Read about ACP’s progress so far!
Make sure you keep an eye out for new posts on the right sidebar (Recent Posts). We’re doing so much in a short amount of time, you need to make sure you’re reading everything and keeping up. Thanks for your cooperation.
Enn: Awwww thanks boomy boy! =) I’m sure the Dream Team will do great! 😀
I’ll make it bigger since no one read it:
Note: These are NOT promotions, they are just your previous rank converted to the new rank scale. You should be approximately the same rank. Promo Day will be coming up shortly.
I’ll start by saying I’m incredibly pleased with the interest of many soldiers to rejoin. For this reason I would like to welcome back:
Dryvit, Jedimaster17, Ennbay 0, Jediseth, Casiusbrutus, Hattrick, Rapidy, Meggis1234, Talyor455, and countless others (comment on this if you want me to welcome you back as well).
“now the acp will be scary D=
boomer ish back with millions of others”
~77 Hockey, Nachos Leader
Click the more tab below to view the new ranks.
Important: Active Counts never find everyone who is actually active, so if you have been left off the ranks, you need to comment on this post with:
1. Your CP Name (Or the one on the ranks)
2. Your previous rank (I have the old ranks, I can tell if you’re lying, and if you don’t know, I can check)
ACP is stacked with excellent Lt. Generals and up right now, and if we can get all of you active, ACP will be a force in Club Penguin Armies for a long time.
Anyway, here are the new ranks.
Please Note: No one was demoted, there are just less ranks. Your rank should still be approximately the same distance from the mod line. Because of this, the old rank of Major General may be equivalent to Brigadier General, and Brigadier General may be equivalent to Lt. Colonel. If you feel you were demoted, talk to me on chat so I can explain this better.
General of the Army: Boomer 20
Head General: Dryvit, Ktman, Jedimaster17
Commander General: Tylov5, Ennbay 0, Foxtails
——Owner Line——
Division General: Batintrenche (Alpha), Packer1 Nfl (Alpha), Dr Nono Jr (Delta), Dragon 720 (Delta), Thomas0270 (Echo), Bfan212 (Echo)
General: Divotoo, Ganondorf787, Iasgae56, Ironkid2894, Jediseth, Motor20, Person535, Redrarehound
Lt. General: Bluey92123, Casiusbrutus, Clintos007, Coolguy12348, Hattrick, Klug1234, Noka11, Obiwan4321, Rapidy, Sonic The 1, Tomtwelve, Yanksrule14
Major General: Adav01, Amitc87, Axevolution, Cooper30, Fallingtail, Farsight, John16126, Larry Guy 4, Lillie Rose, M3adow Sue, Meggis1234, Mrnooner, Oberst543, Pinkgirl1114, Pizzasox24, Snooper1999, Snowballpink, Starlorb3, Talyor455, Totaln00b, Waddlebox123, Zdoger
——Mod Line——
Brigadier General: 24keyser, Bp98, Brad448, Coollove152, Cristiano50, Djgtjvgyhxgy, Fiasco 121, The Flapjack, Fresca39, Hasanb123, Jcapp64, Johnhandcoff, Johny 4, Lsund, Lucario564, Maxi96203, Maxthepen, Noseycjr, Painttheskygrey, Rider4429, Robotizer1, Sky Warroir, Starwars5467, Twingy, Wolvetone, Woton, Wurburt45348, Uno148
Colonel: 123nico26, Aberacer, Adioboard, Aero Master, Apocolypse66, Blky3001, Bluesockwa2, Bluuie 778, Candycloud19, Crazyboy86, Cuncer2545, Dommo3, Dopefacedbro, Engel Boy 23, Great Akoo, Happyman444, Itunesgeek1, Jjdj235, Kaisin, Kenneth1000, Lucky 888, Matre10, Monsterfully, Mr Icefin, Mxz100, Ninja Shodow, Rhino25, Rkjcbo, Robin888, Rock71, Soccergal688, Spongie555, Teeski11, Trooper7890
Lt. Colonel: 3liocon, Bluebirdboy1, Bluesockwa, Blupichu, Chase50, Chekmatter, Clack Iii, Cody765, Cold Pizza, Cooldude7401, Corymigs2, Dan 9765, Dan Popper, Dueree, Freepro, Frostbeetle8, Harvin13, Hawkboy16, Ibarreche, Juneau2, Jupiter5, Pengreen1234, Penguin Pen, Penguiny 36, Redsox07, Shadowhero99, Sklooperis, Smsm3, Spiff313, Stumpy Narf, Terimea345, Tuxy9349, Xbd1, Xhuntercorey
Major: 3yell, Ajk 89, As334, Blackyoshi, Blizzardbox, Cars48487, Danny9632, Danthemanr1, Flipper 6998, Fooberedo, Fredfred Bur, Goldmanager, Gph136, Greeniedude1, Heatblast401, Icebear10, Igdogjr916, Jakesyl, Leaderbird, Leumas454, Lincoln31543, Littleguy04, Mchappy2, Mrchips10, Mrtchy, Ocean Wave11, Patchy99, Pink23art, Pinkgirl3919, Pte Baron, Rexrider, Soccer793, Speeder109, The Maniac10, Titanic95594, Yould
Captain: Andrew 100, Anirko11, Auburndude, Blackpen1234, Bluenev1, Charliem21, Cowbay, Darknis124, Eettuuyy, Fliperboy7, Johnnyluke, Jordan502, Julia7070, Kong7, Littlebunse5, Mandalore, Muesxaico, Randomness9, Riccorock, Riverboy879, Rogueunit10, Scruffy516, Smiley8years, Sown Man, Srgt Flame, Wetty5, Youg3
1st Lieutenant: Bighead2496, Darrenkinz, Ditto230, Exblade315, Fern1232, Freddy257, Guymed, Jcman8, Joey Anthony, Kamino56, Mobius 4, Panthers Bas, Sjanetsky, Stton, Supercool116, Tomphas, Vio789, Walewaf, Wenny123abc, Yoda 1000, Zelmania
2nd Lieutenant: Albaro, Btime6, Bumpy1234, Cca, Cin Con, Dorthel3, Dragons318, Ekpenguin9, Flip223, Frazpen, Guyperson22, Jojordan12, Ketety, Koolstear, Lakerboy818, Lazlo1235, Nikkimom, Pengopopper, Red Jaguar 1, Silver2253, Sky380, Tireoin1, Werty1595, Wizzfizz1, Zebby Queen
Warrant Officer: Alybaba77, Blackjack000, Blazeion, Bluey Mic 12, Cheese 679, Cpkid8888, Cublikefoot, Extremeskis, Fun123fun, Gadunka345, Hiry, Joklo Yellow, Jordan787, Jtzink , Jumbo1201, Martion231, Michshark, Misty907, Mjtmastercp, Moks4, Nate Iz Ill, Pingux7, Purple Haste, Pyton Mannin, Qjx2b, Razza779, Semper Fi95, Shahked, Smiley37face, Sport12boy, Stanman169, Steve Tim, Treefrog1027, Uti98, Waldo Frost, Whatuva, Wiggles 2019
Staff Sergeant:
Remember to comment if you are not on here!
1. Your CP Name (Or the one on the ranks)
2. Your previous rank (I have the old ranks, I can tell if you’re lying, and if you don’t know, I can check)
Filed under: ACP |
Boomer: This is NOT promotion day, of course you didn’t get promoted yet…
Ha, I kept my rank from before, how awesome.
what nosey?
damn, same rank XP
Boomer: That’s because this wasn’t a promotion day (ONO)
I knew I was previously a Major General, and I know this isnt promo day, but come on. I was an SMG for 5 months!
Boomer: You may be promoted on promo day, like I said, this wasn’t promo day…
1. Your CP Name (Or the one on the ranks)
Dogsanta (Batintrenche)
2. Your previous rank (I have the old ranks, I can tell if you’re lying, and if you don’t know, I can check)
Leader….. NAH jk i was Div Gen
oh oops ,nvm that
Awesome,the ranks are just like a rl army. When is promo day?
Lt. Colonel
I was demoted to Major. I was a major until the September promos, when I was promoted to Lt. Colonel, and you said that nobody would be demoted, but I was. Can you please correct this?
Omg Ankita is back? 😀
I was the rank bellow mod ranks(major general) but now the rank bellow mod ranks is brigadioer general, so it makes no difference right?or am I suppossed to be in major general wich is now above mods?please answer boomer.
🙁 now im colonel again i liked brigadier general better
can i be brig gen again?
these ranks r unfair for example twingy was a brigadier general and so was i he still is now but i went down to colonel, same with woton. now all the other brigadier generals stayed as brigadier generals but me and Matre10 r colonels. can u fix that plz
Wb everyone!
I was a Seargant Major General. Now im off ranks. Im TinyFinn. Whats up with that!!??
i wish i was a brigadier general again 🙁 that means it will take meh another month to be a mod
I think this way it is much more organized, and we are finally rid of the inactives! xD
1. Your CP Name (Or the one on the ranks) lakerboy818
2. Your previous rank- seargent
ive been on for almost over a year and have been active everyday, thats not a lie, i was also given the ok to become a rank over the mod line
Boomer: haha wth?
oh wait i dont care if im a mod umm the reason is just EVERYBODY that was the same rank as me is now a higher rank then me 😥
1. Pengopopper
2. First sergeant
Lt. General
I was demoted to Major General but I have been as active as any loyal soldier in this army. I potrol three times a day and will recruit every once in awhile with Danny9632. I came to every battle so far since I joined and go to recruiting,wars,battles,practice battles,drills, etc
Sergeant Major General
im sorry i know im acting like a total noob by commenting again and again but i didnt get to explain very well i feel like i got demoted because EVERYBODY that used to be the same rank as me now is a higher rank them me i would have been happy with the rank but why am i the of the ONLY Sergeant Major General to be a colonel.All of my Sergeant Major General friends are now a higher rank then me people like
24keyser,Cristiano50,Uno148,Wolvetone, Jcapp6 and Rider4429 are now a higher rank then me i used to be the same rank as them.Can you plz explain why i was the only one .I go to alot of battles,practices and so on and patrol ACP servers daily or every time i go on cp
I know right, whats your problem Boomer.
u forgot meh D:
Great job on the new Ranks, Boomer! 🙂
1. Your CP Name (Or the one on the ranks) Mrtchy
2. Your previous rank (I have the old ranks, I can tell if you’re lying, and if you don’t know, I can check) Hmm it seems good 🙂 except it just looks like i have a worse rank, dont worry that much, it just looks like that.
I want my old rank back =.=
We went back to the old ranks. THAT IS TEH VEERY SEX0RZ D:
We go back to the originals, and I get one rank down D:
Please Will someone demote me to corporal???????
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! DEMOTE ME back to corporal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i do not want to be eany high rank. not even the rank im at. witch is major. PLEASE DEMOTE ME to corporal
It is very good to have you back Boomer! 🙂
ehh… I was promoted to Lt. General when Major General was still the first mod rank…
So yea, I did actually get demoted…
Thanks alot.
i have been as active as i can be.
Uno148 was a lower rank than me before now hes a higher rank than me.
opps im srry didnt see me under 2nd lieutenat