Hello everybody!!!
Well as i have been saying for the last 4-6 days i have a project coming on! Well this is it! Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls! I give you…….
The Army Disco!
Here are the dates for it:
Date: Sunday 2nd November
Server: Fjord
Where: To-Be-Announced’s Igloo
Time: Uk time: 8pm, Us Central: 2pm, Us Eastern: 4pm, Us Mountain: 2pm, Us Pacific: 1pm.
The Disco Igloo with have all access to every army and if the armies can please post it on their site. Our last big party was the Army Prom which had a successful 80-120 people there. It filled our igloo very quickly and i was suprised of how many people attended and sent me buddy invitations 😀
The Rules:

Your Host,
P.s: CAN ALL THE ARMIES PLEASE POST THIS ON THEIR SITE ( COPY AND PASTE MY POST ) Also can the editors/authors/admins please post UNDER my post as this is important thanks!
Filed under: ACP |
ankita are you going with anyone? xD
3rd and im in vikings but im going in acp uniform
i mean 4th and fith
6th and awsome a disco sweet
COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SEVENTH POST OMG!
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I can’t come 🙁
It’s at 10:00PM for me…
Wait I have an idea! We can go to that igloo earlier if we want right? (well if he’s on) So can’t we have an earlier party as well? An unofficial one I mean.
Then all the people which don’t have advantages in time difference can come! (Well some of ’em).
Im leader of the discovery archers, (ponch ‘the real leader’ hates acp) But i want to settle that. Can we come? the link is http://www.podog.wordpress.com
If you want some action before the army disco, then come over to my party tommorow, on Halloween!
When: October 31st
Why: To celebrate 5,000 hits for this site!
Where: Icicle, Dock (we’ll move around) at 8:00 AM PST.
Who: Everyone!
I’d really appreciate it if you could come! There may be a surprise…
Thats so cool! I can’t wait to go!
Vote Ktman senate and judge!
cool.I ‘ll come. And u should put NBP has an enemy.