A Little Thing Called Discipline

Hai ACP,

I have noticed discipline has been falling lately. Today at the defense of Snow Fort against a Nacho raid and I saw people getting out of lines to just run around or go some where else. This is not acceptable. An army, Club Penguin or real life is nothing without discipline. I do not want to see such undisciplined behavior for the rest of the war. You guys have to understand that ACP could lose wars cause of little things like this.

Refusal to get on Club Penguin will result in 1-2 kicks and possibly a ban if you persist. Did you know insubordination (not following orders) and desertion is a crime that could be punishable by death in wartime in the United States Army? Getting a kick for not going on CP is not as worse but you will have to understand there are punishments for offenses. You must have legitimate excuses for not going on CP, being lazy is not an excuse. Laziness = Kick/Ban.

This is the Army of CLUB PENGUIN not the ARMY OF XAT. Stop focusing on talking to each other when a leader tells you to get on Club Penguin, instead focus on getting on Club Penguin and helping ACP win! Even some retired owners and mods get on Club Penguin right away when ordered. Mods should ALL be repeating orders and shouting to get on whichever server like Asd, Stew, Bunker, and even Noka does all the time. Like when Mchappy was leader the punishment for side conversations is a kick.

Back in the Oagal Days, correct me if I am wrong but there was no SUCH things as powers, xats, and days! People nowadays have become too in and focused on getting the new latest power or getting more days then your best friend, that is all you care about.People are getting lazy nowadays because back when Oagal was leading there was no such thing as powers to amuse them and they would get on Club Penguin and actually have FUN! Everyone these days finds recruitings as a chore.

You guys should be grateful for what you have, especially the mods who would have been members or guests when Oagal was leader.    What really matters is making ACP a great army and keeping the ACP number 1 for a long time!

An example of a very good (near perfect) mod is Jujuflower, she would even offer you xats to get on Club Penguin, she constantly repeats orders from the leaders and bumps and kicks idle people who are not on during an event. She is a role model for ALL MODS. You can really tell she is devoted to ACP because she practically quit every other CP army she is in EXCEPT ACP. Mods are an example for the members. Members look up to you mods. You can easily be taken away mod as easily and as fast as you got it. Tal is a great example of a mod who can quickly change from mod to member all the time depending on his behavior.

A good ACP role model for members is Weatherboy1, (when he was in the ACP) and Penny550. They are great members who would get on Club Penguin quickly with no questions asked and just do whatever the leaders says. They are a prime example that all members should follow for being a good ACP soldier and on the fast track for a promotion. I know there are many other members like them who have their names floating in my mind somewhere.

Starting now, all people who retired as a mod will be a member unless said otherwise by the ACP owners. I mean starting now, so people like Uno, or Buck do not apply. If you want to ensure you will keep mod I suggest you stick with ACP!

So now lets review the rules! Remember all ACP troops and officers are subject to these rules including me.

1. Laziness/Bad Excuse Not To Get On CP/Outright Refusal To Get On CP is a kick or two or three followed by a ban.

2. Side Conversations will be a kick during a battle. Endless kicking and possible eventual ban if you persist.

3. Not Following Orders/Desertion On CP  is a kick.

4. Applies to Owners Including Me, If you fail to do the Join Page three times without even attempting to do it the next morning it will result in possible dismissal.

5. All owners must lead at least two unscheduled recruitings or any other event in a week. Post the results of your event HERE.

Since we have a war now I hope you all get active and focused to beating our arch nemesis- The Nachos.


39 Responses

  1. Fox btw if you do what you did on CP today, I’m going to call for a divorce and taking all your titles away (D) jk but seriously.

    • But, taking Fox’s titles away would make her, like…. NOT FOX….. gasp how dare you even think of it.

    • I’m sorry!! Seriously. I didn’t mean to cause a movement. I do that all the time, and it’s never caused a GLOB before. Even I was horrified.

      Ken, I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this before, but I’m really glad that out of all the noobs to come into ACP, you were the one who stuck around long enough to become leader. I remember you used to say hi to me every day as soon as I logged on, and I ignored you because I owned this place and didn’t have time to deal with the “little people” like you. I’m sorry that I didn’t befriend you sooner and I regret how easily I dismissed you as an ordinary noob. I can’t think of someone I’d rather have as leader… well, except for Meat. (jk. :P)

      And everyone who thinks I’m sucking up to him, well, you can bite me.


  2. 2nd nice post

  3. we all goten greedy for the oil THE OIL

  4. wow i still cant belive people worry about powers and days and xats

  5. who ever mades this post is a queer


    Well, on a more serious note, I’d like to tell everyone that Nachos are kicking up their game in raids. More and more, in fact, I’m starting to think that they are having multiple raids at once, which is an easy way to disperse our numbers.

  7. Listen, I might be only a Former ACP Member, But I take the Rules here Seirously.
    I am tired of no Disaplen In ACP, I saw quite alot of it in my time, BUt For God Sakes! Listen to orders given to your Superior Officers!
    Anyone above You, You take orders from!
    For example:
    If I was a SGT Major of the Army, I would have to take orders from 2nd LT, 1St Lt, Captin, Major, LT. Colonal, Colonal, all the way up to the President!
    I am going by a Rank system that the United States Army uses, and I follow Orders given from people above me.
    My Friends in Real Life go by a Rank system In our Invasions of other Neighborhoods, during our Paintball Wars.
    I am a General Four Stars**** And I get my orders from the Guy above me!
    I Follow them. I might not like the plain of attack, but I might have to take it.
    I can’t fight, but I am at home base, with a Radio, giving orders to my solders.
    Here, Xat is the Radio.
    You are the Solders in the Ranks!
    Kinnith, and Fox, and Shab, and Flip our your commanding Officers.
    They are the top!
    You Disobaying an order, Can Get you KIA in real life.
    Or Wounded in Action WIA, or even If you survive, You would get Cort Marshaled!
    Treat ACP Like a way of prepairing you for real Combat.
    You will need to learn to take orders if you get thrown into Obamas war, or the Next guys war.
    Or even your Countries War.
    You could get Drafted, and have to take orders from people you might not like. Suck it up, and Pick up your M1 Gurant, and get back into the War Solder!
    Uncle Sam Needs you! Uncle Sigmen wants you! Uncle Orgal wants you!
    Do the ACP, and the Leaders a Favor! Listen to the guy above everyone!
    Listen to the Rules!
    Follow them! If you have a problem with following Rules & Regulations, Well Too Bad! You got them everywhere!
    If you get Drafted into your home lands military, and you disobay a direct order, You could end up shot in the head by a Fireing Squad!

    ~Lincoln31543 Former LT. Colonal ACP

    P.S. I have Desided, Even though I am Blind, I am comming Back!
    IDK what job I will be put as, sense I can only do updates to websites, and do random stuff involving some computer programing, but I am gonna try to do something to stay here!
    I wanna try to help Enforce some rules!
    You people need to know what its like having a Drill Sargent breathing down your neck 24/7.
    Kinnith, IDK if their is anything I can Do for ACP, Sense I am still having trouble getting CP to make it Blind Friendly, But I wanna do what ever Possible to wip these Slackers into shape!

  8. And IDK if I would be a LT. Colonal like I use to, but I wanna Teach some of these Slackers what real CP Armies use to run!
    Kinnith, I remember you when you where a mod rank.
    Do me a Favor, If I rejoin, If I end up as some high rank even though I don’t want that, Please Let me know if I am being too hard.
    I wanna Wip people into shape. Not into Breakdown.
    That is for only when I am training people for Marine Services.

  9. Kenneth, Sometimes I’m afk when there’s events… And I think some people need a promo for recruiting alot with me,

    P.S: I’m going on holiday for two weeks soon, so I won’t be very active.

  10. You should put AFK in your xat name as that is understandable but yesterday when Nachos raided us 5 logged on and then they went and stalked rockhopper….. 😀

  11. im not there normally cause its been storm after storm after storm where i live and we keep losin power

  12. Good post Ken

  13. This post is so true.

  14. Fox,
    If I am Right, You treated me like all the Noobs.
    Well, IDC. Why do you ask?
    I know that It comes with the terratory.
    I have been called alot of stuff, But I am able to do something no one but my kind of people can do.
    1. Read Braille
    2. Use a Computer with not having eye sight.
    3. Computer Anillest work.
    4. The Following Blind Schools have the Best Wrestenling team, Cheerleading team, Swimming team, Track & Field team, and the best Goal Ball team.
    A. ISBVI Indiana School for the Blind & Visually Impaired
    B. KSB Kuntucky School for the Blind
    C. Ohio School for the Blind.
    D. Florda School for the Blind
    E. Texas School for the Blind.
    and F. Tenasesee School for the Blind
    5. Alot of us end up working as Teachers, and Computer Anielest, and working in Congress.
    (One of my dads friends, worked in the White House for years, and he was Blind.)
    6. We have went to cort battles involving Discremation, and won the battle.
    (We are working right now on getting Noise makers on the Preiest, and all of the other battery powered cars, and getting rid of the Tuch screen screens at local stores)
    7. Try Learning all 1000 contractions in the Braille code and tell me if your head hurts afterwords.
    (BTW: the Shortform word for BBraille is Brl. The Shortform word for about is AB.)
    But, Yeah, I maybe a Noob, But I am a noob that can do alot more then the avraige person.
    P.S. If you wanna Learn Braille, their is some websites people can go to and study it.
    The Frinch Military used it years ago.
    Used to keep the enemie from knowing what the Frinch where saying.
    It was created by Lueie Braille, and was not put in to place tell the man died at I beleave 47.

  15. oh.

    i dont even know HOW to get xats… :S

  16. I Think getting Xats, Days, and Powers is a weast of Time, Money, and was probably created for people to anoy people.
    If It where up to me, I would just plain out get rid of the xats, & days thing, and maybe people will listen.
    Instead of Slacking off during Battles, trying to get the latest power, xat, or days, Maybe you should listen to the Leaders.
    They have the over all power to guest ban you from chat, and remove you from ranks.
    I am sorry for being too harsh, but If my solders in the Army I help lead with my Friend Jones, start slacking off, I start demoting, kicking, banning for 72 hours, a coupel stern threats of being fired.
    And if it don’t work, I fire them in the end.
    I send them a E-Mail stating the following.
    Name of Solder:
    Rank of Solder:
    Reason for dismissal:
    Date of Dismissal:
    Toatal Complaints from Solders:
    Toatal Warnings from Leaders:
    Times Kicked for disobaying a Direct order:
    Times Banned For Argueing with Leaders:
    Times Banned for Faoul Language, missuse of Power:
    Toatal Kicks:
    Toatal Banns:
    Note From Leader:
    This is how we should start Punnishing some of the Solders here in my opinion.
    But, IDK if the same rules from my small army will apply here.
    I Don’t Know, but It might work.

  17. Wait, what if we are banned on club penguin? Is that a alright excuse?

  18. Keep a Backup Penguin if you get banned.
    THat is what I did.
    When I had eye sight, I kept a a Backup Penguin for when I was in ACP.
    It was Lincolnacp.
    That was my backup.
    If you get banned, make shure you are ready with a backup.
    Its also a good Idea, if you get hacked by PR, that way, You gotta extra Penguin.
    NOTE: Keep Passwords Different from the Primary Penguin user.
    Did I ancer your question correctly?

  19. So the ancer would probably be no. Its not a good excuse.
    Keep a Backup, and Have it registered next to your Penguin name on the Ranks.
    Leaders Note: It might be best to have a Page on ACP listing the Backup Penguins, and who they are assigned to.

    Name of Primary Penguin: Lincoln31543
    Name of Backup Penguin: Lincoln ACP
    Rank: Warrent officer
    Thats a short example of the Backup Penguin Idea.

  20. VERY well said Kenneth! As an ACP solider i try my best to get to every battle and do EVERY order when told. Thats why i think that it is very good that you are enforcing this because it was unfair before when some people wouldn’t follow orders but would still get promo’d. Also you won’t get the death penalty for desertion in USA, you just get sent to prison for 25 years. (Or a life sentence depending on the status of the war)

    ~Bird Pingu

    • But it did happen before, in World War 2, more then 20 deserters were sentenced to death.

      • I agree Kinnith.
        But they I beleive they still do Death Penility in the Military.
        But most likely you would be sent to Fort Lebenworth Prison.
        I am sorry, but I think these Solders now, are bigger slackers then my Army and its solders.
        AACP has the highest inactive count in my mind.
        I support your Idea 100 percent.
        I am a Blind Guy, and I support this. Atleast I am trying to get active.
        BTW: Kinnith, I sent you an E-Mail that is important you read.
        I did not want it said on this site.

  21. Hello sir!

    I’m Sergant Tamiyami- sorry for being not active for a few month. You see, I was in a vacation to Hawai, and my dad didnt let me use the computer cause he worked on it. Now im back to San Diego, and im gonna be active. Tommorow I’ll come to the big battle on mamoth.

    Army of Club Penguin Official Sergant

  22. I made it now I would like to be promo to Staff sergeant please

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