Slider: I have purchased a ACP pcitrue for anyone to use as their XAT avatar, you could also make it your wordpress gravatar! Enjoy!
Comment If You Made It!
Hai ACP,
I want all owners to post the results of the recruitings they led here. I want at least 2 recruitings lead by each 3ic per week. Click to enlarge pics.
Wednesday, July 27th
Time Started: 9:17 PM EST
Time Ended: 9:45 PM EST
Size: 22
Lead by: Kenneth1000
Late night raid at 9:17 EST on Fjord as revenge on the Nachos raiding Snow Fort earlier.
Friday, 22nd July.
- Started: 1:00 PM EST
- Finished: 1:33 PM EST
- Size: 20-25
- Unscheduled
Saturday, 24th July.
Details: Defense of Snow Fort
- Started: 8:23 PM EST
- Finished: 8:45 PM EST
- Size: 13 (20 chat) (Nachos 9 troops)
- Unscheduled
Sunday, July 24th
- Started: 8:00 AM EST
- Finished: 8:20 AM EST
- Size: 10- 12
- Unscheduled
- Lead by: Monsterfully
Sunday, July 24
- Started: 9:34 AM EST
- Finished: 9:59 AM EST
- Size: 15
- Unscheduled
- Lead by: Monsterfully
Sunday, July 24
- Started: ? PM EST
- Finished: ? PM EST
- Size: 30-35
- Unscheduled: Raid Of Fjord (Nachos ~12 troops)
- Lead by: Kenneth1000, Flaminguin1, and Slider568
- Started: 5:35 AM EST
- Ended: 6:11 AM EST
- Size: 10-15
- Unscheduled
- Leaders: Kingfunks4, Youg3 and Mosh

Tuesday, July 26th
- Time Started: 5:00 PM EST
- Time Ended: 5:33 PM EST
- Size: 15-20
- Unscheduled
- Lead by: Monsterfully
Wednesday, 27th July
- Started: 11:30 AM EST
- Ended: 12:15 PM EST
- Size: 15-20
- Unscheduled
- Lead by: Flipper
Wednesday, 27th July. (Defence of a raid from Nachos)
- Started: ???
- Ended: ???
- Size: 15-20
- Unscheduled
- Lead By: Flipper, Icey cold27 and some soldiers before I came online.
Thursday, 28th July [Raid of Nachos’ server White House]
- Started: 1:30 EST
- Ended: 2:00 EST
- Size: 20-25
- Unscheduled
- Lead by: Flen & Kepper AKA (Ken & Flip)
Comment if you made it!
Filed under: ACP |
Asd was able to attend AND even gave him a tactic of epicness that failed!
I made it! You can even see me!
~Bird Pinu
I couldt come due to going to the dentist. Sorry!
freaking awesome line… just sayin’
i couldn’t come because i was in a figure skating show that took up my entire week with rehearsals and practices and performances. sorry! final performance was tonight, but i do have a lot of stuff going on with family and skating and STUFF this weekend and coming week.
I was there…. I think they made a square once in that battle….
I attended a small battle between us and Swat.
nachos won the snow fort battle
i was at the end of the the nacho battle im peng882
=3 We need 1 more 3ic
2 Recruitings Each Week Slider (D)
I was at the first event! Sorry I couldn’t make the second I was away as I told Ken.
Today I went to an unscheduled tactics session on Snow Forts
Thank you to all who attended the unscheduled event this morning!
i just missed all of those im always on fifteen minutes after the thing is over because of these stupid storms that make us loose power
Asd also made the second one. So, my “attendance” count is the first and second one. I was asleep during the third and fourth.
Made it.
Made it to the third one too.
I mean fourth one and third one. 😛
I made it to 1, 2, and half of 3
I was at the second one on the 24th.
~Bird Pingu
i know i made it to some events on sunday like when we were defending breeze from the nachos and recruiting
I was at them all.
I have made 2 of 5 so far.
BTW Ken, when you left, there was another big one led by Flamiguin1, Kieranfb, Asd, and Ajman9011. Someone did take pics.
Mosh was there 🙂
I feel so happy, My name is in a post **maniac**, also Aj, that event was awesome!!! Thanks for teh help and taking over when I went to Nacho chat to ask if they logged off and stuff
~Bunker (ppl know mai cp name now MWA HAHA)
I made a recruiting session today in Berg.
yep I was there again
Went to a few of those.
Went to a few of those.
I also went to the last one, and an unscheduled event on Breeze today 🙂 .
I went to all of them (No Joke).
I went to one of them
Im retired but i was on ACP chat when the one with Youg3 and KingFunks and Mosh so i decided to help.
Made 1st, 5th and 6th BOOYAA
I made all events and will continue to do so.
I made a small unscheduled yesterday at Breeze, but only for about 15 minutes because it was midnight for me.
i made it to the one lead by monster on tuesday
I make it to the one at 27! I was a little late though…
i made it to a few
i was at the one on tuesday and wensdays
i made it
General Of The Acp~Happyman444
I went to the “NACHOS UMAD?” event 🙂 .
I also went to a recruiting session on Breeze yesterday.
Its great that we won! I had my test penguin on the time and my main off because my time on the computer was finished. My little brother was controlling my test penguin all the time.
Made all Wednesday 27th
came to a few
Made 1 or 2
I at least made the nacho raid on the 27th
i made it for half
Made most of it
i was at the defence of snow fort im peng882
Made it
i made the night time raid 😀
made it to the last two
I Made It
I went to 3 of those I think.
I went to 2.
Good old funks ruined the Goodbye pic
I was there…
Made it 😉
65th! (awe) and ya ima make it
Went to 26th/27th also 😀
I made the one on Tuesday.
i made the one on tues and today
and yesterday