Top 10 Armies Version 2

On a normal day, this would be included with the previous listing, but I didn’t think about it until after I posted it.  In addition to the previous list, which incorporates a lot of different factors into the size of an army, this one is strictly based on site viewership.  There’s no arguing statistics, but please note, you can be a good army and get lower hits, or vice versa.

If you want your army to be listed here, make sure you have a Whos.Among.Us widget on your site, and then give me your site’s link.  I will add you to the list.

Here is the list so far (the first number is the average number of viewers at one time [average throughout the day] over the span of a week, the second number is the average maximum number of viewers the site had during the day over the span of a week):

  1. ACP (Army of Club Penguin)  |  11.9  |  32.4
  2. Nachos*  |  N/A  |  N/A
  3. IW (Ice Warriors)  |  2.7  |  11.6
  4. FW (Fire Warriors)  |  2.1  |  8.7
  5. WW (Watex Warriors)  |  1.9  |  8.6
  6. ST (Shadow Troops)  |  1.7  |  10.4
  7. RPF (Rebel Penguin Federation)*  |  N/A  |  N/A
  8. DW (Dark Warriors)  |  1.0  |  7.9
  9. IMAF (Impossible Mission Army Force)  |  1.0  |  7.6
  10. CPRA (Club Penguin Rulers Army)  |  1.0  |  6.7
  11. BB (Black Bandits)  |  0.9  |  6.4

*Estimated Position due to widget displaying hits from other sites in addition to their own, inaccurate data

Larger armies without widgets (in order by estimated hits count):

  1. UMA (Underground Mafias Army)
  2. BP (Black Panthers)
  3. Romans

To be added to this list, you must have an accurate Whos.Among.Us widget on your site, and then provide me with your site’s link.

How to Install a Whos.Among.Us. Widget:

  • To get a Whos.Among.Us. widget, click HERE
  • You must then click the tab “Non-Javascript” below the peach-colored box
  • Copy the code within the box
  • Go to your site (you must be an Admin) and add a text widget (WP-Admin | Appearance | Widgets | Text)
  • Title the widget whatever you want, and then copy the code into the body of the text box

In addition to this list, you can view the all encompassing Top 10 Army list HERE.


33 Responses

  1. Boomer the rpf site is real, its just all those haters going on it XD.

    Boomer: Actually yours is combined with the Nachos’, so 80% of those are actually on the Nachos site…

    And then the Nachos is combined with you and tons of other ones so their’s is over 1,000 most of the time.

  2. Boomer, if you click on ours, it goes to the real one. What it says is just an image and doesn’t affect anything =\ Urggh (D)

  3. Nachos Average Max This week = 37.7 – RPF’s = 34.7
    Nachos Average Throughout the Day = 13 – RPF’s = 11

    Boomer: How do you figure out how much is RPF’s and how much is yours?

  4. 6th

  5. […] Comments weazelkid on ACP NationCoolroad Man on Top 10 Armies Version 2wurburt45348 on Division RegistrationPerson1233 on Top 10 Armies Version 2Person1233 on […]

  6. @Boomer

    It’s pretty much a guess, BUT.. I’ve never seen RPF taking up more than 2 of the viewers.

    Boomer: Seems to be about 1-3 for RPF when the total is about 15. I could probably figure it out, but my math skills basically die during the summer, but I’ll look into it. Maybe something like 85% of the hits are yours so I’ll see how that factors in.

  7. the only reason dw is 7th is cuz thwy made a new site -.-

  8. Nachos have like 1000 people online at a time, or the Whos.Among.Us widget always says so. I don’t get the thing with Nachos + RPF = Hit pwnage, but ehhh.

    Boomer: The Nachos’ version is displaying for many more sites than just those two.

  9. 12th

  10. cool boomer 😀 and old smileys are back 😀 😀

    P.S. i have to see if this work XD – :dwarf – :paladin

    Rock on acp!

  11. The image of our Whos.Among.Us widget has nothing to do with the actual stats 😕 The image is the Whos.Among.Us widget for the Whos.Among.Us website XD

  12. We got the widget okay boomer, u should make it the top fifteen.

    BTW we have about 7 troops at battles and we had a 25+ active last active post and 9 so far in the active post i made today.

  13. we have the widget

  14. there is a army called the Club Penguin Gang Army there prety big. They been on the nachos top ten before.

  15. cool

  16. You take this WAY too seriously, Boomer. 😛

    Boomer: It’s not serious at all, it’s just for fun 😀

  17. I have nothing much to say. Cool…

  18. boomer add

    HAOCP – haho4’s army of club penguin


  19. im NOT a stalker

  20. as a person on chat accused me of being.

  21. Lulz. These actually are probably some of the most accurate Top 10 Army lists in CP. Although, I think RPF was underestimated in the first list.

    Good job, Boomer. *pats on back* 😛

  22. cool were at the top every time xD

  23. MA2 is gonna make the top ten one day

  24. why can’t we be the 2nd strongest army i mean we were beating you guys real bad 2 strong armies versing ice warriors acp and nachos cant take us out and your leader saint didn’t come to the war acp is falling a part i say that iw should be 2nd biggest army xD

  25. Team Gold Is as big as IMAF O_O

  26. Firstly I’ll try to get RPF a new widget, but I’m not an editor on the RPF site. Secondly I’m glad you revisited the way of writing the top ten armies, but I still dont like howe you did it. You can write up the ten largest armies and use this method. But if you’re just saying the ten best armies then you have to base your statistics on what armies are strongest in battle.

    I’m not saying RPF should be ranked thid, or even top five, but it should count for something that we beat IW in an unscheduled practice battle yesterday.

  27. FRSW Flamming RockStar Warriors
    has a whos among us widget
    the site is
    plz add us
    -Foo Fighter/Slobbysnake Leader of FRSW

  28. hey could you start watching my site?
    It probably wont come close to the top ten for a few weeks, but it’s worth a shot!

  29. FRSW, meh army,
    these are the results:
    average: 4
    Maxium average: about 8-9
    -Foo Fighter/Slobbysnake

  30. CPL Club penguin Lightning
    Have whos among us widget

    Panthers CPL Leader

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