Well, in short, this post is about the mods on chat and how things will be changing in the next few days, staying with Unmod week. If you are not a mod, then this post does not pertain to you.
Mods have been becoming more and more abusive of their power. By abusive I don’t only mean kicking or banning for no reason, I also mean not enforcing the rules on chat.
The job of a mod is to enforce the chat rules along with discipline soldiers from breaking them. Just because someone is your friend does not mean you can ignore them when they break the rules.
Simply, punishments for people who are unworthy to have modship due to abusive or lack of enforcement of the rules will become stricter and more abundant. I, myself, will simply just unmod you and you will have to wait until next promo day to get another chance at being a mod.
FROM HERE ON OUT, NO OWNERS ARE TO MOD ANYONE UNLESS THEY ARE ON THE PRE-SPECIFIED LIST WHICH IS LOCATED ON THE CHAT PAGE. If any owner fails to follow this policy, they will be unownered until next promo day.
I’ve realized something, owners are simply mods with a little bit more power. Thus, I will treat them like mods. Any owner is subject to being unownered, retired or ranked. If owners do not enforce the rules and punish offenders, they will be unownered. Simple as that. There will also be a list of people who are owners on chat. Note though, the first demotion will be to mod. The 2nd will be to member.
If a mod abuses you, breaks the rules, or fails to punish someone breaking the rules take a picture and talk to an owner. Owners, if it is legit then write it down and at the end of the month or half month, depending on what I decide, let me know who has how many “tallies.”
Yes, this isn’t fun, this isn’t enjoyable, but modship is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. Just because you are retired does not mean you are exempt from the rules or that you do not have to enforce them. I have no problem membering you if that is what you think. The only retired soldiers that are guaranteed modship are retired owners (2ics, 3ics). Otherwise, you must show that you are responsible and deserving enough for it.
-Agrees- (Flipper)
This all starts on Friday once the unmod week results are out and chat is reset. Get ready people, I’m going to have a fantastic time.
Filed under: ACP |
Awesome. Like the pics. (:
What is the second pic about?
You have been invited to CPATC’s Battle for Respect Tournament. Please comment at http://cparmytournamentcentralcpatc.wordpress.com/2011/07/19/the-battle-for-respect-tournament/ whether you accept or deny this invitation within 4 days.
That bobblehead freaks me out…
😀 Ima try to be more serious…….. hmm lets see how this turns out
I’m not one of them 😮 I try to enforce the rules as much as possible.
This sends a good message Shab, but sometimes people complain when it’s AFTER midnight, when there are almost no rules. Some mods can be very. If mods do not know about a ban duration or if you should kick/guest/ban, ask an owner who knows or look at the rules. The pics were funny Shab! XD I hope we can learn to follow and enforce the rules.
I like it, I also think we should enforce that moderators and owners ban for the correct amount of time, based on how large the offense was. I’m sick of seeing people be banned for a large amount of time when the offense commited only calls for a one hour ban.
We need to put a leash on these mods (D)
Nice, I have upset alot of peolpe over the last week or so by enforcing the rules. People say I am too strcit but I believe you can never be too scrict, strict is good. People hate me because I banned someone becase they said the S Word which apparently should be a kick not a ban. Also some mods have started to take against me as I have been taking pics of them being inapp and breaking the rules. I really can’t see myself keeping mod.
FINALLY! Shaboomboom thanks so much for doing this because im gettin so tired of people breaking the rules and not getting banned or kicked for it! Especially when mods or even OWNERS do it! It’s just unacceptable. There are rules for a reason. To keep balance and not Chaos.
~Bird Pingu
freddy jumped out of a window and then he agreed? :S so we enforce rules 24/7? btw shab i hate that for being a new mod people can mess up with me and when i do something sometimes people undo-it man I HATE THAT!
I sure hope this was Ken (or Flipper’s) idea. Otherwise, why are Shab and Boomer making all the decisions in this army?
I agree
This was. Shab just wanted to make the post.
Why can’t you do it? Why does Shab make all the important posts… I thought YOU were leader.
Why can’t Ken do it? You’re not the leader, it’s HIS turn…
Not to be a rebeling 3ic, but I agree with Maz on this one. Ken and/or Flipper, as main leaders, should make the most important posts and make the important decisions. Shab, I understand you want to get involved with this army, but it is Ken/Flipper’s turn.
yeah you are right they are being a little abusive
… Why cant we just let the mods mod? D=
tis the end of Bfans modship, it was good while it lasted
Make sure I am on the Mod list, When Bob was leader he said I could be retired mod.
Gawd… Can’t wait to be member. People are gonna vote for me because they suddenly insult me, and then I defend myself. and then they go off and vote for me. Nathan, when people swear, make sure it’s at someone, SO ban them when they say “AWWW F*** YOU MAN” Or somthing like that.
Hay Everyone!
Not many of you remember me but my name is Lincoln31543.
I am asking to talk to my old friends if any of them still come here.
I am looking for the following.
and who ever comes on here still who remembers me.
I went Blind in 2009 due to NeroVlaskular Glacoma.
I Still am blind, but I use a screen reader to use a computer.
Called: NVDA Non Visual Desktop Access.
I am asking for anyone who remembers me to ask jones0236 on chat, to contact me.
I will not post a website, or xat chatroom on here because I don’t wanna break any rules.
I still live by alot of the rules on ACP, and find ways to put them into play in real life.
I hope to hear from you all soon.
And if you don’t know jones, ask Dryvit!
He went to my site in the past.
or even ask BFan212. He is helping me get the AACP American Army of CP back on its feet.
Ask around, I wanna try to get incontact with everyone.
BTW: Dryvit, I tried contacting you via Comcast E-Mail,
Rather you got a new one, or aol.com does not like comcast like how I don’t like its home phone services XD
~Lincoln31543 Former LT. Colonal in ACP (AND PROUD TO BE a ACP MEMBER AT HEART!
P.S. I Miss All of you great people. And i hope oneday Medical Science will get better so I can atleast come on chat like I use to.
P.S.S. Is it true that You guys creamed the Nachos during their Streeking party? XD
when I ment to ask jones to contact me,
I ment if you wanna ontact me, look for jones, and he will give you my CP E-Mail
NOTE: I will not post it here.
Too many people here that I don’t want to have my e-mail.
About everyone I don’t know from 2009, and anyone from the bill colectors XD
Or Prank E-mailers, or e-mail marking e-mailers.
(Same as Telemarking callers)
and my ex girlfriend in real life who knows i come to this website XD (I just got the new one.
I dont want her to know my new one. that would spell death all over me after i broke up with her)
You have way too much power and are abusing your power Sham. You aren’t even on the ranks anymore so you shouldn’t have this much power at all.
Hey, I just wanted to tell you guys about an alliance (that I’m not in). They want to destroy you, and they say they will make you surrender by December. Just FYI because they look pretty bad.
Now I’ve learnt somthing, I won’t be so inapp, But for sure, I cannot say that for EVERYONE…..