Ennbay: Fox, thanks for posting about this. I completely agree. Today everyone was arguing, and I’m sick of it. I got it calmed down, and then it started again! From now on, if you fight with each other I will personally get unownered, unmodded, or guested.
P.S. This is mah edit color, I CALL IT!
The title kind of explains it all… =
I’m not trying to blame anyone, I just want to help…
We’ve been arguing about this whole coup thing too much. Meat and Dry (Not blaming yuu guys) can no longer stand to be in the same chat. Dry comes on (Not blaming him) and the arguments break out 🙄
This is the biggest few arguments I’ve seen since Aber and I were still going at each other. That was one of the worst nights of my life, I spent it curled up in bed thinking no one cared about me. Now that’s sad 😐
I’ll personally address those involved:
Shab- Sometimes your opinions are better left unsaid. I’ve had many, many opinions about people I’ve kept private. And I’m sure you have too. But please, just stop, sometimes opinions ARE bullying.
Meat- Meat, I know you hate me and will never in a billion gazillion years listen to anything I say, but honestly, I’m sorry. I don’t think you deserved this, I think you meant well, and I wish I could’ve given you some warning at all. I will ask you, for the bazillionth time, you wanna rejoin? =D
Dry- Yur great too, and I don’t think you deserve the crap you’re getting either. I told Meat that you meant well, and I forget what he said to that but I’ll bet it wasn’t pretty…. ANYWAYYYYYY, just let this go. It’s over now. Leave Meat alone, and I’ll try to get him to shut up once in awhile. Okee? :]
Boomer- Tho yur not involved in the arguments, I still need to kill you. Chainsaw or wrench?
“I’ll bet I can get you all to want Meat back with a chainsaw and a wrench.”
I can, and I will, so don’t push me to that xP
(PS: I named my chainsaw Chainy.)
(PPS: If any other leaders have opinions, please just edit the post. I wanna hear what everyone has to say =D && if someone’d add Meat to the site as an author at least I’d be grateful, he IS a past leader, after all…)
Filed under: ACP |
6th woot 😀
good post but uhh……. did U just APOLOGIES to MEAT. u just really want him back on chat dont u. one time i saw u on chat say “when is meat coming on. im not saying i like him. but atleats he makes chat fun” i was like O_O.
Fox: So I like talking to him, is that bad now??? 😕
Good job Fox 🙂 Rock is that suppose to be an insult?
Fox we all know you have a distinct thirst that you think only Seane can quench. (Fox: Do not… maybe…) As such, you are blinded to some prima facie facts. Seane was warned innumerable times and yet chose to ignore them and continue his meaty ways. (I know.. but still, he meant well, he did, Dry…) I come on chat and see him thrashing the good names of Boomer and myself, spouting outrageous claims of his innocence and his only misdeed was banning someone who called him Hitler. (I know, and I don’t approve of that either, but he’s Meat, just let him be…) If that in itself were not enough, and who here really believes it wasn’t, I am given pictures of Seane doing to me what he did to Rapidy, calling me his Seanistic names on IW chat. (Sorry about that…) I responded apropos by changing his name to Meathead. (Good call, I guess…)And advised him he needed to move along if his only intention was to cause harm on this chat. (He didn’t want to do that…)This idea was seconded by Hattrick. I am not sure where the authority to offer Seane the 2ic spot came from for you, (I asked Boomer if I could and he said sure.) but it is no longer a viable option as I informed you. (Who said you could overrule Boomer???) How this coup for the saving grace of ACP translates to you curled up on your bed in the belief that no one likes you is well beyond my capabilities to understand. (Oh well excuse me for my low ego, Dry.) The Fox I know ( and like ) (Thank you :]) is educated enough and surprisingly self reliant and self respecting enough to know that is just not true. (I was a very different person back then.) I think you may lean a tad towards the dramatics to meat the moment, pun well intended. (I don’t get the pun… but I just want to help him Dry, that’s really all I want…) Thee most well liked soldier in ACP does not curl up and suffer the thoughts of the scorned and scarred. (You were not there. You didn’t know.) Furthermore, I am willing to bet, you did not have need to even look up one word of this comment, am I right? (I’m a walking dictionary.)Fin.
Very true Dry
well said fox and dry
good post =D
Looking back on this post, I wish I had written my statement to Meat differently, and I apologize profusely for my stupidity.
Looking at Dry’s comment, he was 110% correct and I am 120% ashamed. I am very sorry to ACP, Dry, Shab, and most especially Boomer for the trouble I caused, and the trouble I let slide, and the trouble I watched go on, in late 2009. I feel terrible. I’ve never used this word about myself before, but I am thoroughly ashamed.