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Ok, it’s Halloween. Bye.

Commando: Let’s keep in touch; e-mail and Xbox.

Everyone else: Shab is the leader for a week; if he does poorly by the end of the week, tell Commando to e-mail me (no, he won’t tell you my e-mail address).

One last poll: POLL

I don’t care what the hell you do while I’m gone . . . just take back our server! You may ask: How can we take back Mammoth? Here’s your answer: Invade and patrol. Every day after school and on the weekends patrol Mammoth for at least 15 minutes at a time. Who cares what the other armies say? Will the ACP be stopped by a few reluctant members of the other armies? No! You will reclaim what is rightfully yours!

And if the ACP leader tries to stop you? That person isn’t fit to be leader; the leader should do what is right for the ACP, not what the other armies want! Without a server you cannot possibly hope to remain Club Penguin’s last superpower-class army!

Here is a famous speeches to inspire you:

“This day is called the Feast of Crispian:
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a-tiptoe when the day is named,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall see this day and live t’old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say “To-morrow is Saint Crispian”:
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars
And say “These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.”
Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
But he’ll remember with advantages
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,
Be in their flowing cups freshly remembered.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now abed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day. “

51 Responses

  1. Dear Oagalthorp,

    I know I do not like you personally, but you have been a great leader. Thank you for creating ACP, thank you for not being selfish and destroying it.

    I say goodbye.


  2. Goodbye oagalthorp.
    good idea about taking mammoth.

  3. Dear Oagalthorp .

    yes Mammoth once was ours but then Nachos Invadied it then UMA invaided it and UMA made it Neutral. Oagal , all armies in ANTA know its Nuetral so they won’t invaid it. the only armies that would invaid it are n00b armies

  4. also you retired two years ago

    please go away and stay away and you have no right to make a poll to invaid it or not , Shab will tell us weather were invaiding it or not.

  5. just so everyone knows Mammoth IS our server Oogal I hate that whenever we we get a new leader you come and say that we should do something and that is cruel cause after that we start rebelling and wanting a new leader

  6. I think we should take back Mammoth.

    Vote Ktman For ACP Judge And Senate!

  7. Shab I hope you’re happy that Oagalthorp’s gone. Because I’m not. If you would go back to a post in the past made by Oagal, you would feel something — something way better than what’s happening now. Oagal’s post’s gave you hope and each time you read them you knew that we were going to do something great, and something fun.

    And yet Shab comes in and takes away the person that created the army that he is in. Either knowing or not knowing that if Oagalthorp had not quit, he wouldn’t be leader today. In fact, he may not be a high rank in ACP if Oagalthorp had not quit. Shab’s sitting there knowing he didn’t thank Oagalthorp for anything. As a matter of fact I can’t recall anyone thanking Oagalthorp. Not even I have thanked Oagalthorp like I should’ve.

    Thank you, Oagalthorp. Thanks for the Up’s and even the Down’s. Thanks for your support in me for the leader elections. Thanks for the good times in the past. Thanks for the high ranks you gave me. And most of all, thanks for giving me some fun out of my actual life. Thank you, Oagalthorp

  8. For all the haters of Oagalthorp:

    He knows better than all of you. He is the creator of ACP. Some people who recently joined (6 months is recently) will just back up your leader so you can get promoted. Who was the first soldier in ACP? Oagalthorp. Who made it such a big army? Oagalthorp. Who cared about Mammoth? Oagalthorp. Who actually sent us to war? Oagalthorp.

    Maybe he is a dictator, but at least he knows what he is doing.

  9. i agree mirros/zamros.

  10. Let’s take back Mammoth!!!!!!!

  11. oagalthorp is a genius!

  12. we cant take back mammoth guys!

    Its a Neutral Server, No one can take it over unless the UFPA un-Neutralises it!

    (UFPA is army that held mammoth and made it Neutral)

  13. Goodbye Oagalthorp. You were my CP inspiration and a great leader. I wish you peace and good fortune the rest of your life. ^^


  14. mrnooner, he retired in march…this year. 🙄 on march 16, he gave…the poll. dun dun dun dunnnn! do we disband or live on? obviously, we went with the second one. but was that the right choice…

  15. neutral…until we take it back. if we start a war, my attitude would be: so what?!! it seems like we haven’t had a REAL war since…who knows when?!

  16. I never really liked Oagal when I first joined in July, but when I looked back to the old posts when he was still in charge. I had hope and he inspired me to go and patrol Mammoth. Then, I saw a group of PSA attacking and (I don’t care if you belive this but I told a lot of other people. Wether they were all ready ACP or civilians, I lead them. I couldn’t get enough of Mammoth back then, it was the place where ACP was made. We had many memmories in Mammoth and I don’t care if it’s neutral server. I vote that we take it back. I’m not going to take it back without ermission. Shab, if you want to have a rebellion and eventually retire the worst ACP leader, then continue to mess around. But if you want to save ACP history and bring back ACP to where it used to be, take back Mammoth. It’s your choice Shab……

  17. Rapidy is right. Without Oagalthorp there wouldn’t be any of this right now. Everybody has met new people and become friends with one another and that wouldn’t be if Oagalthorp hadn’t given us such orders. Look at all the things he has done for us, and this is the way we repay him. I think we should take back Mammoth but not by invading it. Here is what i have in mind.

    1.We contact all the armies that want Mammoth for themselves.
    2.We make a specific date to have a war (It should take place in a big room like the Dock.Though if there is not enough room it could be in various rooms)
    3.Keep fighting until ACP wins.

  18. But then we would be dictators Stev……..we need to find a way to own Mammoth in the least violent way………if we don’t want to make enemies for life!

  19. dear oagalthorp …..
    F*** OFF -.-

  20. Dude. LET IT GO! Ur not leader of ACP anymore. If Shab wanted to retake Mammoth, we would have done it by now. Get it through ur thick skull, Ur not the freaking leader anymore. How many times do I have to say it. Quit making polls, ur gonna cause a ACP Revolution. Im like close to quitting ACP because of u. LEAVE MY ARMY THE *ELL ALONE! Im reporting u to wordpress.com

  21. ctar it may not be his army but it is still HIS wordpress.


  23. Wow oagal,

    hopefully this will be the 9th and last time you said goodbye!

  24. Alright, can’t you all see what’s going on! ACP is falling apart! And it’s all because Shaboomboom and Oagalthorp are only thinking of themselves. What would make them look good. What would make them get lots of respect. WE NEED LEADERS THAT WILL LOOK OUT FOR THE ARMY, NOT THEMSELVES! Jedi hasn’t helped either, almost quitting and blaming Shaboomboom for all the troubles. We need to get back into shape. And enough of this diplomatic stuff. Next time some army threatens us, we should deffend out land. No matter who it is. I’m sick of being in an army where we don’t go to battles. If it keeps on going like this, than I wont lie, I’m going to quit.

  25. Alright, can’t you all see what’s going on! ACP is falling apart! And it’s all because Shaboomboom and Oagalthorp are only thinking of themselves. What would make them look good. What would make them get lots of respect. WE NEED LEADERS THAT WILL LOOK OUT FOR THE ARMY, NOT THEMSELVES! Jedi hasn’t helped either, almost quitting and blaming Shaboomboom for all the troubles. We need to get back into shape. And enough of this diplomatic stuff. Next time some army threatens us, we should deffend out land. No matter who it is. I’m sick of being in an army where we don’t go to battles. If it keeps on going like this, than I wont lie, I’m going to quit.

  26. oagle your right we need to take mamoth back

  27. we need mammoth soon lets surpise attack them

  28. Look, who cares if we break some alliance?
    That’s the whole point of ClubPenguin Warfare.

    We can’t stay like this. Ok, we are’nt exactly ”falling apart” but we need to start a war. So many people hated Oagalthorp because he made stuff fun and started wars. And even been a dictator is part of the fun.

    It’s not real wars or anything like that, but what is the whole point of ClubPenguin Warfare without war?

    And all you people who will just answer ”Do you us to lose our allies, noob?” then go create ClubPenguin Peacefare or ClubPenguin Pissfare.


  29. *****Do you want us to lose our allies, noob? (Spelling Mistake)

  30. Vote Matthewmsh1 governor of Snow Globe!

    I have been in ACP for four months. With the recent, “Your a noob that barely joined last month” idea, I have to say, that they just take after one side of the story. Stev doesn’t, he is awesome. If elected I promise to set up partol squads to protect the city. I will also throw parties to keep activness. (These events are in Snow Globe) Vote Matthewmsh1 for governor of Snow Globe!

    P.S Stev, I want to have a freindly campain, along with any others running for Snow Globe. (Including Foxtails)


  31. I couldnt agree more with Tylo ACP is falling apart we are so only thinkin of ourselves we have sordman whos asking to be Major to start with in ACP Jedi whos blamed many things on Shab Oogal who cant get the hell off of our site and Head whos been fired I forgot we also have EVERYONE who wants to be ranked they always say IM not ranked or I deserve a higher rank I show up to battles but the real question is how loyal to ACP are u this is ACP the Greatest army in all CP but if we keep it up we’ll be ACP the Worst army of CP all because no one is thinking of one golden rule do to others as others would do to you ACP needs to think of others before they think of themselves


  33. Who cares if it’s neutral. If I wanted mammoth I would just go and take it and destroy any army that tried to stop me.

  34. Yay 😆 When Oagal argues it’s fun xD

  35. Yeah but hunt, it’s not that easy to ”destroy an army”.

    Getting Mammoth will be easier than destroying an army which is trying to stop us from taking it back. Remember the Black Jackets or whatever they were called? There was a last war and if they beat us we would leave CP, if they lost they would leave CP. In the end we won, but they cheated and lied and did’nt disappear. Technically it’s not defeating an army, but actually crushing it and wiping it off the surface of the entire ClubPenguin.

  36. I joined in the last 7 months of the oagal term and all i can say is he was a pretty good leader he UPDATED the RANKS un ilke someone not saying names AND HE KEPT DRACP RUNNING AND ACP MARINES AND AIR FORCE AND NAVY SO HE WAS A PRETTY GOOD LEADER


  38. Exactly, thanks for clearing it up Kingjared 😉

  39. No the great legend is Oagalthorp in a way…
    (For creating ACP… duh)

  40. Bye Oagal. You were a good leader, but this thing about taking back Mammoth isn’t such a good idea.You see, I only get 30 minutes computer time on weekdays, and I don’t want to waste half my time standing around in the Dojo telling other armies to back off. And I don’t think other soldiers would want to do it either.

  41. Oglethorpe, I thought you already left. Twice.

  42. Yeah I know it may be boring doing it, but it is for good cause. :mrgreen: Good cause for ACP at least xD.

  43. ure right oagal we muust protect our servers no matter wat it takes a week ago someone tried to invade mammoth i stayed there to save mammoth and i told ACP and they didnt make anything i also told shab and he doesnt make anything we must patrol and stay alert on our servers

  44. If an army tries to take mammoth just ignore them. Or annoy them.

  45. Goodbye Oagal (again) lol *salutes*

  46. This is so stupid that I don’t even want to comment about it…

  47. oagal just go suck a dick nobidy likes u everyone wants u to die jeese ik wear u live and i live near by

  48. i will get u wit my 12 guage

  49. Oagal come on man you been gone long enought, acp is going crazy without you. Also acp is getting smaller one by one. Dude Just come back. I miss fighting side by side with you. Think of the good times. Think about us. We are your family. Please come back bro. :'(

    ~your cousin

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