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Practice War In the Works… But Yet to be Scheduled

All that’s left is picking when the war starts! The practice war that I’ve been planning for days is done except for scheduling. The teams will be ACP and UMA vs. IW and Nachos. I apologize to the UMA for making them fight their allies, but this is the most even way to split it up.  This is a special war that will be tracked with a land map. Here’s the map:



  • Allied armies will invade enemy servers together and defend ally servers together.
  • Conquered servers will work on a rotation; if ACP and UMA conquer 2 servers, ACP gets the first and UMA gets the second.
  • Invasions can only be done by traveling along roads. To travel a road, you or your ally must own the server that it leaves from.
  • Capitals cannot be invaded unless they are the army’s only server left.
  • An army is out when its capital is conquered.
  • The last army standing wins.
  • If two allied armies win the war together, they are both considered victors.
  • Armies cannot invade allied servers.
  • The map will be updated by Dr Nono Jr every time an invasion takes place.
  • Conquerings in this practice war to not apply outside of it; for example, if ACP loses Snow Fort, the DRACP still has it; we just lose it for this war.

The first battle will take place on the only neutral server, Outback, to promote its use as the new war server. I will discuss times with the other leaders to figure out when to start. This is gonna be huge! Stay tuned. Rock on!

-!<~Dr Nono Jr~>!-

44 Responses

  1. Sounds awesome! I can’t wait till it starts! By the looks of things it looks like it will be epic!



  4. this is gonna be awesome!

  5. 8th

  6. I love how you guys still think you’re larger than the Nachos. 😆 Besides that, sounds like a good idea!
    Oagalthorp: They are larger, and the Nachos’s chunk of land takes up more room than the ACP’s chunk of land . . . 🙄

  7. Sounds like risk :/

  8. Oh, btw IW owns 15 servers xD

  9. STFU, Wotons (D) We are bigger than them.


  10. IM SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! dont make the times for battles monday-friday 3:00pm or earlier because i have school.

  11. Awesome 😮 THIS IS AWESOME 😀

  12. Wow, this is really cool.

  13. that sounds really fun and awesome!!!!

  14. oh and woton shut up!!!!!!!!!! ACP is way bigger than the nachos! the first 3 ranks in ACP have atleast 100 soldiers. the 2nd lowest rank the nachos have has like 40 soldiers. only private for the nachos has over 100. just look on ranks for ACP vs. nachos, Corporal, Sergeant, and Warrant Officer r packed!

  15. cool

  16. OMIGOSH. Awesumz. The Map is like SOOOO Epically Cool. Awesome Job. Can’t wait till the battle 😀

  17. stinks im sespended from chat but i might retire from acp ( not because of that) because acp is not the same as it was any more to many people take pictures of what ever you say and do. ( like being watched in juvy 24/7) its just getting out of hand with people over reacting.

    example- someone says im gonna get your ip- you dont go like OMG SOMEONE IS GONNA KILL ME be real kids 95 percent of the time they dont even know what there doing.

    another example- a death threat- be real kids they cant come to your home in less you gave out your real pic phone number adress etc and if they do you can call the cops

    last 1 over reacting- to many people over react if you know your not aloud on chat rooms then dont go on 0_0 or go on but when your mom or dad comes quickly open up cp or something just calm down if i was leader i could care less what people do as long as they dont make people quit and well if your having problems in acp you should talk insteed of going off screaming.


  18. Damn…UMA has to work with the miltia.

  19. OH My God! I can’t wait and plz don’t make it Monday thru Friday make. It on Saturday plz well ill see u there

  20. 20th this will be so awesome

  21. Awesome and genius 🙂 Can’t wait for it, we will own!

  22. awesome, but make the times at least 3:00 central or later or i cant make it.

  23. what happens if the server u want to invade is on the 2nd list cause u know how CP does it 1 list of servers on the left the 2nd on the right can u take the server next to the server u want to conquer and then go their and i dont know the list but say ACP is about to take subzero but their on list of servers on the right do they have to take the server next to Subzero then they can go to suberzero?

  24. Wotonz means in troops oagal, which, since FW merged into nachos, are actually bigger.
    Oagalthorp: I guess we’ll see about that. 😉

  25. Eh….

  26. JOIN http://clubpenguinaquaarmy.wordpress.com/ TODAY AND BE A LEADER OR POSSIBLY A MAIN LEADER

  27. this sounds like a giant game of risk and OGAL SHOULD ONLY MAKE MAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oagalthorp: :mrgreen:

  28. IT SHOULD BE iw AND ACP VS UMA AND nachos!!!!! i read the uma peeps post i get it nachos are lager it would be like armagedon if we dont change this.

    TO UMA,
    ogal only said nachos had more land than the acp not more soilders…….

  29. Wait, are Raids allowed, not to claim the server?

  30. wow this will be epic. I miss world war 3 That was my first war and it is still my favorite this ia probally justlike it cant wait

  31. dont make it on saturday i have to go to church 🙁


  33. who goes to church on saturday oh and can me it if its not on sunday

  34. oops i meant i can come if its not on sunday

  35. I go to curch saturday night its better than sunday morning you can get diner after.

    shabs still a communist though

  36. Maybe we could have a WWIII Reinactment or something?

  37. this is so cool it be even more cooler if i had a rank come on dryvit

  38. this is gonna ROCK. If we can find a bigger war, we’re at WWIIII

  39. because of the word “practice,” i’m skeptical.

  40. We should have an old soldier reunion.

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