The “New” Winter War
As you know, we are at war with the Pirate Army and we’ve had some great victories and some tough losses. The Pirates are a sizable army with big numbers fighting in these battles while ACP, still trying to rebuild, has fewer troops. Don’t fret, we may be temporarily smaller, but we fight long and hard with the power of a thousand troops, just like the Winter War!!
For those who have never heard of the Winter War, it was a was fought between the Soviet Union and Finland in the late 1930s, ending in 1940. The Soviet Union believed it’s massive Red Army of approximately 700,000 men would simply and quickly roll over Finland’s smaller forces of 350,000, half of the Soviet’s. The Fins, being outnumbered, fought fiercely and bravely because they were fighting for the one thing that meant the most to them, the right to keep their amazing country. The Fins used crowbars and logs to stop tanks, Molotov cocktails, and snow-camouflage to make their brave ski soldiers nearly invisible in the snow. They were smart and used guerrilla attacks against the Soviets. They may have been small and outnumbered, but the gave it everything they had and never gave up. By 1940, the Soviets, twice the size of the Fins and arrogant about how easily they’d crush the Fins in the beginning, gave up and pulled out of Finland. The Fins kept their country and their self-rule.
We are in the “new” Winter War, ACP with Pirates. ACP, are you willing to give everything you’ve got and fight hard for the Democratic Republic of ACP, DRACP? We need you, we need all of you. We need you pumped up and ready for battle. The Pirates thus far have been bigger, but we have excellent formations and some creative, amazing tactics up our sleeves. What we are lacking are numbers of participants and YOU can change that. You may think you are only one soldier, that if you didn’t participate it would not be a big deal, but what if everyone thought that?
So just as the Fins fought bravely and true for what they believed in and the glorious country they lived in, ACP shall fight just as bravely and true for our servers in the DRACP!
See everyone Saturday with your game faces on!
Just as we have fought,
So many times before,
ACP shall win,
The “new” Winter War!
Filed under: ACP |
Your pic qualities are bad, no offense.
That’s because the one at the top I drew myself and scanned it. If it’s too distracting from the post, I’ll take it out 🙁
I like the top one! It shows awesomeness
It’s fine but next time when you’re making pics, just make sure It’s good quality.
😀 I appreciate your constructive criticism, Spi. Thanks (hug)
Now where did I insult anyone’s homeland? (wt) This is military history.
Oh and also people say it was because Finland kept beating the Soviet Union with such tactics, it was actually because of the threat of Nazi invasion.
Whoa, I did not know that. The site I used for research didn’t mention that. I’m not much on military history actually, but I know a lot of people here are so I was hoping they’d enjoy a bit of information on real battles where the outnumbered came from behind and won in the end. Thanks for this information.
This post is horrible, and insulting to Russia, please do not relate armies with WW2 events, they are moments that sometimes want to be forgotten.
Verdict is, Snaily is a horrible 3ic and has proved that with this post.
Funny, Yolobethemotto, you have the guts to say this in a comment to me and all of ACP, but you do NOT have the guts to give your name and give a false general name of “Someone?” Sad…. If you’re going to say something, say it proudly and don’t hide.
No, the whole point is this happened in military history, it’s FACT, and the Fins were outnumbered, but they fought hard and won in the end. Don’t you get the point? My point is obviously that ACP can overcome and win our events, even if we are a bit smaller at times, it just takes determination and lots of focus and effort and we can do it! 😀
Although I agree with the Finns fighting back, after the war the Russians did gain 1/10th of Finnish territory (Finns used to rule almost next to St. Petersburg). Anyway, I completely agree the Finns fought against the Russians, and it was facinating, unlike Latvia that let Russia occupy itself without a fight, and lost at least 10000 military people during the gulag camps beginning in 1940. At least those 10000 would have died fighting Russia, and at least Latvia would have had more rights like the Finns later on the occupation in the 1950’s.
Yeasy, this is absolutely true. My research did say that Finland did lose some of their territory (10%), but they retained most of it and especially important to them was they retained their self-rule. You have amazing information! Thanks Yeasy!
np Snaily 😀
First you relate CP Pirates to real Pirate people, which is offensive, and now you’re claiming this to be some cold war when it’s almost spring, get your acts together and keep these stupid post on your stupid site ”Positively ACP” which no one even looks at. Also, the only victory ACP had was invading us at 12am, because you know we can beat you fair and square.
Yo I agree with Water with most of that, not the invasion part, but the relating pirates and cp armies to the cold war…. that ain’t cool
It was a little pep talk.You people take things to serious these days
Are you or are you not the “Pirates?” You made a choice to be associated with pirates. The previous post was not a comparison between you and evil famous pirates in history. I simply stated that pirates have always been around over the centuries and still continue today. You show me where I directly compared you to real pirates of the past… Secondly, I never claimed this to be some cold war. I researched battles in history where outnumbered adversaries ended up winning through determination and drive. I found this one about the Fins and Soviets and thought it was appropriate due to the content and that it was also winter and cold, just like the theme of Club Penguin. Furthermore, Positively ACP just hit over 10 thousand page views and is a great blog that addresses everything for the good of ACP, improving ACP plus some fun stuff. So once again Waterkid, you have made false accusations and made yourself look like a fool based on your emotion. At least I don’t threaten and degrade and curse at people in my posts like you do.
LOLOLOLOL Water. It’s January, the middle of winter (facepalm) so no it’s not almost spring. Second of all, what does this have to do with any cold war. Third, it’s hard to not relate CPPA to the real Pirates as you have almost everything common (no seriously you do). Fourth, Positevly ACP has 10000+ views, which is massive noting that it isn’t an CP army site/army news site and that mostly ACP look at it. Last, but not least, ACP is allowed to use its US force, and it is completely legal in every way. Got a problem with it? Make your own US division. US troops have the complete right to fight in a war too. And I though 14 year olds were smarter (double facepalm).
There always seems to be a lot of flame comments when a post contains anything parallel to the real world.
Yes, I see this is true, but it’s great for getting discussions going and getting people involved. Plus it has the added benefit of more traffic and page views for the ACP site. Not to mention it’s educational. 😀 Thanks Mchappy!
Nice post, Snaily. Your enthusiasm is really inspiring. :3
Thanks so much Bold Hugs. You are also inspiring to ACP! Keep up the great work and enthusiasm 😀
Thanks Fluffy! 😀
nice post snaily
w00t another epic post
And when In WW2 when the Nazi’s invaded Russia, the Finland’s joined the Nazi’s to gain revenge. They got their ass-whipped and had to suffer the same trouble as Nazi’s.
The Finns didn’t get their asses whipped. They helped kill another 300000 Russian civilians at Leningrad (St. Petersburg).Yes they might have lost at the end of the war, but with not that many casualties and were charged with less charges. They never killed a single Jew (although there is hardly any Jew in Finland).
Ouch! Thanks for adding that bit of information Rex.
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