the ACP. Yet, look at me now. I’m now loyal to the ACP and a Commander General.

        Water is a good mod. He’s active, experienced, and from I can see, he’s loyal. If you want to pick on him for his past, you have to go through me.

      • That is what I am saying, drop the past and move on. He’s a good mod now.

  4. Aaronstone42
    Lieutenant General

  5. Name:Shiver
    Rank: Field General
    Battles attended recently: Battle of Breeze
    Activeness on Chat (1-10) *10 being highest, be honest*: *9
    Reasons to stay Mod: ppl like me and I am the most glamorous and fabulous brony in all of cp armies, i also enforce rules when everyone is too busy talking about football or complaining about funks

  6. Name: step
    Reason of being Mod: I joined at Brigadier General and stayed very loyal to the ACP. Then I went in-active and just forgot about ACP
    Reason to stay Mod:To be completely honest, I don’t beleive I deserve it but I’d like to start fresh and stay at that rank. I will be fine if I’m not remained as mod.

  7. Name: Pengy38088

    Rank: Field General

    Battles attended recently: idk at the moment

    Activeness on Chat (1-10) *10 being highest, be honest*: I’m not on chat much, but when I am, 7-9

    • On the battles, I attended a couple promotion battles as well, notably the tournament battle against Nachos

  8. Name: Galaxie3
    Reason of being Mod: Working my way up the ranks, being hte rank of General. and also i am a brony (loljk).
    Reason to stay Mod: I help out a lot, I do my job, and I worked my way up the ranks, I deserve mod at the massive level.

  9. Rank:Master General
    Battles attended recently:Hi swimmer
    Activeness on Chat (1-10) *Hi swimmer. add me to ranks

  10. Name: Youg3/Untouchaleyoug

    Reason of being Mod: I’m on the legends page for Master General and I helped lead echo for a bit back in the day

    Reason to stay Mod: I’m attending events, helping the owners with controlling people and maybe coming back :OOOO

  11. 1: Rawkinman
    2: Field General
    3: Ima be honest here, none.
    4: 7
    5: I enforce the rules all the time, sometimes I even overenforce them *shifty*

  12. No one dare unmod me

  13. I recommend Gal for unmod and demotion to Master/Field General. He has a tendency to abuse and acts like a jerk to everyone, no matter who that person is.

    I also think everyone who isn’t currently in the ACP who isn’t a former owner/someone extremely important (like Noka, if he retired, or a MoH recipient) should be demodded.

  14. Active:p

  15. Name: Noseycjr
    Rank: General
    Battles attended recently: Invasion of Fog from SWAT
    Activeness on Chat (1-10) 7
    Reasons to stay Mod: I’m fair, I don’t abuse, and I’ve been in ACP for a good while to know how things work on chat, and I have the rank to prove it.

  16. Superjay99

    Master General

    Battle against Nachos (March Madness)

    Well I joined ACP in July 2011 and wordked hard to earn my rank. I never abuse and I am always far and set an example to new member ranks.

  17. 1. Empoleon7667
    2. Corporal
    3. Battle of Fog
    4. 8-9
    5. I am active and loyal to the army, as I use to be 3ic

  18. Name: Luc/Lucster

    Reason of being Mod: Ex Acp Co-Leader, mod rank, colony leader

    Reason to stay Mod: I’m here to help acp in any way possible as both a soldier and an ally leader.

  19. Name: Change.
    Rank: Field General.
    Battles attended recently: The latest one earlier today.
    Activeness on Chat (1-10) *10 being highest, be honest*: 10.

  20. Im mod since retired 3ic also current general.

  21. Name: Mazachster

    Rank/Reason: Current ACP General, Former 2ic, SSACP Creator, Medal of Honour Recipient

    Reason to stay Mod: I’m online every single day, I’ve been around for over 5 years, I’m completely loyal to ACP, I’ve proven myself again and again, I’m a Medal of Honour recipient so suck on that, and chat would be boring without me considering that if I get de-modded then I quit.

  22. Snaily5
    Retired ACP 3IC
    Still watching over ACP chat and actively participating 🙂

  23. 1. Coolto5
    2. Master General
    3. Battle of Fog
    4. 10
    5. I should stay mod because I am really really active and loyal to this army. ALSO I kick when people break rules. Plus I would love to stay mod because coolto like white pawn.

  24. 1. CoolDude
    2. Field General
    3. Battle of Breeze and last few events.
    4. 10
    5. I should stay mod because I am ALWAYS on chat. I also fairly moderate the chat and i’m active in battles.

  25. Name: Bjkb1
    Rank: Colonel/Colony Main Leader
    Battles attended recently: Battle of Fog
    Activeness on Chat (1-10) *10 being highest, be honest*:
    Reasons to stay Mod: Well, I know people think I scam.I DONT.Yes Waterkid I am referring to you.Anyways, I will always will enforce the rules.Kick when people need to be kicked and ban who needs to be banned.

  26. We has so many active mods.

  27. Name: Nnpingwin
    Reason of being Mod: Being above mod line 🙂
    Reason to stay Mod: I guard whole chat of spies and bad language

  28. http://prntscr.com/xlu2k

    Demote that idiot Bjkb1.
    He totally abuses and he is turning into a mini Galaxie3, and we certainly do not want that to happen.

    More pictures of his idiotic behavior will be commented soon.

    • Plus he also betrayed ACP, so yea.


      • Lol m8, I will quickscope ur mawm harder than supa hot fire owned soulja boi

  29. Name: Maxy 777
    Rank: General
    Reason for being mod: I am above the mod line and I am active. I also am trusted enough to be mod because I know how to moderate the chat well, enforcing rules but keeping them a little relaxed.
    Reason to stay mod: As I said, I am active and I enforce the chat rules well but I keep them relaxed to make ACP Chat a more fun place.

  30. Name fluffyboy3
    Reason of being mod: I’m active loyal I come to most events and I’m master general 😀

  31. Name: Flipmoo
    Rank: Field General
    Battles attended recently: Wars against SWAT.
    Activeness on Chat: 7
    Reasons to stay Mod: Because of my time zone, there are times when I cannot attend several events. However, because of the time difference I am able to monitor the ACP chat at times where other moderators usually don’t come on, which I why I would like to remain as a moderator.

  32. Name: Asdfghjkl888
    Reason of being Mod: Former 3ic.
    Reason to stay Mod: Because Operation Revival is helping the ACP, and I’m an excellent strategist. I’m on most of the time, and I kick when necessary.

    • Kicking someone for using their rights for Freedom Of Speech. And ragequitting whenever someone talks about gays. Just cuz you are gay. Go do it with Splashy [;

  33. Name: Twingy

    Reason of being Mod: ACP Legend (although this purely should be enough I will probably have to list more) ACPTR ex-leader, ACPTR superintendent, sticks to rules, is nice to new people, bans bad people, generally sexually attractive so on and so forth

    Reason to stay Mod: Same as above really

    Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke!

  34. Name: Kieranfb
    Reason of being Mod: Flipper and mchappy both made me moderator and approved it.
    I’m a former division general
    Reason to stay Mod: I’m on sometimes and I’m not an abusive piece of crap, I’ll punish if they need to be punished.



  35. Name: Hurricanex1
    Rank: Highest member
    Battles attended recently: All since I returned
    Activeness on Chat (1-10) 9
    Reasons to stay Mod: I am not even mod, when I think I should be mod. I wasn’t put as mod because “too many mods.”

  36. Name: Bingoradar
    Reason of being mod: Handpicked by Obama
    Activeness on Chat: 6
    Rank: Lt. General
    Battles Recently at: A huge battle against nachos, and a scheduled practice/recruiting event
    Reason to stay mod: I love this entire army, the people who are in it, and just all the fun you can get out of it. I feel like lately I haven’t done my part in going to enough battles, so I’ll try to be a lot more up and with it. I truly think ACP has only started to rise from it’s downfall, and I would like to see more of this and continue to help everyone out with it.

  37. Mr.Ass.tastic

  38. Name: Bluesockwa2
    Reason of being Mod: CPAC Head, Former Mod Rank in this army, occasional advisor/helper of the leaders/ Funks made me mod.
    Reason to stay Mod: I effectively moderate, advise/assist on occasion and because your compadre (Funksy) said I should be mod.

  39. Name: Epicorange1
    Rank: Master General
    Battles attended recently: Battle of Breeze
    Activeness on Chat (1-10) *10 being highest, be honest*: 8
    Reasons to stay Mod:I a, a good and active mod

  40. Name: Lorenzo Bean
    Rank: I don’t even know, I’m not on the ranks
    Recent Battles: Defenses from SWAT last week
    Activeness: 7
    Reasons to stay mod: I never abuse my power, I’m one of the few people who can be active during the US weekday events.

  41. Mustapha10
    Against SWAT
    I deserve it I helped ACP tons in the past and present

  42. Name: Capncook
    Rank: General
    Recent Battles: None recently (Band has been recording for our EP)
    Activeness: 7
    Reason to stay mod: I’m a current General and Former 2ic here and I also enforce the rules without being too strict about it, I’m sure no one who matters has a problem with me being mod. 🙂 Also, once my band is done recording, I’ll get back into the scheme of things with going to battles.

  43. Name: Jacob a.k.a. Mike Stand12
    Rank: Field General
    Battles attended recently: None( I just came out of retirement)
    Activeness on Chat (1-10): 5(For now..)
    I’m a former Division General/ General,I have been loyal to ACP since 2009.. I don’t even abuse my power because I don’t get the chance to use it. xD

  44. So since I’m a Master General I DON’T have to do this right?

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