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War Surrendered // Vote for USA Leader: Ken, Ant or Swimmer?

Hai ACP,

After some ideas from the soldiers, I decided that surrendering was the best option in this situation. I do not want a war and we were going to lose to these 4 or 5 armies anyhow if we went on the way we did. Don’t worry, though! We are still the Army of CP and now we will focus on rebuilding. Asd has some brilliant ideas and I am hoping we can rebuild to be a great army once again.

To help with this, I decided that we should have a vote for an American leader. Here are the candidates that you are considering as an army:

  • Kenneth – Led the ACP for a year alongside Flipper. ACP constantly had 40-50+ under the pairing and the USA division was a strong 20-25+. Ken is a great poster and leader, with the troops often taking a liking to Ken due to his friendly nature. Ken is not the most active owner nowadays, as he has been in ACP for four years. He also earned the Medal of Honor due to his leadership with Flipper in recent months. He is a current Commander General. 
  • Antant – Led the ACP for a few months alongside myself and the ACP always had good sizes of 30+ on the weekend for this pairing. The USA division, however, improved during his leadership and went from 5-10 to 15-20. The USA division sharply fell after he left to the Army Republic and it has been struggling since. Ant is the current AR 2ic. Some question his loyalty and if he is power hungry, but he helped the USA division in bad times.
  • Swimmer – He is the current Head General of the ACP and is liked by a lot of people both inside and outside of the army. Swimmer also formerly led the SWAT, who were in the top ten in his leadership with Ganger and others. His posts are generally good and when he puts his mind to it he can be very active and currently is active. He did go through an inactive spell but is out of that now. He is the highest ranked USA soldier that is active and has been in ACP officially since 2009.

Now that you have seen the descriptions for each of the candidates, it is only right that you get to vote on a poll for the new leader. I am aware that not only people from the ACP will vote on this, but it is the most simple way to see who you want for leader and it will be pretty accurate.

Please vote carefully and do NOT vote for a person because you are their friend. Vote for them because they will change the ACP in a positive way and will make our USA division grow. I may also add, that a new owner will probably not be chosen to take the 3ic spot unless the new leader suggests that it is necessary. In which case, we would have an election for this.

Thank you for staying with the ACP and we will reward you, we will grow once again.


-Kingfunks4 ACP Supreme Commander

13 Responses

  1. 1st .Beat Mch. And Funks.

  2. Ai laik waffls

  3. Wow, that’s alot of ACP Soldiers

  4. Gotta be Swim then, he’s one of the people who has been trying to work their butt off for leader.

  5. I think…

  6. Yeah I went with Swimmer

  7. I’m Workin haaerd

    • I think the reason Im losing is that I was SWAT leader before *wary* but just remember, that was when we were allies.

  8. I voted Ken, he be awesome. I would have picked Ant.

  9. I vote for tails

  10. How the hell does ant get 28 votes in 2 hours AT NIGHT in the US. There’s somethin fishy there.

  11. Seems legit ant got 28 votes in an hour and thirty mins. ._.

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