Our Current Position


It seems as though IW have dropped out of this war, they have turned Neutral. On another comment on ACP, it seems as though Nachos will drop out too. They said “If IW are out, consider Nachos out too” Is this turning into a everyone Vs. NW war? Stay tuned to find out and see, but for now, this is the only news so far.



Hey guys,

This post is about our current position in the war, where we stand and who is with us. This started out as a No Allies war, but surprise, surprise, IW called for help and have gathered together a couple of allies. This doesn’t mean anything, as if IW want to play at that game, we can play at it too. I’m basically going to list out the current sides, and comment about the war in general. If you are on the following list please private chat Mchappy often! We have gained some allies too over the past weeks and here is what our side is shaping out to look like:

  • Army of Club Penguin
  • Watex Warriors
  • Golden Troops
  • Rebel Penguin Federation
  • Fire Warriors
  • Oreos
  • Underground Mafias Army
  • Doritos of Club Penguin
  • Black Panthers
  • Puffle Warriors
  • Elite Marines
  • Ice Vikings
  • Club Penguin Rangers
  • Dark Warriors
  • Purple Heads
  • Team Black
  • Cowboys
  • Impossible Mission Army Force
  • Icy Fighters
  • Non-Member Army
  • Ranger Troops
  • Tough Dudes

More are joining our side every day. We don’t necessarily have an alliance name yet, but that can be arranged if it is needed. More armies are joining our side in the war, and this could very well turn out to be the next world war depending on what happens. Don’t feel left out, your army can still join ACP’s side, just fill out a form below and I will add you to the list. Easy as that, simple right? [I have filled it out in ACP’s information, please fill the form out in your army’s]

Army’s Name: Army of Club Penguin

Army’s Main Colour(s): Green

Site link: http://acparmyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com/

We hope to see more armies join our cause as the war progresses, it doesn’t matter how large they are, any army counts! In advance, thank-you for sticking by ACP’s side. Remember, this isn’t in vain we do have opponents to face in this war, although there isn’t many there are quite a few large armies, but I’m sure we can overhaul them easily. If you are wondering who we are facing, here is a short, simple list:

  • Night Warriors
  • Blue Miners Army

Again, even though the list is small, they are quite large, and together they could be quite a formidable force: We should not underestimate them. This war could become the next world war, it could be another 3 day war where nothing exciting happens and in the end there is a clear winner, but one thing is for certain: We will stick together as an army, flipper in flipper and never give up, because we are, The Army of Club Penguin.

I want every ACP soldier to try to comment on every post, and show that you are active and that you can come to the battles so we know what numbers we will be working with. This shouldn’t be very hard, all you need to do is comment “I’ll be coming”  or “I can’t come..” It’s as simple as that! In conclusion, this is a war that may last for a long time, or may not. We must not underestimate the opposition, and if you wish to join our side in the war; please comment! ACP is counting on you.


I want to thank everyone who has congratulated me over the past week, on my promotion for 3ic. I’m really happy that I have been welcomed into the ACP community with great kindness, and I want to repay the favour over the coming months. I wouldn’t have ACP any other way, it’s perfect the way it is and I’m so glad I could be apart of this great army, yeah, I know, very cheesy, but it’s the truth. Until next time..


48 Responses

  1. First! ( i think!) lol!

    Hehe Nachos are full of noobs!

  3. UACP
    United Army Of Club Penguin
    That should be our alliance name

  4. Or UACP as
    United Alliance of Club Penguin
    You Decide

  5. …I’m in ACP and Puffle Warriors xD

    But I’ll be attending as a PW soldier, is that okay? :3

  6. Flipper in Flipper lol.
    Let’s do this baby.

  7. Army name- Icy Fighters
    main color- light blue

  8. Im EPIC, active, and can come to the battles.

  9. i dont understand..the big list of armys,are they the ones that r on our side? if so YEEHEE I MADE DA GOOD CHOICE

  10. I’m just commenting because I didn’t want flipper to be sad :O haha

  11. o yea im in kocp the kings of cp they are very helpful and will help u on snow globe i think some acp guy created it im an owner there

  12. im atcive were cool

  13. Nachos are gonna get crushed!!!

  14. 3/4 of the ACP alliance doesnt show up or do anything and UMA, Oreos are on IWs side thank you very much!

  15. Army Name: Non member army

    Armies main colours: Dark blue and brown

    Site Link: http://www.nonmemberofcp.wordpress.com

    Hi we are a small army that get from around 8-20 on cp!

    ~Robert1998 (NMA leader)

  16. Ranger troops
    we are currently invading tg but we’ll try to help

  17. Nice try listing a bunch of armies. I bet most are nuetral, for example, I am Advisor of the ClubPenguin Rangers, and we are in no way helping ACP.

  18. can we be allies my name is teh link to our site we are the sleet bandits u may remember us from being in the last infantry. we want to help u again so just tell me if u want to be allies in this war

  19. 1.united kingdom knights
    3. don’t have on yet…………………..
    but soon………..

  20. let’s destroy our opponents

  21. Army’s Name:Mountain Warriors

    Army’s Main Colour(s): Black and White

    Site link: http://mountainwarriorsofclubpenguin.wordpress.com/

  22. RPF wont help you with IW, just NW, Nachos, and BMA.

    We made a treety with IW before you asked us into the war so we’d prefur to honor it.

  23. Be happy that you’re actually welcomed while I get shunned like an outcast.

  24. Gordon, you keep trollin’ ACP and you give no respect whatsoever. Wow, im so proud of you 😉

  25. We actually have over 10 small armies like you too :D. But this war is probably over since IW have dropped out and this war was ACP vs IW… If IW are out then consider Nachos out.

  26. Roman Penguin Battle force
    colour: red and blue
    site: http://romanpenguinbattleforce.wordpress.com/ranks/

  27. This war looks awsome and hopefully I’ll be at all the battles.

  28. Sounds good to me 😀

  29. very nice sharing .. Thank you contributors.

  30. Why don’t you call yourselves the delta alliance? I don’t really have a use for that name anymore. You can have the site as well for all I care

  31. Cool thnx Callum i was just about to do comment LOL

  32. Omg, I can’t believe Nachos and IW have dropped out, they are what in my view make battles fun: Pwning them!

    Anyway, since e are now the only big army I guess we will win. 😀

  33. hello

  34. undercover cp army should be up there

  35. Army name: CA (cheese army)
    army color: black and white
    Site: http://www.cheesearmyca.wordpress.com

    I’m joining because ACP DCP RPF and UMA are all allies of CA.
    ACP sort of does have an alliance. the klondike alliance. Is there a site for it?
    and also, I thought GT merged with TG?

  36. 1.CPF club penguin flyers
    2.light blue and dark green
    3. idk the link but you can look up club penguin flyers and click the first 1 because there is more than one club penguin flyers army so please make us allies im in acp and cpf

  37. I want SWAT and ACP to be allies

  38. bma dropped out of the war…

  39. i hope iw come back or nw stay in

  40. Hmm…. This is heating up. I will try to be as active as possible!! But it is hard. Because I must juggle other armies and my activeness with this one.

  41. Tough Dudes lmao

  42. 1. Mac army of cp
    2. Red/Blue/black
    3. No site due to being hacked…..

    1. Blue puffles of cp
    2. Blue
    3. Bluepufflesbackup.wordpress.com

  43. 1.Team Camouflage of CP
    2./Light Green/Dark Green/Brown/
    3. http://teamcamoofcp.wordpress.com/

    We will provide reinforcements if possible!

  44. my name was areoboy and in a pvtrived

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