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SSACP Returns

Hey guys.  Cooltiger413, the former leader of SSACP and ACP Field Commander, has decided to bring back SSACP.  We need all Brigadiers and up to talk to Tiger or myself on chat.  If you are a Brigadier or higher* and you are interested, please submit the following form in a comment on the site:


ACP Rank:

Why you want to join SSACP:

Were you a member of the old SSACP:

Do you have spying experience:

*Exceptions will be made if you were in the original SSACP.  You will be able to apply regardless of your participation in ACP.


Thank you in advance.


Head: Hi guys, Please look below for the project which is the Army Disco! Also visit my new cp cheats site: http://coolestcpcheats.wordpress.com/

29 Responses

  1. hola guys its centar andi want to join because i have been an awesome plaer and i will always follow my orders. I was not an old member of the ssacp i am a petty officer. and yes i have spying expierience

  2. I would like to join SSACP.
    2.Because I want to help protect Club Penguin.
    4.tons of spying experince

  3. whoops I didn’t read the rules sorry. I’m not joining sorry about that I gotta pay attention more

  4. Name: Meggis1234/Darknight 67

    ACP Rank: Fleet Admiral

    Why you want to join SSACP: I like spying, and Im good at ot

    Were you a member of the old SSACP: I asked but never got a response

    Do you have spying experience: Yes. I spied on black jackets, Nachos, and even ACP

  5. Name: Ironkid2894
    ACP rank: Bridaiger (about that, ankita promoted me, but she left my name still in colonel and bridaiger, and she spelled my name wrong in the bridaiger rank)
    Why i want to join SSACP: because i havent got to spy in a long time, and i would like to learn more about it.
    Spy Expereince: Not much besides the time I was put to the project of spying on the Anti-Acp leader(which eventaully pushed him into the shadows, now he is only seen rarley trying to restart his army again)

  6. i forgot the 4th question. No i was not in the old SSACP

  7. sigh i have great experience with spying because i started alot of smaller armies and i had to spy but i guess since i don’t have a rank ill just leave it to you guys

  8. Name: Shortkid8tee aka Koolaidman7

    ACP Rank: Rear Admiral

    Why you want to join SSACP: Well I aint getting far in any other department. Since my return from koolaidman7 I havnt really gotten much and I believe this could be it.

    Were you a member of the old SSACP:
    No, although i was the third member to join ACP . . . ?

    Do you have spying experience: No. Not in CP anyways. I know that I can infact be a good spy though.


  9. Name: Black Icer


    Why you want to join SSACP: I want to continue to serve the SSACP like I once did

    Were you a member of the old SSACP: YES

    Do you have spying experience: TONS :mrgreen:

  10. 1. Leinahrt Pet, Seargent
    2. i am very good at going under cover i can go to the enemies base and get battle tactics and everything.
    3. No
    4.Yes, i have spied on countless armies and helped Acp win small battles.

  11. Name: Sheila Gally

    ACP Rank: Major Generalz

    Why you want to join SSACP: I wanna see it great again!

    Were you a member of the old SSACP: Hellz yea

    Do you have spying experience Pshh tons

  12. I need no application 😛

  13. lenhart pet uhh you dont have your rank

  14. Name: Borja

    ACP Rank: Brigadier General

    Why you want to join SSACP: Its a cool army.

    Were you a member of the old SSACP: YES

    Do you have spying experience: Real good spying expierence

  15. Name: Ctar

    ACP Rank: Brigadier

    Why you want to join SSACP: Because I deserve a higher rank, and I have been in ACP for a year and a half.

    Do you having spying experince: Heck yea. If u need someone to spy, Im ur man, lol.

  16. Note: I meant to add Im a veteran solider in Why you want to join SSACP.

  17. Name: peguin21795

    ACP Rank: Brigadeer General

    Why you want to join SSACP: I like to check it out

    Were you a member of the old SSACP: Yes, but low ranked

    Do you have spying experience: Nope, but I want to learn!

  18. Name: Knight521
    ACP Rank: Brigaider

    Why you want to join SSACP: Because ive always been a great spy and i will be very very helpful in it

    Were you a member of the old SSACP: yes

    Do you have spying experience: O yeah tons

  19. Name: Biokid0

    ACP Rank: Major

    Why you want to join SSACP: Because I pay attention to details, and go on websites daily.

    Were you a member of the old SSACP: I tried to apply, but I never got a response either.

    Do you have spying experience: Yes, I’ve spide on RPF, UMA, Nachos, and IW

    P.S. I’m only joining if the no response thing counts, cuz if it doesn’t I don’t think I can. I’m only Major.

  20. Potatoes4


    Cause im good at spying, check many army’s sites, and because i know i can get informatin


    Uma. Also i have tons of other penugins to go on cp and spy with and on chat i have different names i can switch to like frankie14 which no one on acp chat knew i was potatoes4.

  21. Finally!
    I have been waiting months since Maz’s cousin hacked into the site…

    Name: Miroos/Zamros
    I want to have that feeling of a ”medium sized” army again, and probably the best army at spying.
    I was a member of the old SSACP.
    Of course I do…

  22. Name: Superhighfly

    ACP Rank: Brigadier General

    Why you want to join SSACP: It is an awesome army

    Were you a member of the old SSACP: No

    Do you have spying experience: Yes

  23. Name: kpkrocks1

    ACP Rank: Captain

    Why you want to join SSACP: because I was apart of the old ssacp and i like spying

    Were you a member of the old SSACP: yes

    Do you have spying experience: yes i have spied on the nachos during WWIV and RPF during the short lived cold war

  24. W000T SSACP!!!

    Name: Baloon451

    ACP Rank: Major General

    Why you want to join SSACP: Because SSACO was fun and I like that kind of work.

    Were you a member of the old SSACP: Yes

    Do you have spying experience: Yes, I was with SSACP for a little untill the site got ruined and it fell.

  25. *SSACP

  26. where is the site also i will join

    Name: Blueswill
    ACP Rank: Don’t have one because ACP is too lazy to put my name on the ranks page
    Why you want to join SSACP: Cause I want to spy on armies he he he
    Were you a member of the old SSACP: Yes
    Do you have spying experience: A little

  27. Yes! Finally! I have been waiting for months to see what would happen. I am glad that it is back. I was a member of the old SSACP. I was a Head Spy, but then Maz mixed up the ranks so I don’t know what I am now…

  28. Name: Ktman

    ACP Rank: Rear Admiral

    Why you want to join SSACP: To help the ACP and protect it and to do the same for Club Penguin.

    Were you a member of the old SSACP: No.

    Do you have spying experience: Yes, in many smaller armies I have spyed on the bigger ones which I now am apart of. XD

  29. 1.none
    2.i want to keep club penguin safe and protect other penguins

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